什么是GCC GCC(GNU C Compiler)编译器的作者是Richard Stallman,也是GNU项目的奠基者。 GCC是GNU C...
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什么是GCC GCC(GNU C Compiler)编译器的作者是Richard Stallman,也是GNU项目的奠基者。 GCC是GNU C...
Search Order When environment variables and command-line options are use...
Recompiling and Relinking In genaral,linking is a faster than compliatio...
Verbose(冗长的) Compilation The '-v' option can be used to display detailed...
Compiling a Simple C Program The classic example program for the C langu...
安装 打开终端输入:yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf pcre pcre-devel make autom...
Features of GCC GCC is a portable complier -- it runs on most platforms(...
Reference Books An Introduction to GCC Expert C programming A Brief(简短的)...