(未完待续…老友记练听力。一个一个单词码的。过程中有不认识的单词或者短语都会根据序号注释在文末) Joey: Ok,So we went to ...
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(未完待续…老友记练听力。一个一个单词码的。过程中有不认识的单词或者短语都会根据序号注释在文末) Joey: Ok,So we went to ...
近日国家下文对职称评定中,英语不再做一刀切硬性规定,这是迟来的利好消息,也市场经济发展的大势所趋。 我对英语的感情有点复杂,有点像心仪的情人,可...
Q:What is the best thing about having siblings?拥有兄弟姐妹最美好的事是什么? Author:Na...
Q:My girlfriend asked me what her attractiveness rating is, and I said 7...
A:I read out this question to my girlfriend and asked her opinion. She ...
Q:My girlfriend always makes mistakes. I get very angry, she gets mad, a...
Never saw her again. Wish I could.Cause I've never forgotten her!