Provides an R function to download csv files and import them into R from OneDrive shared links
The working function can be found in the ./R directory. Users can clone this repository and use source("*insert_filepath_here./R/OD_DL_csv.r"")
The purpose of this project is to create a method that allows users to download files from OneDrive and read them into R.
First we need to generate a file that will be shared.
x1 <- data.frame(
A = rnorm(30,5,1.23),
B = runif(30,1,10),
C = rpois(30,5)
write.csv(x1 , file = "data/Data_file.csv", row.names = FALSE)
After reading numerous forums a microsoft techcommunity query lead me to this solution.
Once the file was synced to OneDrive I obtained the following shared link:
Original link
replace end with download=1 after ?
This works!!!!
Well this exact code might not work for you as I have edited out my username the url
But please try a shared link of your own
OD_DL_csv <- function(sharedURL, file_name, save2wd = FALSE){
# Save the shared url
URL1 <- unlist(strsplit(sharedURL,"[?]"))[1]
URL1 <- paste0(URL1,"?download=1") # edit URL to make it a downloadable link
# Download the file to a temp directory using the supplied file name
destfile = file.path(tempdir(), file_name),
mode = "wb"
# If the user wants it saved to thier working directory this will copy the file
from = paste0(tempdir(),"\\", file_name),
to = "./")
# return the CSV as a data.frame
return(read.csv(paste0(tempdir(), "\\" ,file_name), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
test1 <- OD_DL_csv(sharedURL = "",
file_name = "testing.csv"
# test copy to directory
test1 <- OD_DL_csv(sharedURL = "",
file_name = "testing.csv",
save2wd = TRUE)
Function is working correctly as of 15/10/2019