is the Apache Zookeeper watcher for Casbin.
go get -u
package main
import (
func updateCallback(rev string) {
util.LogPrint("New revision detected:", rev)
func main() {
// Initialize the watcher.
// hosts can be either a single URL or a comma-separated list of URLs to zookeeper hosts.
// path is the path which will be watched. If not provided, it defaults to "/casbin".
w := zkwatcher.NewWatcher("<hosts>", "<path>")
// Initialize the enforcer.
e := casbin.NewEnforcer("examples/rbac_model.conf", "examples/rbac_policy.csv")
// Set the watcher for the enforcer.
// By default, the watcher's callback is automatically set to the
// enforcer's LoadPolicy() in the SetWatcher() call.
// We can change it by explicitly setting a callback.
// Update the policy to test the effect.
// You should see "[New revision detected: X]" in the log.