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More Animation effects of multiple Tab switching
Implements the effect of the middle button of the bottom navigation
Implements like Wechat icon filter and provide animation change.
Implements the red mark on the TabBar, and can drag
Provide listening to the click event, middle click and badge is dragged away the interface
Reference annotation method, construction TabBarItem
1.Introducing Gradle dependency
repositories {
compile 'com.jpeng:JPTabBar:1.4.0'
2.Add JPTabBar to your main interface layout
3.In your main interface using an array of variables to declare an array of variables, the internal reflection to generate TabItem, attention is:NorIcons are required, the length of each array should be consistent
private static final String[] mTitles = {"页面一","页面二","页面三","页面四"};
private static final int[] mSeleIcons = {R.mipmap.tab1_selected,R.mipmap.tab2_selected,R.mipmap.tab3_selected,R.mipmap.tab4_selected};
private static final int[] mNormalIcons = {R.mipmap.tab1_normal, R.mipmap.tab2_normal, R.mipmap.tab3_normal, R.mipmap.tab4_normal};
Or, you can init in the oncreate
mTabbar.setTitles(R.string.tab1, R.string.tab2, R.string.tab3, R.string.tab4)
.setNormalIcons(R.mipmap.tab1_normal, R.mipmap.tab2_normal, R.mipmap.tab3_normal, R.mipmap.tab4_normal)
.setSelectedIcons(R.mipmap.tab1_selected, R.mipmap.tab2_selected, R.mipmap.tab3_selected, R.mipmap.tab4_selected)
After above, the layout of the TabBar basically has been built. If you want to achieve Wechat kind of gradual change as there are automatically ViewPager to change the function of the page, only in the oncreate Activity method, adding a line of code:(Of curse,If you don't use ViewPager,You needn't use this method)
//The parameters must be extends ViewPager
In addition, if you want to achieve the effect of the highlight button, you need to add the following code in the current widget of the XML, you can use getMiddleView method to get the view you custom in attribute.
1.if you want to achieve the effect of a raised button, you first need to append the following node attribute to the XML control of layout, which represents your custom tabbar button layout
2.in Java , you can get layout objects by the getMiddleView method, and you can optionally set the monitor for the layout inside the layout
View middleView = mJPTabBar.getMiddleView();
3.make sure that the tabbar parent control uses RelativeLayout or FrameLayout as the root node because the highlighted button is added to the parent layout
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Use RelativeLayout or FrameLayout --!>
<!--TabBar --!>
* Show the BadgeView With Text
* default is false ,cannot drag
public void showBadge(int position,String text);
* It is the same with the up method,But the different is,
* The Badge Can draggable when you use true.
public void showBadge(int position,String text,boolean draggable);
*Show the Circle point
public void showCircleBadge(int pos);
* Hide the OVAL Badge
public void hideBadge(int position);
* get if the badge showing
public boolean isBadgeShow(int index)
* Switch Tab page
public void setSelectTab(int index);
* Set the Observer of the Click Tab Event
public void setTabListener(OnTabSelectListener listener);
* set the CallBack of the Badge Dragging Dismiss
public void setDismissListener(BadgeDismissListener listener);
* get the TabMiddleItem View that you set in "TabMiddleView" attribute
public View getMiddleView();
* set TabItem title
public void setTitle(int pos, String title)
* get TabItem
public JPTabItem getTabAtPosition(int pos)
Attribute Name | Attribute Explain | Parameter Type | Default Value |
TabNormalColor | Font and icon of the normal color | color | 0xffAEAEAE(Gray) |
TabSelectColor | Font and icon of the selected color | color | 0xff59D9B9(Cyan) |
TabTextSize | the textsize of the bottom text | dimension | 14sp |
TabIconSize | the icon size of the tab | dimension | 24dp |
TabIconFilter | Set the icon change by the font color | boolean | true |
TabTypeface | set tabitems font typeface | string | null |
TabMargin | Set the icon distance above and below the distance from the text | dimension | 8dp |
TabSelectBg | Set the TabItem Selected bg | color | transparent |
TabAnimate | The animate type of the Tab Switch(None,Scale,Jump....) | enum | None |
TabMiddleView | The middle View of the tab | layout | 无 |
TabMiddleBottomDis | Midlle icon bottomMargin from TabBar | dimension | 20dp |
TabMiddleHMargin | MiddleIcon both the left and right margin | dimension | 24dp |
TabPressAnimateEnable | enable press down TabItem animation effect | boolean | true |
TabPageAnimateEnable | enable page scroll animation | boolean | false |
TabGradientEnable | enable the alpha of the icon to change with the page | boolean | false |
BadgeColor | The background of the badgeView | color | #f00(RED) |
BadgePadding | The background expansion distance of the badge | dimension | 4dp |
BadgeTextSize | The textSize of the Badge | dimension | 10dp |
BadgeVerticalMargin | The badge vertical margin | dimension | 3dp |
BadgeHorticalMargin | The badge hortical margin | dimension | 20dp |
1.If you have given setContainer TabBar, do not setOnPageChangeListener to ViewPager
*If you already have the TabBar set up the container,
*and then call this method,
*the kind of WeChat that drag the gradient effect and automatically switch the page will be invalid
*If you want to listen to the page to change the event, you can use the TabListener
2.If you want to Disable the scroll of ViewPager,you can use NoScrollViewPager in my demo
3.The callback method of onInterruptSelect in OnTabSelectListener only interrupts the case of clicking on TabItem, and does not consider the page slide past and selected.
1.About badge function can not drag, drag, disappear and so on, this problem occurred
in a part of millet mobile phone model, the original author is Through the suspension
window to achieve the explosive effect of badges, such mobile phones by default does
not open the suspension window permissions
2.Flip animation failure problem, because HUAWEI Part 7 mobile phones do not support
setRotationY and setRotationX,The Flip animation is called setRotationY
- Add the Bouncing of the Animation
- Reverse don't click when have no Pager in the Adapter
- Reverse the Bug of When the Pagers count of ViewPager less than or more than the count of tab
- Add the Color FIlter to the Tab Icon When user Switch Tab
- Add the Another init item method
- solve the drawable in the same memory problem,Every time finish the activity,have no Icon show.
- Remove the limit of the titles,You can set without titles
- Fix the position of the badge again
- Add some methods and Update some method's name
- Add the title Filter
- Remove the BadgeDraggable Attribute,and replace with the ShowBadge method
- Add several methods to reduce the TabBar limit
- Fix the problem of height and remove the TabHeight attribute
- Fix BUG, when the app run gradient problem
- Fix Bug,When setUseScrollAnimate (false), the slide TAB animation is not restored
- Change the Filter and ScrollAnimate default is not open
- Change the location of the Badge to the top of the level, in order to adapt to the screen adaptation
- Fix the bug of Touch outside area not responseable in the MiddleIcon Click Event
- Add some dymanic Methods in TabBar
- Add Attributes in MiddleIcon set
- Fix some problems or bugs.
- Updated RotateAnimater
- Add Custom Middle View to replace only Icon
- Add another way to get the StatusbarHeight
- Fix the bug of Customview Layoutparams
- Add another Scale Animation
- Add a new feature that tabbar's icon can display animtion when user pressdown or touchout tabbaritem
- Fix some animations effects
- Fix a crash when pressing down and not using animation
- Update the default animation is None
- adding methods of dynamically modified nodes
- Modify the logical judgment of touch events (switch to other Tab ineminable badges)
- Fix the error value in TabAnimate in attrs.xml
- Exposing the TabItem interface, you can manipulate TabItem directly
- Add the function of the font type for setting up TabItem
- Add the onInterruptSelect callback method to determine whether or not the click event is interrupted
- Remove methods and attributes that have little partial effect, such as message limit
- Add the control to press down the animation effect switch
- Add some TabBar methods, such as modifying a tab title, icons, and so on
- Rename the two method names of setUseScrollAnimate setUseFilter and can be set by nodes
A college student, is still in the study of various techniques...
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