you only need to follow the instructions below and keep the corresponding configuration in 'config.txt' to run. For more configuration information, please visit
server | client |
store.mode: file,db | config.type: file、nacos 、apollo、zk、consul、etcd3、custom |
#only db: | #only file: |
store.db.driverClassName | service.default.grouplist |
store.db.url | #All: |
store.db.user | service.vgroupMapping.default_tx_group |
store.db.password | service.disableGlobalTransaction |
The Script has interactive and non-interactive configuration modes,different patterns are distinguished by different file names.
interactive mode(* or * the script starts the config program in interactive mode on the command line, prompting you for each option.
non-interactive mode(* or * the script use additional config options to specify values for the options you choose during interactive mode, thus scripting the config process.
- Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/nacos/
This command will generate interactive configuration mode, eg:
Please enter the host of nacos.
请输入nacos的host [localhost]:
Please enter the port of nacos.
请输入nacos的port [8848]:
Please enter the group of nacos.
请输入nacos的group [SEATA_GROUP]:
Please enter the tenant of nacos.
Please enter the username of nacos.
Please enter the password of nacos.
Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
- Non-Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/nacos/ -h localhost -p 8848 -g SEATA_GROUP -t 5a3c7d6c-f497-4d68-a71a-2e5e3340b3ca -u username -w password
- Interactive Mode
python ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/nacos/
This command will generate interactive configuration mode like
- Non-Interactive Mode
python ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/nacos/ localhost:8848
Parameter Description:
-h: host, the default value is localhost.
-p: port, the default value is 8848.
-g: Configure grouping, the default value is 'SEATA_GROUP'.
-t: Tenant information, corresponding to the namespace ID field of Nacos, the default value is ''.
-u: username, nacos 1.2.0+ on permission control, the default value is ''.
-w: password, nacos 1.2.0+ on permission control, the default value is ''.
- Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/apollo/
This command will generate interactive configuration mode, eg:
Please enter the host of apollo.
请输入apollo的host [localhost]:
Please enter the port of apollo.
请输入apollo的port [8070]:
Please enter the env of apollo.
请输入apollo的env [DEV]:
Please enter the appId of apollo.
请输入apollo的appId [seata-server]:
Please enter the clusterName of apollo.
请输入apollo的clusterName [default]:
Please enter the namespaceName of apollo.
请输入apollo的namespaceName [application]:
Please enter the dataChangeCreatedBy of apollo.
Please enter the releasedBy of apollo.
Please enter the token of apollo.
Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
- Non-Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/apollo/ -h localhost -p 8070 -e DEV -a seata-server -c default -n application -d apollo -r apollo -t 3aa026fc8435d0fc4505b345b8fa4578fb646a2c
Parameter Description:
-h: host, the default value is localhost.
-p: port, the default value is 8070.
-e: Managed configuration environment, the default value is DEV.
-a: AppId to which the namespace belongs, the default value is seata-server.
-c: Managed configuration cluster name, Generally, you can pass in default. If it is a special cluster, just pass in the name of the corresponding cluster,the default value is default.
-n: Name of the managed namespace, If the format is not properties, you need to add a suffix name, such as sample.yml, the default value is application.
-d: The creator of the item, in the format of a domain account, which is the User ID of the sso system.
-r: Publisher, domain account, note: if namespace.lock.switch in ApolloConfigDB.ServerConfig is set to true (default is false), Then the environment does not allow the publisher and editor to be the same person. So if the editor is zhangsan, the publisher can no longer be zhangsan.
-t: Apollo admin creates third-party applications in http://{portal_address}/open/manage.html, It is best to check whether this AppId has been created before creation. After successful creation, a token will be generated.
For details of the above parameter descriptions, please see:
- Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/consul/
This command will generate interactive configuration mode, eg:
Please enter the host of consul.
请输入consul的host [localhost]:
Please enter the port of consul.
请输入consul的port [8500]:
Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
- Non-Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/consul/ -h localhost -p 8500
Parameter Description:
-h: host, the default value is localhost.
-p: port, the default value is 8500.
- Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/etcd3/
This command will generate interactive configuration mode, eg:
Please enter the host of etcd3.
请输入etcd3的host [localhost]:"
Please enter the port of etcd3.
请输入etcd3的port [2379]:
Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
- Non-Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/etcd3/ -h localhost -p 2379
Parameter Description:
-h: host, the default value is localhost.
-p: port, the default value is 2379.
- Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/zk/
This command will generate interactive configuration mode, eg:
Please enter the host of zookeeper.
请输入zookeeper的host [localhost]:
Please enter the port of zookeeper.
请输入zookeeper的port [2181]:
Please enter the zkHome of zookeeper.
Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
- Non-Interactive Mode
sh ${SEATAPATH}/script/config-center/zk/ -h localhost -p 2181 -z "/Users/zhangchenghui/zookeeper-3.4.14"
Parameter Description:
-h: host, the default value is localhost.
-p: port, the default value is 2181.
-z: zk path.