You can run the project directly,Open the sarfri in the simulator or iphone of the project, enter url: 1.zzrouter://productdetail 2.zzrouter://orderlist?orderid=xxx 3.zzrouter://category 4.zzrouter://homepage
ZZRouter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "ZZRouter"
After you import ZZRouter's pod, you need to do the following:
1.Redirect logic and logic realization of jump mode: new different class implements the ZZRouterJumpTypeProtocol (jump type), ZZRouterRedirectProtocol (redirect logic), ZZRouterSequentialIndependenceProtocol (Logic that independent of the main process )
- Create the plist file for the method configuration, as follows:
- Create the plist file for the URL configuration, as follows:
- Call the method of registering two plist files in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of the AppDelegate class
[ZZRouterHelper registMethodListName:@"RouterMethod" urlListName:@"UrlList"];
5.Configure scheme in URL type
- Remote URL specification:
1.Scheme is the scheme configured inside URL type
2.Host is description of the page function description
3.Parameters after ‘?’
4.Stitching parameters use ‘&’
5.Scheme, host, params are lowercase and conform to the standard URL specification
ZZRouter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.