小时候看《美少女战士》,最喜欢的就是那位绿色BOBO头掌控宇宙时间的美少女战士,关于时间的电影一代一代传下来,因为不可逆性,掌控时间,似乎成了与飞翔一样重要的人类最向往的技能。Timer就是让我们体验掌控时间的一个角色。称为Timer,同时也在完成Communication and Leadership手册中的第4课《时间管理》的。
2-陈述职责:对于大于2分钟的演讲者(除table topic speaker外的所有角色——toastmaster、general evaluator、prepared speech speaker,evaluator、table topic evaluator),绿卡表示2分钟剩余,黄卡表示1分钟剩余,红卡表示时间到但还有30秒总结陈词时间,再超过这30秒即是超时,带领大家鼓掌示意演讲者,同时,prepared speech speaker与evaluator超时者不能参与best投票。对于2分钟即兴演讲者(impromptu speaker),绿卡表示1分钟剩余,黄卡表示30秒剩余,红卡表示时间到但还有30秒总结陈词时间,再超过这30秒即是超时,带领大家鼓掌示意演讲者,同时,超过2分30秒的演讲者不能参与best table topic speaker投票。
3-还需为即兴演讲中每位即兴演讲者(Table Topic Speaker)的20秒准备思考时间计时,时间到做提醒。需为中场Break10分钟计时。需为Write Comments1分钟计时。
4-分阶段报时:Prepared Speaker结束、Evaluator结束、每位TT Speaker的演讲结束都会报时。中场Break需把Prepared Speaker、Evaluator用时写在白板上,将超时者的名字擦去,不参与投票。
6-用时标准:按Toastmasters International标准,既定时间之外30秒内结束的演讲者,都是最佳时间掌控者。例如table topic speaker,用时2分15秒与2分5秒是一样棒的。
Communication and Leadership Project 4: 【Time Management】
【★★★★★】Toastmasters International中对Timer的职责阐述
【★★★★★】Toastmasters International中关于Timer的DO AND DON'T
- Introduce your role: Time management is an important role in delivering speeches, speakers need to be aware of the time and you are here to remind them. You have 3 cards of different color: green one means you have reach minimum required time for the speech, yellow one means that you are approaching the end of your speech and you need to prepare your closing soon, red card means that your time is over and you have 30 seconds to finish otherwise you'll be clapped out of the stage.
- Give some examples of how you will time:
"For Table Topics, the green will go up after 1 minute, the yellow goes up after 1.5 minutes, and the red goes up at 2 minutes."
"For prepared speeches of 5-7 minutes, the green will go up at 5 minutes, the yellow goes up at 6 minutes, and the red goes up at 7 minutes."
- Established eye contact with the speaker when you are showing the card
- Hold the card for at least 10 seconds
- Hold the card high enough for the speaker to see
- Start clapping when the time is up. You are actually helping the speaker to realize that time control is a critical aspect of a speech.
- Shake the card to attract the speaker attention to the card. It might distract the speaker, and it is the speaker's responsibility to check the time.
- Say or apologize it's your first time to hold this role
小时候看《美少女战士》,最喜欢的就是那位绿色BOBO头掌控宇宙时间的美少女战士,关于时间的电影一代一代传下来,因为不可逆性,掌控时间,似乎成了与飞翔一样重要的人类最向往的技能。Timer就是让我们体验掌控时间的一个角色。称为Timer,同时也在完成Communication and Leadership手册中的第4课《时间管理》的。
2-陈述职责:对于大于2分钟的演讲者(除table topic speaker外的所有角色——toastmaster、general evaluator、prepared speech speaker,evaluator、table topic evaluator),绿卡表示2分钟剩余,黄卡表示1分钟剩余,红卡表示时间到但还有30秒总结陈词时间,再超过这30秒即是超时,带领大家鼓掌示意演讲者,同时,prepared speech speaker与evaluator超时者不能参与best投票。对于2分钟即兴演讲者(impromptu speaker),绿卡表示1分钟剩余,黄卡表示30秒剩余,红卡表示时间到但还有30秒总结陈词时间,再超过这30秒即是超时,带领大家鼓掌示意演讲者,同时,超过2分30秒的演讲者不能参与best table topic speaker投票。
3-还需为即兴演讲中每位即兴演讲者(Table Topic Speaker)的20秒准备思考时间计时,时间到做提醒。需为中场Break10分钟计时。需为Write Comments1分钟计时。
4-分阶段报时:Prepared Speaker结束、Evaluator结束、每位TT Speaker的演讲结束都会报时。中场Break需把Prepared Speaker、Evaluator用时写在白板上,将超时者的名字擦去,不参与投票。
6-用时标准:按Toastmasters International标准,既定时间之外30秒内结束的演讲者,都是最佳时间掌控者。例如table topic speaker,用时2分15秒与2分5秒是一样棒的。
Communication and Leadership Project 4: 【Time Management】
【★★★★★】Toastmasters International中对Timer的职责阐述
【★★★★★】Toastmasters International中关于Timer的DO AND DON'T
- Introduce your role: Time management is an important role in delivering speeches, speakers need to be aware of the time and you are here to remind them. You have 3 cards of different color: green one means you have reach minimum required time for the speech, yellow one means that you are approaching the end of your speech and you need to prepare your closing soon, red card means that your time is over and you have 30 seconds to finish otherwise you'll be clapped out of the stage.
- Give some examples of how you will time:
"For Table Topics, the green will go up after 1 minute, the yellow goes up after 1.5 minutes, and the red goes up at 2 minutes."
"For prepared speeches of 5-7 minutes, the green will go up at 5 minutes, the yellow goes up at 6 minutes, and the red goes up at 7 minutes."
- Established eye contact with the speaker when you are showing the card
- Hold the card for at least 10 seconds
- Hold the card high enough for the speaker to see
- Start clapping when the time is up. You are actually helping the speaker to realize that time control is a critical aspect of a speech.
- Shake the card to attract the speaker attention to the card. It might distract the speaker, and it is the speaker's responsibility to check the time.
- Say or apologize it's your first time to hold this role
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