I use Instrumentation to test PhoneApp I wrote my test application via Instrumentation
I created apk and installed it on Nexus One - Android Phone - this passed In my code I am using internal classes that are not a part of standard SDK. I build it not in Eclipse but in my embedded env. I am eng in company that developing for Android so I have and Android tree with all internals libraries.
I use appropriate permissions in my manifest .
my apk created probably signed with some signature !! But probably this signature not good enough.
Now I run test via adb and got this error immediately:
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: id=ActivityManagerService
INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: Error=Permission Denial: starting instrumentation ComponentInfo{com.android.phonetests/com.android.phonetests.PhoneInstrumentationTestRunner} from pid=495, uid=495 not allowed because package com.android.phonetests does not have a
signature matching the target com.android.phone
lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting instrumentation ComponentInfo{com.android.phonetests/com.android.phonetests.PhoneInstrumentationTestRunner} from pid=495, uid=495 not allowed because package com.android.phonetests does not have a
signature matching the target com.android.phone
Please help.