I am preplexed on why I am getting an issue with this Cypher statment when I have a unique constraint on the address of the location node but am using a merge which should find that if it exists and only return the id for the rest of the statment. What am I missing?
Here is my statement:
MERGE(l:Location{location_name:"Starbucks", address:"36350 Van Dyke Ave", city: "Sterling Heights",state: "MI", zip_code:"48312",type:"location",room_number:"",long:-83.028889,lat:42.561152})
CREATE(m:Meetup{meet_date:1455984000,access:"Private",status:"Active",type:"project",did_happen:"",topic:"New features for StudyUup",agenda:"This is a brainstorming session to come with with new ideas for the companion website, StudyUup. Using MatchUup as the base, what should be added, removed, or modified? Bring your thinking caps and ideas!"})
WITH m,l
MATCH (g:Project{title_slug:"studyuup"}) MATCH (p:Person{username:"wkolcz"})
WITH m,l,g,p
MERGE (g)-[:CREATED {rating:0}]->(m)
MERGE (m)-[:MEETUP_AT {rating:0}]->(l)-[:HOSTED_MEETUP]->(m)
RETURN id(m) as meeting_id
I am getting:
Node 416 already exists with label Location and property "address"=[36350 Van Dyke Ave]