Just to chime in here. I have read that VueJS wants nothing to do with the meta stuff so I would do such things outside of the "VueJS" realm.
Basically make a plain vanilla js service like below. Here you could add all the functions to handle the meta data stuff such as the Open Graph data.
export setTitle(title) {
document.title = title
Now we can import the service in main and then provide it to any component in the app who wants it. I could even use my meta
service in other projects too which use different frameworks like React or Angular. Portability is super cool!
import meta from './meta'
new Vue({
render: h => h(App),
provide: {
meta: meta
Here the component injects the meta service it wants to use.
export default {
name: 'someView',
inject: ['meta'],
data: function() {
returns {
title: 'Cool title'
created: function() {
This way the meta service is decoupled from the app because different parent components can provide
different versions of the meta
service. Now you can implement various strategies to see which one is right for you or even different strategies per component.
Basically the inject walks up the component hierarchy and takes the meta
service from the first parent who provides it. As long as the meta service follows a proper interface, you're golden.
Decoupling with DI is super cool 😃
el: document.documentElement
when I needed to update it. Conceptually this seems possible but I've never seen it this way.