I have a dendrogram:

mat <- matrix(rnorm(20*10),nrow=20,ncol=10)
dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(mat)))

And given a depth cutoff:

I'd like to cut all branches that are to the right to that cutoff.

depth.cutoff <- 4.75

I'd like to cut all branches to the right of the dashed line:

plot(dend,horiz = TRUE)

enter image description here

And to end up with this dendrogram:

enter image description here

The closest I got was using ape's drop.tip, but the problem with that is if my depth.cutoff includes all leaves, as in this example, it returns NULL.

Perhaps anyone knows if and how I can delete elements from the nested list which represents my dendrogram if their depth is below depth.cutoff?

Alternatively, perhaps I can convert the dendrogram to a data.frame, which also lists the depth of each node (including leaves which will have depth=0), remove all rows with depth < depth.cutoff from that data.frame, and then convert that back to a dendrogram?


2 Answers 2


cut will cut the tree at a specified height. It will return a list of the upper and lower portions

cut(dend, h = depth.cutoff)$upper

# $upper
# 'dendrogram' with 2 branches and 5 members total, at height 5.887262 
# $lower
# $lower[[1]]
# 'dendrogram' with 2 branches and 6 members total, at height 4.515119 
# $lower[[2]]
# 'dendrogram' with 2 branches and 2 members total, at height 3.789259 
# $lower[[3]]
# 'dendrogram' with 2 branches and 5 members total, at height 3.837733 
# $lower[[4]]
# 'dendrogram' with 2 branches and 3 members total, at height 3.845031 
# $lower[[5]]
# 'dendrogram' with 2 branches and 4 members total, at height 4.298743

plot(cut(dend, h = depth.cutoff)$upper, horiz = T)

enter image description here

  • Thanks a lot @SymbolixAU. Do you know if there's a way to get all branches to end at the same line? Not in the plot but rather in the dend object?
    – dan
    Commented Feb 2, 2017 at 1:30

A perhaps more direct way of getting your picture is just to set the limits that you want to plot.

plot(dend, horiz = TRUE, xlim=c(6,4.75))

Cropped Dendrogram

  • certainly a more 'convenient' way if all the OP wants to do is plot a particular section.
    – SymbolixAU
    Commented Feb 2, 2017 at 0:48

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