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    你听说过奈西,尼斯湖里的怪物吗?尼斯湖是苏格兰一个非常大的深湖。许多人认为一头怪物生活在其中。 关于奈西的第一份报告可追溯到六世纪。一个叫圣科伦...

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    Nessie – the Loch Ness Monster

    Have you heard of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster? Loch Ness is a very lar...

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    电视记者咳嗽了。接着她又咳嗽了一声。另一位电视记者很担心。 "你没事吧?“ 她无法回答。她继续咳嗽。她咳啊嗽啊。 另一位记者拨打了911。 "什...

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    Just a Cough

    The TV reporter coughed. Then she coughed again. The other TV reporter w...

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    Romeo and Juliet

    Many years ago inVerona, Italy, there were two families. '‘We are theCap...

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    【初级趣读】Kimberly's Acting

    Kimberly works as a secretary. She answers phone calls and types letters...

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    【初级趣读】Kevin's Car

    Kevin likes cars. He reads about cars in magazines and he watches shows ...

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    【初级趣读】The Donkey Who Would Sing

    A wild donkey once lived in the woods. He had no friends and lived all a...

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    【初级趣读】Language Confusion

    Laura is at the airport. She waits for her flight. Her flight is to Berl...
