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26篇文章 · 10962字 · 1人关注
  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    What is art? Art is conscious of beauty. Art is masterpiece written or d...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    这几张图主要是模仿日系滨田英明的作品风格:低饱和度+高明度+高曝光。 正如上所示,自我感觉还是没有那种日系小清新的感觉,第一张图是因为阴影的问题...

  • 英语绘本阅读08.23

    单词: 1.fret 烦恼 动词 start to fret 2.holler 喊叫 动词 holler loudly for his mama...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    When I was a child, I was fond of every flower and every tree in nature....

  • Curvy walls

    There are curvy space which is made of curvy and flowing walls. Inside t...

    0.1 58 0 1
  • 英语绘本阅读(003)

    1.It blows flower seeds high in the air and carries them far across the ...

  • A magical tower

    When you lost yourself in gorgeous deep blue world, you will express tha...

  • 英语绘本阅读otter(002)

    1.单词 otter:水獭 bobcat:山猫 mighty:强大的 sliver:薄片 2.词组 swoop down:俯冲 3.句子 The...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    When in the middle of summer, the weater is extremely hot. But fortunate...
