What is art? Art is conscious of beauty. Art is masterpiece written or d...
这几张图主要是模仿日系滨田英明的作品风格:低饱和度+高明度+高曝光。 正如上所示,自我感觉还是没有那种日系小清新的感觉,第一张图是因为阴影的问题...
单词: 1.fret 烦恼 动词 start to fret 2.holler 喊叫 动词 holler loudly for his mama...
When I was a child, I was fond of every flower and every tree in nature....
There are curvy space which is made of curvy and flowing walls. Inside t...
1.It blows flower seeds high in the air and carries them far across the ...
When you lost yourself in gorgeous deep blue world, you will express tha...
1.单词 otter:水獭 bobcat:山猫 mighty:强大的 sliver:薄片 2.词组 swoop down:俯冲 3.句子 The...
When in the middle of summer, the weater is extremely hot. But fortunate...