Darn! Knitting
① The craft is no longer the sole domain of crotchety retirees with idle hands.
② There are more than 1,400 "Stitch 'n' Bitch" groups in 289 cities worldwide, where young women weave political chatter with purls.
③ Men, too, are unpicking stereotypes and taking up the pastime—perhaps inspired by Ryan Gosling, an actor who has admitted to twitching needles on set—noting that it helps to alleviate stress.
④ This weekend, enthusiasts of all ages and sexes will come together in New York for the year's first Vogue Knitting Live, a high-fibre celebration of everything cabled and cross-stitched (it will cast on to Chicago, San Francisco and Minneapolis).
⑤ As well as fashion shows, lectures and discounts from local retailers, there will be intensive classes on "how to knit your first sock without tears or recrimination", the basics of couture knitting and advanced sweater construction.
⑥ Visitors are expected to bring their own yarns, and share plenty too.
darn /dɑ:n/: 表示惊讶或气愤 (比 damn 斯文一点)
knit /ˈnɪt/: vi. 织毛衣;编织
craft: n. 手艺
the sole domain: 独有的领域
crotchety /ˈkrɒtʃɪti/: adj. 怪癖的;坏脾气的
retiree /rɪtʌɪəˈri:/: n. 退休人员
idle hands /ˈʌɪd(ə)l/: 无所事事;游手好闲
unpick stereotypes /ˈstɛrɪə(ʊ)tʌɪp, ˈstɪərɪə(ʊ)tʌɪp/: 打破成见
take up the pastime: 接受 (这种) 消遣方式
admit to: 承认
on set: 在片场
alleviate stress /əˈli:vɪeɪt/: 缓和压力
"Stitch 'n' Bitch": 爱毛线俱乐部 (一个一边织毛衣一边聊天的社交组织,具体介绍可参考维基百科:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stitch_%27n_Bitch)
knit stitch: 正针法
purl stitch: 反针法 (backward stitch)
weave political chatter with purls: 边聊政治话题边织毛衣
political chatter: 政治话题 (相当于 political topics)
twitch needles: 织毛衣 (twitch 表示"抽动") (同义替换 knit)
high-fibre celebration: 高端的盛会 (high-fibre 一般指“高纤维的”,此处双关形容庆典很高端)
cable-knitting: 扭绳图案 (麻花)
cross-stitch: 交叉图案
cast on: 起针 (cast on to Chicago-双关)
cast off: 收针
recrimination: n. 反唇相讥
couture knitting: 织毛衣
sweater construction: 织毛衣
yarn: n. 纱线;故事