Lecture 13: CRISPR
Segment 1: Introduction to CRISPR
Segment 2: Review of Homologous Recombination
Segment 3: 真核生物中的同源重组Homologous Recombination in Eukaryotes
Segment 4: Cell Cycle Terms
Segment 5: Cell Cycle
Segment 6: 减数分裂重组Meiotic Recombination, Part 1
Segment 7: 减数分裂重组Meiotic Recombination, Part 2
Segment 8: Genome Editing and CRISPR, Part 1
CRISPR:Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
class I 需要多个蛋白;而class II只需要1个蛋白,比如下图中的cas9 蛋白,一个就能定位靶基因。而且cas gene恰好跟repeat region相邻,只要找到了repeats,就能找到设计的蛋白
Segment 9: Genome Editing and CRISPR, Part 2
如下图所示,细菌转录本包含一段spacer(黄色)和一段repeat(灰色),左边有tracrRNA以反式激活CRISPR RNA,若tracrRNA不表达,则系统不工作。Cas9 蛋白实现剪切,Cas1和Cas2蛋白从噬菌体中获得新的序列,PAM是2-3个核苷酸长度的motif。因为细菌中没有PAM,所以不会被CRISPR/Cas9系统所剪切
Segment 10: Genome Editing and CRISPR, Part 3
下图定位于target genome中,PAM是NGG,此图中的N为C,黄色的序列是上图中的protospacer,又称作guide RNA,而灰色的是repeat序列,又称作linker。蓝色的是tracrRNA。所以可以通过改变guide RNA 来定向识别想要编辑的基因。箭头所指向的是Nuclease Sites核酸酶位点。
You wish to use Cas9 to activate expression of a gene of interest. How should you modify your CRISPR gene?
- mutate the gene encoding Cas9 to eliminate the nuclease activity核酸酶活性,这样就不会切割目的基因了。
- Express Cas9 as a fusion protein融合蛋白 with a transcriptional activator转录激活因子。这样可以将转录激活因子带到想要表达的基因处,以激活该基因。
Additional CRISPR Video Resources from Our Colleagues
What is CRISPR? (2014)
Feng Zhang Explains CRISPR
Feng Zhang Lecture
CRISPR Applications to Human Health: SHERLOCK
Dynamics and Impact of Homologous Recombination on the Evolution of Legionella pneumophila
CRISPR/Cas9 Targeting Events Cause Complex Deletions and Insertions at 17 sites in the Mouse Genome
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Mutation of Tyrosinase (Tyr) 3′ UTR Induce Graying in Rabbit
CRISPR/Cas9-APEX-Mediated Proximity Labeling Enables Discovery of Proteins Associated with a Predefined Genomic Locus in Living Cells