



3、双音节词如果该词是 动词、形容词、介词,重音往往在第二个音节上,如果是名词,重音往往在第一个音节上。前一类如pretend,irate,above,后一类如window,table等等。下面几个具有双重词性的单词:作为动词,project(投射)、object(反对)、refuse(拒绝)、produce(生产)重音均在第二个音节上;作为名词,它们的重音都在第一个音节上(意思分别是项目、客体、垃圾、农产品)。
4、最后一个后缀音节重读:比较常见的后缀有–ese(officialese, Chinese)、–esque(arabesque)。再如:-aim, -cur, -eem, -duce, -ere, -firm, -gn, -oin, -oke, -ose, -pt, -rce, -self, -ume重音也通常在后缀音节本身。Contain,occur,sincere,design,confirm。
5、后缀之前的一 个音节重读(倒数第二或倒数第三、四音节):

5-2:–ana(表示与某主题相关的所有事物,如Victoriana, Americana)、–escence(表示过程,如convalescence,adolescence)、–escent(与前一个后缀对应的形容词后缀,如adolescent)、–ics(表示学科或其他,如economics,antibiotics、acrobatics)、–itis(表示炎症,如bronchitis、hepatitis、arthritis)。
5-3:-ial:如aerial、differential、editorial、influential。-ous(扩展形式有-acious、–aneous、-eous、-ious):如sagacious、spontaneous、courageous、suspicious等等。-ity(扩展形式有–acity、-aneity、–bility、–icity、–ility、-uity): 如sagacity、spontaneity、capability、futility、ingenuity等等。
5-4:-ian(扩展形式有-arian、-ician等等):如humanitarian、Canadian、logiciane)–ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency(抽象名词后缀):如excellence、vigilance、benevolence、consistency等等。-ant, -ent(与上一系列后缀相对应的形容词或名词后缀):如tolerant、participant、determinant、resilient,等等。-logy,-nomy(表示学科及其他):例如astrology,economy,theology,等等。
5-5:还有如:-ish, -it, -liar, -sive, -tal, -uous等,重音通常在倒数第二音节上,即后缀之前的一个音节。


6-1: 英语中派生词的重音和词根重音一致。 派生词就是一些有同样词根的词。比如:act, active, actively。com'pare,com'parison。
6-2: 带有下列后缀的词:-ary, -ery, -ory, -ism, -ist, -mony, -ment, -ary等,重音通常在第一个音节上。例如:customary,scientist,slavery,factory,realism。
6-3: 带下列前缀的词:a-, ab-, ac-, ad-, al-, be-, con-, de-, dis-, em-, en-, in-, mis-, re-, tans-, un-重音通常在第二音节上。例如:a'bout,ab'duce,ac'cede,ad'mire,be'long,con'sult,de'tect,dis'like。
6-4: 带下列后缀的词:-ade, -ain, -ee, -eer, -esque, -ette, -ique, -ine, -oon重音通常在最后一个音节。这些词一般都是从法语中借来的词。例如:bloc'kade,emplo'yee,an'tique,maga'zine,ci'gar,engi'neer,gaso'line。


跖疣[plantar wart, verruca plantaris]
水痘[varicella; chicken pox]
药疹[epispasis,drug eruption]
体癣[tinea corpori]
股癣[tinea cruris]
手癣[tinea manum]
足癣[tinea pedis]
斑秃[alopecia areata]
非淋[non- gonnorrhea,]
寻常疣[verruca vulgaris]
扁平疣[flat wart, verruca plana]
花斑癣[tinea versicolor, pityriasis versicolor]
萎缩纹[striae atrophicae]
酒糟鼻[acne rosacea]
色素痣[pigmented nevus;PN]
表皮痣[epidermal nevus]
雷诺病[Raynaud disease]
艾滋病[acquired immune deficiency syndrome;AIDS]
软纤维瘤[fibroma molle;soft fibroma]
表皮囊肿[epidermoid cyst]
尖锐湿疣[condyloma acuminatum;CA]
寻常痤疮[acne vulgaris]
扁平苔藓[lichen planus]
口周皮炎[perioral dermatitis]
尿布皮炎[diaper dermatitis]
单纯糠疹[pityriasis simplex]
单纯疱疹[ herpes simplex]
带状疱疹[herpes zoster]
多形红斑[erythema multiforme]
红斑狼疮[lupus erythematosus]
甲真菌病[tinea unguium, onychomycosis]
激素性皮炎[hormonous dermatitis]
淤积性皮炎[stasis dermatitis]
生殖器疱疹[genital herpes]
毛发红糠疹[pityriasis rubra pilaris]
重叠综合征[overlap syndrome;OS]
掌跖脓疱病[palmoplantar pustulosis;PPP]
丘疹性荨麻[papular urticaria]
毛囊角化症[dyskeratosis follicularis]
腹股沟肉芽肿[granuloma inguinale]
混合结缔组织病[mixed connected tissue; MCT]
生殖器念珠菌病[genital candidiasis]
荨麻疹性血管炎[urticarial vasculitis]
慢性光化性皮炎[chronic actinic dermatitis]
慢性单纯性苔藓[lichen simplex chronicus]
变应性皮肤血管炎[allergic cutaneous vasculitis]
过敏性紫癜[Henoch-Schonlein purpura;anaphylactoid purpura]
环状肉芽肿[granuloma annulare]
脂溢性皮炎[seborrheic dermatitis]
日光性皮炎[Solar dermatitis]
接触性皮炎[contact dermatitis]
结节性痒疹[nodular prurigo]
干燥综合征[Sjogren syndrome;SS]
结节性红斑[erythema nodosum]
传染性软疣[molluscum contagiosum]
蚊、蠓叮咬[mosquito & midges bite]
细菌性阴道炎[bacterial vaginosis]
脂溢性角化病[seborrheic keratosis]
糖尿病性皮肤病[diabetic dermatopathy]
皮肤淀粉样变性[amyloidosis cutis]
类风湿性关节炎[rheumatoid arthritis;RA]
离心性环状红斑[erythema annulare centrifugum]
系统性接触性皮炎[systemic contact dermatitis]


皮损[skin lesions/eruption]
斑疹 Macule
A macule is a localized area of colour or textural change in the skin. Macules can be hypopigmented, as in vitiligo; pigmented, as in a freckle; or erythematous as in a capillary haemangioma.
丘疹 Papule
A papule is a small solid elevation of the skin, generally defined as less than5 mmin diameter. Papules may be flattopped, as in xanthomas; or spicular if related to hair follicles.
结节 Nodule
Similar to a papule but larger(i.e. greater than5 mmin diameter), nodules can involve any layer of the skin and can be oedematous or solid. Examples include a dermatofibroma(below) and secondary deposits.
大疱 Bulla
A bulla is similar to a vesicle but larger: greater than5 mmin diameter. The blisters of bullous pemphigiod and pemphigus vulgaris are examples.
A vesicle is a small blister(less than5 mmin diameter) consisting of clear fluid accumulated within or below the epidermis. Vesicles may be grouped as in dermatitis herpetiformis(subepidermal). Intra-epidermal vesicles are shown in the figure left.
A pustule is a visible collection of free pus in a blister. Pustules may indicate infection(e.g a furuncle), but not always, as pustules seen in psoriasis, for example, are not infected.
囊肿 Cyst
A cyst is a nodule consisting of an epithelial-lined cavity filled with fluid or semi-solid material. An epidermal(sebaceous) cyst is shown below.
风团 Wheal
A wheal is a transitory, compressible papule or plaque of dermal oedema, red or white in colour and usually signifying urticaria.
斑块 Plaque
A plaque is a palpable, plateau-like elevation of skin, usually more than2 cmin diameter. Plaques are rarely more than5 mmin height and can be considered as extended papules. Certain lesions of psoriasis and mycosis fungoiders are good examples.
鳞屑 Scale
A scale is an accumulation of thickened, horny layer keratin in the form of readily detached fragments. Scales usually indicate inflammatory change and thickeding of the epidermis. They may be fine, as in pityriasis, white and silvery, as in psoriasis; or large and fish-like, as seen in ichthyosis.
溃疡 Ulcer
An ulcer is a circumscribed area of skin loss extending through the epidermis in to the dermis. Ulcers are usually the result of impairment of the vascular or nutrient supply to the skin,e.g. due to peripheral arterial disease.
脓肿 Abscess
A localized collection of pus formed by necrosis of tissue.
脱发 Alopecia
Absence of hair from a normally hairy area.
萎缩 Atrophy
Loss of epidermis, dermis or both. Atrophic skin is thin, translucent and wrinkled with easily visible blood vessels.
穴,窦,隧道 Burrow
A tunnel in the skin caused by a parasite, particularly the acarus of scabies.
胼胝 Callus
Local hyperplasia of the horny layer, often of the palm or sole, due to pressure.
痈 Carbuncle
A collection of boils(furuncles) causing necrosis in the skin and subcutaneous tissues.
蜂窝组织炎 Cellulitis
A purulent inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
痂 Crus
dried exudate(normally serum, blood or pus) on the skin surface.
瘀斑 Ecchymoses
a macular red or purple haemorrhage, more than2 mmin diameter, in the skin or mucous membrane.
糜烂 Erosion
a superficial break in the epidermis, not extending into the dermis, which heals without scarring.
抓痕 Excoriation
a superficial abrasion, often linear, which is due to scratching.
红斑 Erythema:redness of the skin due to vascular dilatation.
粉刺 Comedo
A plug of sebum and keratin in the dilated orifice of a pilosebaceous gland.
裂口 Fissure
a linear split in the epidermis, often just extending into the dermis.
an inflamation of the hair follicles.
雀斑 Freckle:a macular area in which there is increased pigment formation by melanocytes.
疖 Furuncle:
a pyogenic infection localized in a hair follicle.
瘢痕疙瘩 Keloid
an elevated and progressive scar not showing regression.
苔癣化 Lichenification
chronic thickening of the skin with increased skin markings, a result of bubbing or scratching.
苔癣化 Lichenification
chronic thickening of the skin with increased skin markings, a result of bubbing or scratching.
粟粒疹 Milium:a small white cyst containing keratin.
乳头状瘤 Papilloma
a nipple-like projection from the skin surface.
瘀点 Petechia
a haemorrhagic punctuate spot measuring 1-2 mmin diameter.
a combination of hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia and atrophy seen together in a dermatosis.
紫癜 Purpura
extravasation of blood resulting in red discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes.
瘢痕 Scar
the replacement of normal tissue by fibrous connective tissue at the site of an injury.
萎缩纹 Stria:an atrophic linear band in the skin-white, pink or purple in colour. The result of connective tissuechanges.
dilated dermal blood vessels giving rise to a visible lesion.
a combination of hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia and atrophy seen together in a dermatosis.
瘀点 Petechia
a haemorrhagic punctuate spot measuring 1-2 mmin diameter.
苔癣化 Lichenification
chronic thickening of the skin with increased skin markings, a result of bubbing or scratching.


玟瑰疹[roseola (rose spots)]
脱皮(屑)[desquamation (excoriation)]
蜘蛛痣[spider angioma]
皮下小结[subcutaneous nodules]
肝掌(朱砂掌)[liver (erythema) palms]
环形红斑[circinate erythema]
黑痣[pigmented nevas]
褥疮[bedsore (decubitus)]


[pallor (redness, dusky redness, flush, pinky)]
显得苍白 [be (look) pale]
紫绀(手足发绀)[cyanosis (acrocyanosis)]
黄疸(黄染)[jaundice (stained yellow)]
色素沉着过多(减退)[hyper pigmentation (depigmentation)]
色素沉着增加(减少)[pigmentation increase(decrease)]
白癜(白斑)[vitiligo (leukoplakia)]
雀斑(老年斑)[fleck (senile plague)]
紫(妊娠)纹 [purple (pregnant) striae]
湿度与弹性[moisture and elasticity]
干燥(湿润)的[dry (moist)]
冷(暖、热)[cool (warm, hot)]
光滑(粗糙)的[smooth (rough)]
紧张(松弛)的[taut (loose)]
软(硬)[soft (hard)]
鳞状(皱纹)的[scaly (wrinkling)]
有(无)弹性的[elastic (inelastic)]
萎缩(肥厚)的[atrophic (hypertrophic)]
皮下气肿 [subcutaneous emphysema]
眼睑浮肿[eyelid edema]
全身(局限)性水肿[anasarca (localized edema)]
[pitting (non-pitting) edema (increase, decrease, subside)]


出血 [bleeding]
皮肤出血点 [Bleeding spots in the skin]
瘀点 [Petechia]
瘀斑 [Eccymosis]
紫癜 [Purpura]
片状出血 [Splinter hemorrhage]
渗血 [Oozing of the blood (Errhysis)]
血疱 [Blood blister (Hemophysallis)]
皮下血肿 [Ecchymoma]
压之褪色 [blanch on pressure]


[size of a rice grain(pea,walnut,small,ringer,thumb,fist,palm,hen’s egg)]
4×2cm大小 [4 by 2 cmin diameter (size)]
针头大小 [pinhead size]
苹果大小 [size of an apple]
小孩头(成人大小) [size of a(n) infant’s(man’s) head]
形态 [shape]
不规则 [irregular]
结节(颗粒、纺锤)状的 [tuberous (granular,spindle-shaped)]
光滑(粗糙)的 [smooth (coarse)]
平坦(凹凸不平)的 [flat (uneven)]
球(椭园,卵园,园形的 [globular (elliptical,oval,circular)]
硬度和活动度 [hardness and mobility]
硬(软) [hard (soft)]
石头(骨)样硬 [of stone-like (bone-like)]
可活动(固定)的 [movable (fixed)]
与周围组织(结构)固定 [be fixed to the surrounding tissues (structures)]
压痛 [tenderness]
融合(粘连) [fusion (adhesion)]
肿胀(疤痕) [swelling (fistula)]


坏死 [necrosis] 角化过度 [hyperkeratosis]
干酪样坏死 [caseation] 角化不全 [parakeratosis]
渐进性坏死 [necrobiosis] 角化不良 [dyskeratosis]
凋亡 [apoptosis] 颗粒层增厚 [hypergranulosis]
胶样小体 [colloid bodies] 颗粒层减少 [hypogranulosis]
核固缩 [karyopyknosis] 棘层肥厚 [acanthosis]
核碎裂 [karyorrhexis] 表皮增生 [epidermal hyperplasia]
核尘 [nuclear dust]疣状增生 [verrucous hyperplasia]
增生 [hyperplasia]假上皮瘤样增生 [pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia]
萎缩 [atrophy]表皮水肿 [epidermal edema]
肥大 [hypertrophy]海绵水肿 [spongiosis]
间变 [anaplasia]网状变性 [reticular degeneration]
化生 [metaplasia]气球变性 [ballooning degeneration]
角珠/鳞珠[horn pearls/squamous pearls]
棘层松解 [acantholysis]裂隙 [cleft]
基底细胞液化变性 [liquefaction degeneration of basal cells]
上皮样 [epithelioid]空泡形成 [vacuolation]
错构瘤 [hamartoma]脓疱 [pustule]
分化 [differentiation]微脓疡 [microabscesses]
异型性 [atypia]Kogoj海绵状脓疱 [spongioform pustules of Kogoj]
机化 [organization]炎细胞外渗 [exocytosis]
坏死 [necrosis]角化过度 [hyperkeratosis]
干酪样坏死 [caseation]角化不全 [parakeratosis]
渐进性坏死 [necrobiosis]角化不良 [dyskeratosis]
颗粒层增厚 [hypergranulosis]胶样小体 [colloid bodies]
颗粒层减少 [hypogranulosis]核固缩 [karyopyknosis]
棘层肥厚 [acanthosis]核碎裂 [karyorrhexis]
表皮增生 [epidermal hyperplasia]
核尘 [nuclear dust]
疣状增生 [verrucous hyperplasia]增生 [hyperplasia]
假上皮瘤样增生 [pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia]
萎缩 [atrophy]表皮水肿 [epidermal edema]
肥大 [hypertrophy]海绵水肿 [spongiosis]
间变 [anaplasia]网状变性 [reticular degeneration]
化生 [metaplasia]气球变性 [ballooning degeneration]
[horn pearls/squamous pearls]
棘层松解 [acantholysis]裂隙 [cleft]
基底细胞液化变性 [liquefaction degeneration of basal cells]
上皮样 [epithelioid]
空泡形成 [vacuolation]错构瘤 [hamartoma]
脓疱 [pustule]分化 [differentiation]
微脓疡 [microabscesses]异型性 [atypia]
Kogoj海绵状脓疱 [spongioform pustules of Kogoj]
机化 [organization]
炎细胞外渗 [exocytosis]坏死 [necrosis]
角化过度 [hyperkeratosis]干酪样坏死 [caseation]
角化不全 [parakeratosis]渐进性坏死 [necrobiosis]
角化不良 [dyskeratosis]凋亡 [apoptosis]
颗粒层增厚 [hypergranulosis]胶样小体 [colloid bodies]
颗粒层减少 [hypogranulosis]核固缩 [karyopyknosis]
棘层肥厚 [acanthosis]核碎裂 [karyorrhexis]
表皮增生 [epidermal hyperplasia]核尘 [nuclear dust]
疣状增生 [verrucous hyperplasia]增生 [hyperplasia]
假上皮瘤样增生 [pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia]
萎缩 [atrophy]
表皮水肿 [epidermal edema]肥大 [hypertrophy]
海绵水肿 [spongiosis]
间变 [anaplasia]
网状变性 [reticular degeneration]化生 [metaplasia]
气球变性 [ballooning degeneration]
[horn pearls/squamous pearls]
棘层松解 [acantholysis]裂隙 [cleft]
基底细胞液化变性 [liquefaction degeneration of basal cells]
上皮样 [epithelioid]空泡形成 [vacuolation]
错构瘤 [hamartoma]脓疱 [pustule]
分化 [differentiation]
微脓疡 [microabscesses]异型性 [atypia]
Kogoj海绵状脓疱 [spongioform pustules of Kogoj]
机化 [organization]炎细胞外渗 [exocytosis]
亲表皮性 [epidermotropism]
弹力纤维变性 [degeneration of elastic fibers]
[epidermolytichyperkeratosis] 色素沉着 [pigment deposition]
色素增多 [hyperpigmentation]脂质沉积 [fatty deposition]
色素减少 [hypopigmentation]钙沉着 [calcinosis]
色素失禁 [incontinence of pigment]
血管扩张 [vascular ectasia]
毛囊角栓 [follicular plug]充血 [hyperemia]
鳞状窝 [squmous addy]
出血 [hemorrhage]角囊肿 [horn cyst]
血管管腔闭塞 [vascular obliteration]
乳头瘤 [papilloma] 血栓形成 [thrombosis]
乳头瘤样增生 [papillomatosis]
栓塞 [embolism]境界带 [grenz zone]
肉芽组织 [granulation tissue]
收缩间隙 [retraction space]肉芽肿 [granuloma]
透明变性 [hyaline degeneration]
结核样结节 [tuberculoid tubercle]
胶样变性 [colloid degeneration]
结核样浸润 [tuberculoid infiltration]
胶原溶解 [collagenolysis]
异物肉芽肿 [foreign body granuloma]
均质化 [homogenization] 血管炎 [vasculitis]
嗜碱性变性 [basophilic degeneration]
结缔组织增生 [desmoplasia]
淀粉样变性 [amyloid degeneration]硬化 [sclerosis]
纤维蛋白样变性 [fibrinoid degeneration]
增生性萎缩 [proliferation atrophy]粘液变性 [mucinous degeneration]
间隔性脂膜炎 [septal panniculitis]小叶性脂膜炎 [lobular panniculitis]

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  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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  • rljs by sennchi Timeline of History Part One The Cognitiv...
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  • 哎--好远啊!什么时候才可以到达目的地。第一次在网上买东西,不知道怎么弄,丢了三十多元钱,买的东西也没有了。期...
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  • 深夜的安静,可以让人的思绪不断的迸发出来,让人反刍一天的经历,沉淀一天躁动的心情,夜空的浩瀚总是能给人以无限的安全...
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  • 三年三班李念瑶读书时长30分钟,妈妈陪读30分钟。
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