

  1. 然而,核电站是柄双刃剑,也就是说,缺陷和优点并存。( Sth serves as a double-edged sword, in other words)
    However nuclear plant serves as a double-edged sword in other words the advantages of nuclear plant coexist its disadvantages.

  2. 历史上的例子层出不穷。比如爱因斯坦在物理领域的例子。(History is replete with evidence to…)
    History is replete with evidence to demonstrate this point A case in point has association with Albert Einstein in the realm of Physics.

  3. 毫无疑问,在可预知的未来,广告对消费者和社会有许多积极的/消极的影响。(A give rise to B )
    Undoubtedly advertising gives rise to a multitude of positive/negative effects on consumers and the society as a whole in the foreseeable future.

  4. 总之,不可否认的,过去航空旅行是专属于少数最富的人的特权, 主要是因为它的高价格。(it is undeniable that…)
    In summary it is undeniable that in the past air travel belonged to the few privileged richest due to its high prices.

  5. 但是,其他人认为,由于他们的贡献和成就,科学家在世界中占有重要地位。(some others hold that …)
    However some others hold that scientists take prominent position in the world due to their contribution and achievements.

  6. 人们去国外旅行或者观光的时候,飞机越来越流行了,这一现象十分普遍。(it is not uncommon that…)
    It is not uncommon that airplane is increasingly popular when people choose to travel abroad or to some tourist attraction.

  7. 在无数个或直接或间接的影响婴儿男女比例的因素中,下面几个是显而易见的。(among countless factors which/that…, there are several conspicuous factors as follows.)
    Among countless factors which directly or indirectly influence the proportion between male babies and female ones,there are several conspicuous factors as follows.

  8. 关于哪个更好并没有达成共识,但是人们一致认为这两者对社会的发展都是不可或缺的。(there is no consensus over which…)
    There is no consensus over which one is superior to another but rather that both are indispensable to the development of our society.

  9. 政客和科学家,到底哪个更重要一直都是一个很大的争议。(A is always an issue of considerable controversy.)
    Politician or scientist who is more important is always an issue of considerable controversy.

  10. 因此,为了缩小贫富差距,政府应该首先保证人们接受教育的公平性。( to narrow down the gap between A and B, one should first do….)
    Therefore to narrow down the gap between the rich and poor the government should first guarantee that people have equal access to education opportunities.

  11. 有可能Forestvile这个城市比Elmsford有着更多的年轻的没有经验的,或者更多年迈的危险的驾驶人员。(there are more….in A than in B inexperienced,unsafe )
    It is possible that there are more younger inexperienced or more elderly unsafe drivers in Forestville than there are in Elmsford

  12. 批评广告行业对人们行为产生的不良影响无异于在攻击市场经济的智慧。(undesirable influence, is not unlike, the wisdom of market economy)
    Criticizing the advertising industry for its undesirable influence on consumer behaviors is not unlike eventually attacking the wisdom of market economy.

  13. 广告黑暗的一面很大程度上是一个夹杂着人类贪婪和自私的谜团。(largely, myth, mixed with, greed and selfishness)
    The dark side about advertisements is largely a myth mixed with human greed and selfishness.

  14. 另外一方面,对世界历史的研究将会有利于国与国之间的相互了解与合作。(contributed greatly to,mutual understanding and cooperation)
    On the other hand,the study of world history has contributed greatly to the mutual understanding and cooperation of world nations.

  15. 具体而言,应该对富人征收更多的税,而这些税应该用来告诉(改善)穷人的生活水平,建造公共设施和基础设施。(be levied against, living standard, infrastructure)
    Specifically more taxes should be levied against the wealthy people and these should be used in improving poor people’s living standard building public facilities and infrastructure.

  16. 与此同时,航空行业的发展有可能使得有钱人更有钱,因此扩大了贫富差距。(render, widening , haves and have-nots)
    In the meantime the development of air travel may render the rich people richer and thus widening the gap between haves and have-nots.

  17. 另外,历史是集体记忆,是经验的宝库,通过这些记忆和经验,人们可以形成对自己的社会身份以及未来发展前景的认知。(collective memory,storehouse ,social identity,prospects )
    Furthermore history is collective memory the storehouse of experience through which people develop a sense of their social identity and their future prospects.

  18. 政府在科研上面扮演着至关重要的角色,然而,私有企业在展开科学上无疑更有优势。( plays a crucial role in, nonetheless, hold ,conducting )
    The government plays a crucial role in scientific research nonetheless private companies hold certain advantages in conducting scientific research.

  19. 只有当维护一个建筑物或者一个地区变得昂贵的时候,城镇计划者才会考虑重建这些地方。(Only when,costly to keep up,town and city planners,redevelopment, as an option )
    Only when it is more costly to keep up a building or a district should town and city planners consider redevelopment as an option.

  20. 一些人认为财富和物质成功跟幸福紧密相关,然而另一些人认为幸福其实在于情感与人际关系。(link ,material , lies in)
    While some people link happiness to wealth and material success, others think it lies in emotions and personal relationships.

  21. 作为一个方便并快速的公共交通工具,飞机可能表现出它对生活巨大的影响力。(It is conceivable that )
    It is conceivable that airplane as a convenient and fast public transport tool has greatly exerted its impact on people’s life.

  22. 一个人的成功与家庭背景、家庭支持和他个人的天赋有关系。(has an association with)
    One’s success has an association with his family background and family support as well as his personal talent.

  23. 当下,保护名人的隐私引起了公众广泛的关注。(loomed up wide public concern)
    Currently the importance of protecting celebrities’ privacy has loomed up wide public concern.

  24. 然后,由于公共运输系统是一个国家经济活动的命脉,它的瘫痪将会导致国家经济的瓦解。(its paralysis would lead to)
    Then since the transportation system is the lifeline of a country’s economic activities,its paralysis would lead to the disintegration of the economy.

  25. 建造一个工厂的其中一个好处是能提升就业率。(One of the benefits brought by)
    One of the benefits brought by building a factory is to enhance the employment rate.


  1. 但是,认为追求金钱是商人唯一的目的是不公正的判断。(it is unfair to do sth, assert, the pursuit of)
    However it is unfair to assert that the pursuit of money is the only purpose of business people.

  2. 的确,尽管许多事件与我们的日常生活并没有直接联系,但仍然应该鼓励现代公民密切关注时事。(be associated with, keep a close watch on)
    Indeed although many of these events are not directly associated with our daily lives,modern citizens ought to be encouraged to keep a close watch on them.

  3. 因此,我更愿意认为大学教育是通向成功的基石,而不是最重要的因素。(I would rather prefer to regard A as B, a stepping stone, A rather than B)
    Therefore I would rather prefer to regard university education as a stepping stone toward success rather than the most important factor.

  4. 因此,将一部分资金投入到改善人力资源之中是公司领导者的明智选择。(it is a wise choice for sb to do sth, allocate)
    Therefore it is a wise choice for company leaders to allocate a portion of capitals on human resource improvement.

  5. 所有在校教师定期进修相关课程、更新知识储备是势在必行的。(it is imperative for SB to do Sth, renew, periodically)
    It is imperative for all school teachers to renew their own knowledge by taking courses periodically.

  6. 在我看来,去电影院是更有利的。(As far as I am concerned, be advantageous to do sth)
    As far as I am concerned it could be more advantageous to go to the cinema.

  7. 在我看来,这种奖励举措弊大于利。(From my perspective/point of view, defect, merit)
    From my perspective there are more defects than merits lying in such a measure.

  8. 然而,相比较而言,如果一个人努力完成了颇具有挑战性的而非简单的工作的话,他/她会收获更多的幸福感。(comparatively speaking, manage to do Sth, perform, rather than)
    However,comparatively speaking,more happiness could be obtained if one manages to perform a challenging duty rather than an easy one.

  9. 在我看来,接受更具有挑战性的工作对于野心勃勃而又有实力的人而言才是更好的选择,尽管保住职位并不容易。(a better choice, ambitious, capable)
    From my own standpoint,accepting a more competitive job offer should be a better choice for ambitious and capable individuals,even though it is difficult to keep the position.

  10. 的确,国外出品的电影电视节目不亚于国内的制作。(abroad, no less than, at home)
    Indeed the movies and TV programs produced abroad are no less interesting than those made at home.


  1. 总之,完全禁止教师展示自己倾向的观念是没有必要的。(To sum up, there is no need to do sth, prohibit, present)
    To sum up there is no need to completely prohibit teachers from presenting their favorable views in class.

  2. 很显然,为了建立一个更健康、更和谐的氛围,所有行业的决策者都应该立即采取措施革新工资体系。(apparently, atmosphere, decision-maker, profession, adopt, renovate)
    Apparently,in order to create a healthier and more harmonious atmosphere,decision-makers of all professions should adopt immediate measures to renovate their paying systems.

  3. 总之,综上所述所有优点我们完全可以确信,要求学生学习外国文化是有益的选择。(chain together, merit, elaborated, we are completely convinced that, beneficial)
    To conclude,chaining together all the merits elaborated above,we are completely convinced that requiring students to study foreign cultures is a beneficial choice.

  4. 综上所述,我认为每天工作时间较长,每周工作3天是更好的选择。(Judging from all the reasons listed above, reiterate, standpoint)
    Judging from all the reasons listed above,I would tend to reiterate my standpoint that working long hours within 3 days a week is a better choice.

  5. 总之,任何人都难以承受被一直困在工作中而无法参与放松活动。(be unbearable for sb to do sth, confine, engage in)
    In conclusion,it would be unbearable for anyone to be confined in his work and not be able to engage in relaxing activities.


  1. 首先,太注重成功的人更有可能在面临失败的时候感到失望。(attach too much importance to, failure)
    First of all,those who attach too much importance to success are more likely to feel disappointment when they face failure.

  2. 其次,为了在竞争激烈的社会中取得成功,各行各业的人们也应该重视团队协作。(competitive, all walks of life, value)
    In the second place,in order to achieve success in such a competitive society,people from all walks of life are also required to value teamwork.

  3. 首先,为了迎合社会发展更高的要求,工薪阶层可能面临更紧凑的日程。(comply with, social progress, tighter)
    Firstly,to comply with the higher demand for social progress,the working class might face tighter schedules.

  4. 此外,竞技体育还能帮助学生挖掘自己更多的天赋,有的学生会发觉自己有在未来成为职业运动员的潜质。(natural talents, have the potential to do Sth, professional)
    Moreover,competitive sport also helps children discover more of their natural talents and some find they have the potential to become professional players in the future.

  5. 首先,不同的观点可以激起辩论和深入探讨,从而产生更好的想法。(spark, in-depth, give birth to)
    Firstly,different opinions may spark debates and in-depth discussions that give birth to better ideas.

  6. 具体而言,报纸和杂志上刊登的文章涉及一个国家里几乎所有的主要领域。(To illustrate, be associated with, major aspect)
    To illustrate,stories printed in newspapers and magazines are typically associated with almost every major aspect of a nation.

  7. 毋庸置疑,体育运动最基本的要求就是强壮的体魄。(primary, lie in, physical conditions)
    Without doubt,the primary requirement in sports activities lies in strong physical conditions.

  8. 例如,传记和自传通常包含公众人物的轶事、对其奋斗历程的详尽描述以及他们的精神品质。(biography, autobiography, anecdote, public figure, illustration, endeavor, spiritual quality)
    For instance,biographies and autobiographies often include the anecdotes of public figures,detailed illustration of their endeavors and the spiritual qualities shown in the process.

  9. 比如,在结束了一天乏味的工作之后,白领职员可以利用游戏恢复活力。(tedious, white-collar worker, take advantage of regain)
    For instance,after a tedious day at work,white-collar workers can take advantage of games to regain energy.

  10. 除了物质享受之外,如今的人们也拥有更多精神享受,这正是优质生活的体现。(In addition to, material enjoyment, be endowed with, indicator)
    Nowadays in addition to material enjoyment,people are also endowed with more spiritual comfort which is an indicator of quality life.

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