Who is Silvia, what is she, 雪尔薇亚伊何人,
That all our swains commend her? 乃能颠倒众生心?
Holy, fair, and wise is she; 神圣娇丽且聪明,
The heaven such grace did lend her, 天赋诸美萃一身!
That she might admired be. 俾令举世诵其名。
Is she kind as she is fair? 伊人颜色如花浓,
For beauty lives with kindness. 伊人宅心如春柔;
Love doth to her eyes repair, 盈盈妙目启瞽矇,
To help him of his blindness, 创平痍复相思瘳,
And, being helped ,inhabits there. 寸心永驻眼梢头。
Then to Silvia let us sing, 弹琴为伊歌一曲,
That Silvia is excelling; 伊人美好世无伦;
She excels each mortal thing 尘世萧条苦寂寞,
Upon the dull earth dwelling. 唯伊灿耀如星辰;
To her let us garlands bring. 穿花为束献佳人。
类似的段落还有《Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与茱丽叶》的开场诗。我不得不承认这种翻译可以算是翻译界的最高水准,但跟原版相比仍然显得逊色不少,比如上方这段歌,每句句子的尾音非常的规律,单词数也比较工整,韵押得很足。朱先生已在趣味上完美地还原,但在韵上终究是没有办法了。所以之前和小伙伴说,莎翁一定要配合着原版一起看,完全没有想到原版的遣词用句这么出色。
Black men are pearls in beauteous ladie's eyes.
原句里beauteous ladie's eyes,私以为是莎翁自己说的而不是old saying,且为了三个s的尾音的句子朗读上的美感改变了一些句法和用词,看前后文所有形容人的漂亮几乎都是用fair,这无疑给翻译工作带来了巨大挑战。
What light is light, if Silvia be not seen?
What joy is joy? If Silvia be not by?
Julia. Nay, would I were so ang'red with the same!
O hateful hands to tear such loving words!
Injurious wasps, to feed on such sweet honey,
And kill the bees, that yield it, with your stings!
I'll kiss each several paper for amends.
Look, here is writ "kind Julia." Unkind Julia!
As in revenge of thy ingratitude,
I throw thy name against the bruising stones,
Trampling contemptuously on thy disdain.
And here is writ "love-wounded Proteus."
Poor wounded name my bosom, as a bed,
Shall lodge thee, till thy wound be throughly healed;
And thus I search it with a sovereign kiss.
But twice or thrice was "Proteus" written down.
Be calm, good wind, blow not a word away
Till I have found each letter in the letter,
Except mine own name: that some whirlwind bear
Unto a ragged, fearful hanging rock,
And throw it thence into the raging sea!
Lo, here in one line is his name twice writ,
"Poor forlorn Proteus, passionate Proteus,
To the sweet Julia that I'll tear away.—
And yet I will not, sith so prettily
He couples it to his complaining names.
Thus will I fold them one upon another.
Now kiss, embrace, contend, do what you will.
How could Proteus have been so dastardly as to betray, in an instant his beloved, his friend, and his royal host—not to mention his own honor?
How could Valentine so abruptly forgive his disloyal friend all his trespasses?
How could he as quickly proffer his beloved Silvia to the miscreant Proteus who only a moment before threatened to rape her?
How could Silvia—the daughter of a duke—stand by without a word during this base interchange?
How could Julia, after this exhibition of general dastardliness, on the second or third bounce, welcome back her errant lover?