英国医学UKCAT考试形式:情景判断Situational Judgement
The situational judgement test (SJT) measuresyour capacity to understand real world situations and to identify criticalfactors and appropriate behaviour in dealing with them.
Why Situational Judgement?
The test assesses integrity, perspective taking,team involvement, resilience and adaptability.SJTs are used widely in medical selection, including selection ofFoundation Doctors, GPs and other medical specialties.
Situational Judgement Items
The test consists of a series of scenarios withpossible actions and considerations.Youwill be presented with 68 items associated with 21 scenarios (consisting ofbetween 2 and 6 items).You will have 26minutes to answer all items.
Questions are in a multiple-choice format and donot require medical or procedural knowledge.This assessment consists of two sets of questions.
For the first set you will be asked to rate theappropriateness of a series of options in response to the scenario. Whenconsidering how to respond to the scenario, an option is:
1.a veryappropriate thing to do if it will address at least one aspect (not necessarilyall aspects) of the situation
2.appropriate,but not ideal if it could be done, but is not necessarily a very good thing todo
3.inappropriate,but not awful if it should not really be done, but would not be terrible
4.a veryinappropriate thing to do if it should definitely not be done and would makethe situation worse
A response should not be judged as if it is the
only thing that is done. For example, if the wrong medication is provided to a
patient, there are a number of steps that should be taken, including checking
the patient is ok and assessing the patient medically. The response‘ask the patient if they are ok’should stillbe judged as appropriate. It should not be judged as if this is the only actionthat will be taken.
For the second set you will be asked to rate theimportance of a series of options in response to the scenario. When consideringhow to respond to the scenario, an option is:
1.veryimportant if this is something that is vital to take into account
2.importantif this is something that is important but not vital to take into account
3.ofminor importance if this is something that could be taken into account, but itdoes not matter if it is considered or not
4.notimportant at all if this is something that should definitely not be taken intoaccount