- 歷代志下26:16 他既強盛、就心高氣傲、以致行事邪僻、干犯耶和華他的神、進耶和華的殿、要在香壇上燒香。
「You know how hard I have worked for your father, but he has cheated me, changing my wages ten times. But God has not allowed him to do me any harm. For if he said, ‘The speckled animals will be your wages,’ the whole flock began to produce speckled young. And when he changed his mind and said, ‘The striped animals will be your wages,’ then the whole flock produced striped young. In this way, God has taken your father’s animals and given them to me.」
Genesis 31:6-9
感謝主與我們同在。唯有祢,掌權我們的生命,指引我們的道路。祢是慈愛,公義的 神!哈利路亞!!