npm install echarts --save
version 4.7.0
// The Vue build version to load with the `import` command
// (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias.
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App'
import router from './router'
import echarts from 'echarts'
import ElementUI from 'element-ui';
import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css';
Vue.prototype.$echarts = echarts
Vue.config.productionTip = false
<div class="map-content">
<div id="map"></div>
<el-select v-model="value" placeholder="请选择">
v-for="(items,index) in mapData"
// 如需扩展更多省市,在此处引入对应的地图JSON数据
import world from '../../static/mapData/world.json'
import china from '../../static/mapData/china.json'
import anhui from '../../static/mapData/anhui.json'
import aomen from '../../static/mapData/aomen.json'
import fujian from '../../static/mapData/fujian.json'
import gansu from '../../static/mapData/gansu.json'
import guangdong from '../../static/mapData/guangdong.json'
import sichuan from '../../static/mapData/sichuan.json'
import guangxi from '../../static/mapData/guangxi.json'
import beijing from '../../static/mapData/beijing.json'
import tianjin from '../../static/mapData/tianjin.json'
import shanghai from '../../static/mapData/shanghai.json'
import chongqing from '../../static/mapData/chongqing.json'
import chengdu from '../../static/mapData/chengdu.json'
import CQjiangbei from '../../static/mapData/CQ_jiangbei.json'
export default {
name: "mapContent",
data() {
return {
value: "world", //初始化为世界地图
myChart:null, //初始化地图渲染器
// 注册地图json
jsonMap: {
'北京': beijing,
'天津': tianjin,
'上海': shanghai,
'重庆': chongqing,
'四川': sichuan,
'成都市': chengdu,
// 下拉框
mapData: [
{ name: "world", value: 10 },
{ name: "中国", value: 20 },
{ name: "安徽", value:30 },
{ name: "澳门", value:30 },
{ name: "福建", value:30 },
{ name: "甘肃", value:30 },
{ name: "广东", value:30 },
{ name: "广西", value:30 },
{ name: "北京", value:30 },
{ name: "天津", value:40},
{ name: "上海", value: 50 },
{ name: "重庆", value:60} ,
{ name: "成都", value:60} ,
// 全球地域中文映射
nameMap : {
'Antigua and Barbuda':'安提瓜和巴布达',
'The Bahamas':'巴哈马',
'Bosnia and Herzegovina':'波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那',
'Burkina Faso':'布基纳法索',
'Cape Verde':'佛得角',
'Central African Rep.':'中非共和国',
"Côte d'Ivoire":'象牙海岸',
'Dem. Rep. Congo':'刚果共和国',
'Costa Rica':'哥斯达黎加',
'Czech Republic':'捷克共和国',
'Dominican Republic':'多明尼加共和国',
'El Salvador':'萨尔瓦多',
'Equatorial Guinea':'赤道几内亚',
'Falkland Islands':'福克兰群岛',
'Faroe Islands':'法罗群岛',
'French Guiana':'法属圭亚那',
'French Southern and Antarctic Lands':'法属南半球和南极领地',
'Gaza Strip':'加沙',
'Guinea Bissau':'几内亚比绍',
'Hong Kong':'香港',
'Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone':'伊拉克阿拉伯中立区',
'Isle of Man':'马恩岛',
'Ivory Coast':'科特迪瓦',
'Jan Mayen':'扬马延岛',
'North Korea':'北朝鲜',
'South Korea':'韩国',
'Lao PDR':'老挝',
'New Caledonia':'新喀里多尼亚',
'New Zealand':'新西兰',
'Northern Mariana Islands':'北马里亚纳群岛',
'Papua New Guinea':'巴布亚新几内亚',
'Puerto Rico':'波多黎各',
'San Marino':'圣马力诺',
'Sao Tome and Principe':'圣多美和普林西比',
'Saudi Arabia':'沙特阿拉伯',
'Sierra Leone':'塞拉利昂',
'Solomon Islands':'所罗门群岛',
'S. Sudan':'苏丹',
'South Africa':'南非',
'Sri Lanka':'斯里兰卡',
'St. Christopher-Nevis':'圣',
'St. Lucia':'圣露西亚',
'St. Vincent and the Grenadines':'圣文森特和格林纳丁斯',
'United Republic of Tanzania':'坦桑尼亚',
'Trinidad and Tobago':'特里尼达和多巴哥',
'Turks and Caicos Islands':'特克斯和凯科斯群岛',
'United Arab Emirates':'阿联酋',
'United Kingdom':'英国',
'United States':'美国',
'Western Sahara':'西撒哈拉',
'Western Samoa':'西萨摩亚',
'Democratic Republic of the Congo':'刚果民主共和国',
'South Sudan':'南苏丹',
'Republic of Serbia':'塞尔维亚',
// 全球数据
worldData :[
{name: '美国', gold: 46, silver: 29, copper: 29, value: 104},
{name: '中国', gold: 38, silver: 27, copper: 23, value: 88},
{name: '英国', gold: 29, silver: 17, copper: 19, value: 65},
{name: '俄罗斯', gold: 24, silver: 25, copper: 33, value: 82},
{name: '韩国', gold: 13, silver: 8, copper: 7, value: 28},
{name: '德国', gold: 11, silver: 19, copper: 14, value: 44},
{name: '法国', gold: 11, silver: 11, copper: 12, value: 34},
{name: '意大利', gold: 8, silver: 9, copper: 11, value: 28},
{name: '匈牙利', gold: 8, silver: 4, copper: 5, value: 17},
{name: '澳大利亚', gold: 7, silver: 16, copper: 12, value: 35},
{name: '日本', gold: 7, silver: 14, copper: 17, value: 38},
{name: '哈萨克斯坦', gold: 7, silver: 1, copper: 5, value: 13},
{name: '荷兰', gold: 6, silver: 6, copper: 8, value: 20},
{name: '乌克兰', gold: 6, silver: 5, copper: 9, value: 20},
{name: '古巴', gold: 5, silver: 3, copper: 6, value: 14},
{name: '新西兰', gold: 5, silver: 3, copper: 5, value: 13},
{name: '伊朗', gold: 4, silver: 5, copper: 3, value: 12},
{name: '牙买加', gold: 4, silver: 4, copper: 4, value: 12},
{name: '捷克', gold: 4, silver: 3, copper: 3, value: 10},
{name: '朝鲜', gold: 4, silver: 0, copper: 2, value: 6},
{name: '西班牙', gold: 3, silver: 10, copper: 4, value: 17},
{name: '巴西', gold: 3, silver: 5, copper: 9, value: 17},
{name: '白俄罗斯', gold: 3, silver: 5, copper: 5, value: 13},
{name: '南非', gold: 3, silver: 2, copper: 1, value: 6},
{name: '埃塞俄比亚', gold: 3, silver: 1, copper: 3, value: 7},
{name: '克罗地亚', gold: 3, silver: 1, copper: 2, value: 6},
{name: '罗马尼亚', gold: 2, silver: 5, copper: 2, value: 9},
{name: '肯尼亚', gold: 2, silver: 4, copper: 5, value: 11},
{name: '丹麦', gold: 2, silver: 4, copper: 3, value: 9},
{name: '波兰', gold: 2, silver: 2, copper: 6, value: 10},
{name: '阿塞拜疆', gold: 2, silver: 2, copper: 6, value: 10},
{name: '土耳其', gold: 2, silver: 2, copper: 1, value: 5},
{name: '瑞士', gold: 2, silver: 2, copper: 0, value: 4},
{name: '立陶宛', gold: 2, silver: 1, copper: 2, value: 5},
{name: '挪威', gold: 2, silver: 1, copper: 1, value: 4},
{name: '加拿大', gold: 1, silver: 5, copper: 12, value: 18},
{name: '瑞典', gold: 1, silver: 4, copper: 3, value: 8},
{name: '哥伦比亚', gold: 1, silver: 3, copper: 4, value: 8},
{name: '格鲁吉亚', gold: 1, silver: 3, copper: 3, value: 7},
{name: '墨西哥', gold: 1, silver: 3, copper: 3, value: 7},
{name: '爱尔兰', gold: 1, silver: 1, copper: 3, value: 5},
{name: '塞尔维亚', gold: 1, silver: 1, copper: 2, value: 4},
{name: '斯洛文尼亚', gold: 1, silver: 1, copper: 2, value: 4},
{name: '阿根廷', gold: 1, silver: 1, copper: 2, value: 4},
{name: '突尼斯', gold: 1, silver: 1, copper: 1, value: 3},
{name: '多米尼加', gold: 1, silver: 1, copper: 0, value: 2},
{name: '乌兹别克斯坦', gold: 1, silver: 0, copper: 3, value: 4},
{name: '特立尼达和多巴哥', gold: 1, silver: 0, copper: 3, value: 4},
{name: '拉脱维亚', gold: 1, silver: 0, copper: 1, value: 2},
{name: '格林纳达', gold: 1, silver: 0, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '巴哈马', gold: 1, silver: 0, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '乌干达', gold: 1, silver: 0, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '委内瑞拉', gold: 1, silver: 0, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '阿尔及利亚', gold: 1, silver: 0, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '印度', gold: 0, silver: 2, copper: 4, value: 6},
{name: '蒙古', gold: 0, silver: 2, copper: 3, value: 5},
{name: '泰国', gold: 0, silver: 2, copper: 1, value: 3},
{name: '埃及', gold: 0, silver: 2, copper: 0, value: 2},
{name: '斯洛伐克', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 3, value: 4},
{name: '比利时', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 2, value: 3},
{name: '芬兰', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 2, value: 3},
{name: '亚美尼亚', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 2, value: 3},
{name: '马来西亚', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 1, value: 2},
{name: '中华台北', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 1, value: 2},
{name: '爱沙尼亚', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 1, value: 2},
{name: '保加利亚', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 1, value: 2},
{name: '印度尼西亚', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 1, value: 2},
{name: '波多黎各', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 1, value: 2},
{name: '黑山', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '博茨瓦纳', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '塞浦路斯', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '葡萄牙', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '加蓬', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '危地马拉', gold: 0, silver: 1, copper: 0, value: 1},
{name: '卡塔尔', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 2, value: 2},
{name: '新加坡', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 2, value: 2},
{name: '希腊', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 2, value: 2},
{name: '摩尔多瓦', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 2, value: 2},
{name: '巴林', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 1, value: 1},
{name: '塔吉克斯坦', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 1, value: 1},
{name: '中国香港', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 1, value: 1},
{name: '摩洛哥', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 1, value: 1},
{name: '沙特阿拉伯', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 1, value: 1},
{name: '科威特', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 1, value: 1},
{name: '阿富汗', gold: 0, silver: 0, copper: 1, value: 1}
// 中国数据
{name: '北京',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '天津',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '上海',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '重庆',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '河北',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '河南',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '云南',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '辽宁',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '黑龙江',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '湖南',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '安徽',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '山东',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '新疆',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '江苏',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '浙江',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '江西',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '湖北',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '广西',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '甘肃',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '山西',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '内蒙古',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '陕西',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '吉林',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '福建',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '贵州',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '广东',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '青海',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '西藏',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '四川',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '宁夏',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '海南',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '台湾',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '香港',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)},
{name: '澳门',value: Math.round(Math.random()*100)}
// 北京数据
{name: '东城区',value: 18163,},
{name: '西城区',value: 22036,},
{name: '海淀区',value: 39},
{name: '朝阳区',value: 48},
{name: '石景山区',value: 15},
{name: '大兴区',value: 26},
{name: '门头沟区',value: 11},
{name: '昌平区',value: 20},
{name: '通州区',value: 51},
{name: '房山区',value: 23},
{name: '丰台区',value: 23},
{name: '顺义区',value: 17},
{name: '怀柔区',value: 21},
{name: '密云区',value: 18},
{name: '延庆区',value: 22},
{name: '平谷区',value: 16}
// 重庆数据
{name: '万州区',value: 56},
{name: '开州区',value: 18},
{name: '北碚区',value: 18},
{name: '南川区',value: 10},
{name: '忠县',value: 15},
{name: '云阳县',value: 18},
{name: '两江新区',value: 13},
{name: '长寿区',value: 12},
{name: '石柱土家族自治县',value: 12},
{name: '酉阳土家族苗族自治县',value: 12},
{name: '大渡口区',value: 7},
{name: '渝北区',value: 12},
{name: '江北区',value: 18},
{name: '九龙坡区',value: 15},
{name: '合川区',value: 9},
{name: '垫江县',value: 13},
{name: '巫山县',value: 7},
{name: '巫溪县',value: 11},
{name: '綦江区',value: 10},
{name: '璧山区',value: 8},
{name: '奉节县',value: 9},
{name: '永川区',value: 3},
{name: '丰都县',value: 6},
{name: '江津区',value: 3},
{name: '铜梁区',value: 7},
{name: '潼南区',value: 4},
{name: '涪陵区',value: 2},
{name: '巴南区',value: 3},
{name: '大足区',value: 7},
{name: '梁平县',value: 3},
{name: '城口县',value: 2},
{name: '秀山土家族苗族自治县',value: 1},
{name: '黔江区',value: 2},
{name: '南岸区',value: 7},
{name: '武隆县',value: 1},
{name: '渝中区',value: 13},
{name: '荣昌区',value: 7},
{name: '沙坪坝区',value: 2},
{name: '彭水苗族土家族自治县',value: 2}
// 上海数据
{name: '黄浦区',value: 219},
{name: '徐汇区',value: 339},
{name: '长宁区',value: 412},
{name: '静安区',value: 429},
{name: '普陀区',value: 389},
{name: '闸北区',value: 352},
{name: '虹口区',value: 329},
{name: '杨浦区',value: 532},
{name: '闵行区',value: 299},
{name: '宝山区',value: 139},
{name: '嘉定区',value: 440},
{name: '浦东新区',value: 89},
{name: '金山区',value: 652},
{name: '松江区',value: 415},
{name: '青浦区',value: 329},
{name: '奉贤区',value: 752},
{name: '崇明区',value: 399}
// 天津数据
{name:'和平区', value: 199},
{name:'河东区', value: 39},
{name:'河西区', value: 152},
{name:'南开区', value: 299},
{name:'河北区', value: 89},
{name:'红桥区', value: 52},
{name:'塘沽区', value: 9},
{name:'汉沽区', value: 352},
{name:'大港区', value: 99},
{name:'东丽区', value: 39},
{name:'西青区', value: 480},
{name:'津南区', value: 481},
{name:'北辰区', value: 482},
{name:'武清区', value: 483},
{name:'宝坻区', value: 484},
{name:'宁河区', value: 485},
{name:'静海区', value: 486},
{name:'蓟州区', value: 487},
{name:'滨海新区', value: 487},
// 江北区
// 循环注册地图
for (let index in this.jsonMap) {
this.$echarts.registerMap(index, this.jsonMap[index])
// 初始化地图
// 更新数据
beforeDestroy() {
if (!this.myChart) {
this.myChart = null;
chinaConfigure(area) {
this.myChart = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById("map")); //这里是为了获得容器所在位置
window.onresize = this.myChart.resize;
let option={ // 进行相关配置
backgroundColor: "#02AFDB",
tooltip: {}, // 鼠标移到图里面的浮动提示框
visualMap: {
// max: 110,
calculable: true,
inRange: {
color: ['#313695', '#4575b4', '#74add1', '#abd9e9', '#e0f3f8', '#ffffbf', '#fee090', '#fdae61', '#f46d43', '#d73027', '#a50026']
series: [{
type: 'map',
map: area,
data: area=='world'?this.worldData:area=='中国'?this.chinaData:area=='重庆'?this.chongqingData:area=='北京'?this.beijingData:area=='上海'?this.shanghaiData:area=='天津'?this.tianjinData:area=='江北区'?this.jiangbeiData:[],
nameMap: area=='world'?this.nameMap:{}
this.myChart.on('click', params => { // 点击函数
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
.map-content {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
left: 20px;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;