I’m in Debt (014)
A: Hello, I’m here to see Mr. Corleone.
B: Right this way, sir.
C: Charlie! What can I do for you?
B: Mr. Corleone, I’m really sorry to trouble you, but I need your help.
C: Anything for you, Charlie! Your father was like a brother to me.
B: Well, sir, you see, this recession has hit me pretty hard; I lost my job and I’m in a lot of debt.
C: I see. . . . . .
B: Yeah, you know, I’ve got credit card bills, car payments, I’ve got to pay my mortgage; and on top of all that, I have to pay my son’s college tuition.
C: So you’re asking for a loan.
B: Well, I just thought maybe you could help me out.
C: What? At a time like this? I’m broke too, you know! You’re not the only one who has been hit by the recession! I lost half my money in the stock market crash! Go on! Get outa here!