1、image filtering:linear——box filter,gaussian filter
non-linear——median filter、Bilateral filter、Guided Image Filter
functions:Texture Match,Model Match,etc;Notation:when do the template match,there are some preprocessing like zero-mean
other methods to do the match:based on the distance——such as:SSD(shotrest square distance)
2、Fourier frequency:refer to the note before——Image Enhance in frequency
3、Image pyramid——Gaussian/Laplacian
Gaussian pyramid——step1:Gaussian smooth
step3:Loop step1&step2
Laplacian pyramid——step1:Gaussian smooth
step3:the image before step1 substract the image after step2
step4:loop step1、2、3
4、Image interpolation:nearest/linear etc.
5、Image Blending:refer to the note——Image blending
6、Edge Detection:Canny/Pb boundary detector/Structed Random Forest classifier to judge wheter it is the edge[it is based on the patch level rather than the pixel level]/crisp Boundary Detector
Notation:when doing the operation based on the gradient ,remember smooth the image first!
7、Thresholding operate——Binary image
8、Morphological operators:refer to the folder:the chapter “Reading Book note3” in《OpenCV practical notes》
9、Interesting points corresponding&alignment
a、finding Corner——Harris(rotation invariant),due to based on the gradient operation,it has the illumination invariant but without scale invariant.
b、some feature descriptor:SIFT,HOG,BOW etc.
c、MSER:refer to watershed algorithm overview
10、Fitting and alignment
a、Least square line fitting
b、Total least squares(PCA)——Rotation invariant
***a、b are sensitive to unnormal noise points
c、Hough transfer:refer to" Line Detected by Hough"
e、ICP(Iterative closest points)
11、Common transformations:translation/rotation/aspect/affine/perspective——refer to the folder:the chapter “Reading Book note 4” in《OpenCV practical notes》
c、graph(graph cut,grab cut)
e、gestalt cues(based on the perception information of some shape)
13、Object Detection with statistical template:
b、Linear classifier:Logistic regression,Linear SVM
c、None-Linear classifer:Decision Trees/Boosted Decision Trees/Kernelized SVM
d、Generative classifier:Naive Bays