Chapter 17 Putting it All Together: Real Editing
1. 结构(Structure):使故事结构合理完善;
2. 清晰(Clarity):确保所要表达的想法足够清晰,具体;
3. 流畅(Flow):使文章的思想环环相扣,衔接紧密,服务于一个统一的故事;
4. 语言(Language):行文要准确,清晰,简洁,流畅。
Plant behavior in response to dynamic resource availability, such as changing light regimes, has been well studied. Adjustments made at the organelle to canopy level to modify light interception exemplify how responsive plants are at a range of scales to their resource environment.
这是一篇论文的开局。论文开局的最终要的目的是指明接下来的研究方向。对于一句话来讲,按照topic-stress的结构(2022-01-08论文的一句话是一个结构完备的最小的故事! - 简书 (,“Plant behavior”是topic,“has been well studied”是“stress”,那么这句话的重点变成了讲述过往研究的历史了!另外,这句话还存在两个失误:1.主语和动词分得太开;2. 使用被动语态(2022-01-13如何让文字更有活力? - 简书 (。所以,依据不同的主题,有两种改写方式:
A. Many studies have examined plant responses to varying resource availability。 这是介绍历史。
B. Plants use a range of approaches to respond to varying resource availability。这是介绍植物。
不论依据哪种主题,第二句都没有有效地衔接第一句,这是结构问题。第二句居然以“Adjustments ”做主语,混淆了本句所要表达的真正意思(Plants respond...),属于表述不清(Clarity)。在句子结构层面,存在主语和动词间隔太远(Adjustments...exemplify ),将动词名词化(Adjustments),形容词化的问题(responsive)。为了修订以上诸多问题,作者如下改写:
For example, as light varies, plants modify light interception by mechanisms that range from organelle-level physiological shifts to canopy-level changes in architecture.
“As light varies”衔接上一句,保证流畅性;“plants”做主语,动词(modify)紧跟主语。以上修订解决了结构,清晰和流畅性问题,接下来是语言的问题。
“Light ,”“level”重复使用,有笨重感(clumsy);shift和change意思相近,显得冗余。故可如下修订:
For example, as light varies, plants modify its interception by mechanisms working at different scales, from organelle physiology to canopy architecture.
以上例子显示了依照SCFL四部曲进行修订的过程。随后,再反过头来重新审查其结构,发现表达的主旨是how plants respond to varying lights,那么第一句就显得很多余。最终,这段话被缩减为一个句子:
As light varies, plants modify its interception by mechanisms working at different scales, from organelle physiology to canopy architecture。