今天时间玩了一些进去7.45am我们不允许放垫子,我放了布在那里,结果被女孩挪到后面,我一直想为啥要那么早开始练习,为了吃饭,kafe,还是就是习惯性的要早一些,如果我晚一些呢?也许需要打破这个规律,明天可以试一下,虽然坐在那里也OK,读书,hatha yoga patika:
-Buddha formulated his teachings, which are known as the ‘Four Noble Truths.’ Two of Buddha’s systems became widely known all over the world. One is known as vipassana and the other is anapanasati,安那般那念‘contemplation.’ For this Buddha laid a basic foundation called the‘Eightfold Path。”
Experience has taught us that in order to practice yama and niyama, discipline and self-control, a certain quality of mind is needed. Often we observe that when we try to practice self-control and discipline, we create more mental problems in our mind and personality. In yoga, life and consciousness are known as prakriti and purusha; in tantra they are known as Shakti and Shiva. In hatha yoga they are called ida and pingala; in Taoism, yin and yang, and in physics, matter and energy. 谈到两种能量互相制约和平衡。
When kundalini is established in sahasrara chakra, that is called yoga, not hatha yoga. This is the difference between yoga and hatha yoga. Yoga means union of Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (energy). Shakti is kundalini energy; Shiva is the supreme consciousness seated in sahasrara chakra。
里面排队两个中国女孩抢着跑到前面去,S没有让一个女孩take the seat,其他人都没有什么反应,我们都想着练习瑜伽而不是惹气,看到中国Y被老师要求而腿抖,他的位置是最多人在看,实在不是啥好位置。我们4个去前面侧面练习,我感觉很不错,又被换到第一排,能量都很好,今天稍微暖一下,到了我的后弯,michael帮助我够到左脚,右脚没有够到,S过来问了一句很失望的样子,我也没啥心事!
提到年纪13-55 yoga start until end of breath,直到咽气。success is our own shadow we can not catch成功就是我们影子,抓不到,Popularity results in what u can do anything !提到为了出名就会什么都做,有些话不好说。
success is our own shadow we can not catch成功就是自己影子,永远自己抓不到
Have food practice get liver problems 吃了饭就不要练习,伤肝!
ompurnamadahpurnamidampurna, 是结束mantra,现在迷恋mantra chanting。
Alert observation
categorizing mind, competing mind, comparing mind never understand Purusa
"I" want to be born, not body; I is small, only giving up small can be isvara
Be water then u will be ocean; be first, jumping out of ocean and asked a question" whom I am?", then back to ocean! Ocean is isvara
Surrender is difficult only deep sleep, unloaded, or anesthesia:Anesthesia or anaesthesia (from Greek "without sensation") is a state of controlled, temporary loss of sensation or awareness that is induced for medical purposes. It may include analgesia (relief from or prevention of pain), paralysis (muscle relaxation), amnesia (loss of memory), or unconsciousness.
Patanjali is dualist ?
we are person from isvara, not isvara from us.
tides think different from ocean
no seer, seen
一边om,一边微信处理最realistic issues
seer, being called, not writer of vedas, they see isvara?
old Indian woman carried the wood in the train on head, I do not want to burden the train!
Om can break the thoughts, pattern,
我提到inspired by avint和James,还有自己一些体会。她们都说要回来。