OWASP top 10 Security vulnerabilities Link:
Roger Schell (Security先驱者)
他的书: 《Design of Secure Military Computer Systems》
他的书:《Orange Book Evaluated Operating System》最早定义了Security标准,目前普遍将B1或B3作为标准要求。
802.11b 无线网安全准则
Trusted Computing Group chip, see the (TCG) home page: www.trustedcomputinggroup.org.
For David Safford's article "Take Control of TCPA," see http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6633.
For white papers and open source code for Trusted Computing, see www.research.ibm.com/gsal/tcpa.
For more information on choosing a cryptography vendor, see www.faqs.org/faqs/cryptography-faq/snake-oil/.