20160914 ver1.0
1.About Auto Mode and Manual Mode:
The Software will parse config.json to initial itself. There are two Modes which will be used in most cases:"auto" and "manual".
In AUTO mode, the program will init and start drawing automatically.
However, if machine detects error or pen positioning is invalid, we need to use manual mode.
2.Reference Procedure for running as AUTO Mode.
2.1 Pre-Power-on Check
- Check the Pen Module and we need to prevent cables from winding together.
- Make sure the Emergency Stop Button near you in case you need to push it down.
- Make sure the Power Plug(the white one) for Motors/Pumps are well connected and power is in OFF State.
2.2 Power On Check
- Power On the Power Plug(press the button and lights will be ON)
- Make sure the AC-DC Power's green Light is ON. Also, all four Motor control board's green lights should be blinking.
- !!!Attention !!! When Power is On, the Pen Module will push and pull the Pen and shoots out Laser dots to the left wooden panel and the floor for getting pen X and Y Coordinates.
You should always do a visual confirm on those red dots to make sure the machine will get the correct Position of the Pen, which is crucial for machine's safety.
If you are new to this machine, you might probably miss the red dots. you can simply Turn OFF the Power Plug and ON for another try until you see where those red laser dots go.
Once you have visual confirm that the red dot run outside of the wooden panel, it is NOT safe to run the machine under Auto Mode.
In this case, please skip the rest of this chapter and jump to Chapter 3.3(manual mode operation).
2.3 Computers Power Up(Auto Mode)
- Power On the Raspberry Pi
- Power On the CV computer
- Power On the Painting Machine Computer
- Confirm that Emergency Stop Switch is Not .
- Power On LCD Monitor and select Painting Machine Computer as its input source.
- In normal case, you can see the computer powered on and the program will run automatically and start drawing.If you wait too long , there might be a unexpected situation.
- if the machine is running properly, you can switch it back to Raspberry Pi.
2.4 Basic Troubleshooting
- switch the LCD Monitor Input source to Painting Machine's PC. (windows 10 OS)
- Check the program if running in auto mode and if there is any pop up windows saying anything.
3.Machine Start Procedure(Manual Mode)
3.1 Pre-Power-on Check
see Chapter 2.1 above
3.2 Power On Check
see Chapter 2.2 above
3.3 Start Program as Manual Mode
Since the config file sets the default mode is Auto Mode, we need to modify it and restart the program.
- Push Down the Emergency StopButton to make sure the Machine will hold.
- Close the current running program.
- use notepad++ or notepad to edit C:/PaintingPlotterDemo/config.json,find the line that says
"default Mode": ,change "auto" to "manual"
4.double click on paintingPlotter.exe,the program will start as manual mode.
3.4 initialization
- Single click the init button on the top left of the GUI,a self check task is executed for motors and pen's status.
- Take a look at the right top of the GUI, if you see the module is marked as timeout,it means that module is not connected correctly.
- Pen will shoots Laser dots to get current position, if it detects invalid value, it will show -1.
3.5 Adjust Pen Laser shooting Position
Please be aware that it is crucial to get the position correct. If not, it could lead to damage of the machine.
- check the Pen location and look at the corresponding location of the wooden panel, single click on the init button, confirm the actual location of the red dot. if the red dot is shoot on the panel, we can proceed to next step.
if not, which is a little bit complicated, please jump to chapter 4.1 - move pen to HOME position(which in the middle bottom of canvas(1500,2500))。
- when then pen moved to HOME, it might still have some deviation to the correct position. you can try to click on the init button to do laser measurement again,if it doesn't at the HOME coordinates, you can set next position to HOME again. However, if the laser test says it is on the right position while actually not, we need to modify the config files for calibration.
3.6 Establish Connection with CV Server.
check the IP address then click Connect. if success, it will show "connected".
Otherwise we need to check the CV Server.
3.7 Switch back to Auto Mode.
Modify config.json's default Mode from "manual" to "auto",restart the program.
4. adjustment method for laser positioning
background introduction:
the painting machine use four wire structure to control the pen module. It is inevitable that some of the wires are too tight while the rest are too loose.
There are two solutions available:
4.1 Manually Input the Correct Position
We can simply measure the position of pen and input its coordinate into the software.
then we can move the pen to a known position, e.g, HOME (1500,2500).
4.2 manually loose or tight wires.
reference steps:
- loose LD and RD wires just to make LU and RU are tighten by pen's G force.
- exec laser positioning by clicking init
button, and see which direction the laser is overshoot. - tighten LD or RD wire one at a time a little bit, observe if the wire we chose iscorrect. if so, repeat the adjustment until the laser hits the wooden panel.