夜深了,,,又到学习Spark的好时间了。。。这次分享一本MapR 出版的免费Spark教学电子书: “Getting Started with Apache Spark from Inception to Production”【其实Inception的字面意思是“开始”】。这本书接近了200页,内容是在2018年十月Spark 2.4发布期间更新过,从浅入深,不少案例,并且最后一章节介绍了技巧和最佳实践“Tip and Best Practices”。虽然有些对MapR产品的植入广告,但是算是这位作者Carol McDonald的用心之作。
- Spark 101: What It Is, What It Does, and Why It Matters
- Datasets, DataFrames, and Spark SQL
- How Spark Runs Your Applications
- Demystifying AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
- Predicting Flight Delays Using Apache Spark Machine Learning
- Cluster Analysis on Uber Event Data to Detect and Visualize Popular Uber Locations
- Real-Time Analysis of Popular Uber Locations Using Apache APIs: Spark Structured Streaming, Machine Learning, Kafka, and MapR-DB
- Predicting Forest Fire Locations with K-Means in Spark
- Using Apache Spark GraphFrames to Analyze Flight Delays and Distances
- Tips and Best Practices to Take Advantage of Spark 2.x