1.Love is eternal.爱是永恒的。#《破产姐妹》
2.Make peace with life.与生活和解。#《奥黛丽》
3.I will always think of you.我会永远想念你。#《马男波杰克》
4.Time heals altwounds.时间会抚平一切痛。#《实习医生格蕾》
5.Táke charge of your ovn life.主宰自己的人生。#《小谢尔顿》
6.We're not quitters.我们永不退缩。《摩登家庭》
7.We're meant, to be together.我们天生一对。#《极品老妈》
8.Life is all about perseverance.人生的真谛在于坚持。#《摩登家庭》
9.I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life.成为自己生命中的英雄。#《大西洋帝国》
10.Peopte living deeply have no fear of death.生则尽兴,死亦无惧。#《灵书妙探》
11.You can't compare yourself to other people. You'll do it your way.不必和他人比较,你有自己的人生节奏。#《破产姐妹》
12.Journeys end in lovers meeting.遇见对的人,从此便不再漂泊无依。#《恋爱假期》
13.I love you for who you are, not who the world wants you to be.我爱你,只因为是你,与世界对你的期待无关。#《低俗怪谈》
14.The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love.学会去爱,是人生最有意义的事情。#《外星居民》
15.Life is a gift.生命是一份礼物。#《乔乔的异想世界》
16.We are soulmates tied together by the beautifut threads of fate.我们是命中注定的灵魂伴侣。#《希瑞与非凡的公主们》
17.We all have to deal with mountains.每个人都有自己需要越过的高山。#《当幸福来敲门》
18.Live your best life.活出精彩人生。#《真爱不死》
19.I love you and I always will.我爱你,直到永远。#《天蝎》
20.Love is a journey.爱是一场旅程。#《亲密治疗》
21.From the moment we met, I felt there was something special between us.相遇的那一刻,我们在冥冥之中便有了羁绊。#《冒牌牧师》
22.I'll never forget that beautiful summer's day.我永远不会忘记那美丽的夏日。#今日大暑
23.Energy and persistence conquer all things.保持动力与坚持可以战胜一切。#《疑犯追踪》
24.Love is the strongest thing in the world.爱是世界上最强大的存在。#《乔乔的异想世界》
25.You've gotta make your own magic.创造属于自己的奇迹。#《破产姐妹》
26.There's always a way to turn things around.万事总有解决的方法。#《头脑特工队》
27.Affection is desirable.心动值得令人追寻。#《成为简·奥斯汀》
28.You are what I believe in.你就是我的信仰。#《神盾局特工》
29.To make each day count.让每一天都有意义。#《泰坦尼克号》
30.There is always something you can do, and succeed at.每个人都有自己的成功之路。#《万物理论》
31.You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.人生只此一次,不妨尽可能活得精彩一点。#《遇见你之前》