[–]UnliferPotato G2+1, rooted, PM11, P-Mobile, XPotatoed. 26 points 2 days ago
So that's what an iPad C will look like.
iPad C才应该长这样!
[–]michaelBAMFmichaelT989, Jellybean 4.2 60 points 2 days ago
I know I've seen that design elsewhere...
But seriously? The miPad?
[–]TomMadoNexus 4 & 7 '12,
Well to be fair it is pronounced Me Pad...
But yeah, not exactly very original name, especially considering their obvious target.
当然,这名字开起来挺山赛的,特别考虑到小米公司的竞争对手的话(指苹果).[–]michaelBAMFmichaelT989, Jellybean 4.2 22 points 2 days ago
The lock screen looks nearly identical to the iPad, and even their PowerPoint mimics Apple's traditional design.
这个解锁方式看起来跟iPad不太一样,但是他们的PowerPoint(指WPS)简直用绳命在模仿Keynote![–]jfong86 -2 points 1 day ago
The home button is also literally the same as Apple's home button, except its capacitative instead of a physical button. They also modified the Android UI to look more like iOS.
[–]dppowMako, Redmi, Tilapia 53 points 2 days ago
I know I will get downvote for this, but there's a reason why they don't enter US market yet :)
[–]shenyeHTC One M8,
They will become really exposed to lawsuits if they decide to expand outside of China. This will mean they will have to start paying more licensing fees and royalties, which will drive up the price.
[–]dppowMako, Redmi, Tilapia 1 point 1 day ago
They planned to enter 10 countries this year, but I think lawsuit isn't a concern for them in these countries
Asia: Malaysia, Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam Europe: Russia, Turkey Latin America: Mexico, Brazi
拉丁美洲:墨西哥,巴西[–]afyaff 10 points 2 days ago
[–]afyaff 10 points 2 days ago
One of them is patents. Another is China market being so large they don't have to step into other country with all those tax/restrictions.
[–]SimonGrayGalaxy S III / Nexus 10 6 points 1 day ago
When I first went to China in 2008, Oppo was a company that made iPod clones. The name "Oppo" even sounds like how a Chinese person would pronounce "Apple". Now they do have their own design language, so it does happen with these Chinese companies.
The first Samsung Galaxy phone also looked like an iPhone copy, and now they have their own design language too.
当我2008年第一次到中国的时候,Oppo还是一家做mp3的公司,尽管也像是iPod的克隆品,甚至连公司名字oppo听起来都像中式发音的Apple。现在他们有了自己的设计语言,中国很多公司都在发生这些变化。三星第一代盖世也长的很像iPhone,但是现在也有了他们自己的设计语言(虽然更丑了.( ⊙ o ⊙ ))
[–]Pokemon_Name_RaterXiaoMi Mi2S 32GB, MIUI v5
Exactly. And look at Meizu. I remember when I only knew Meizu for KIRF posts on Engadget where they were putting out things like the M8 that was so blatantly an iPhone rip. The MX3 is a beautiful device and, sure, it's a rounded rectangle, but I wouldn't say people would confuse the design language of the MX3 and any of the current generation of iPhones.
[–]sanguisbibemus 1 point 1 day ago
What I was thinking: "Hey, a Chinese phone that isn't a cheap piece of shit." That alone I think is pretty impressive considering China's grand counterfeiting history, but this is still a total Apple knockoff. If they stopped this clone bullshit they might have a chance in the U.S. So ridiculous.
[–]terriblific 13 points 2 days ago
seriously. they even put a little rounded rectangle around their storage sizes, because that's how apple displays storage options. that sort of unnecessary copying is just embarrassing.
[–]LiGuangMing1981Xiaomi Mi3 MIUI v5 10 points 2 days ago
MIUI can look like iOS, but you can also change it to look nothing like iOS. It's extremely skinnable, with hundreds if not thousands of easily downloadable themes that can completely change the look of the OS.
Pretty much the only thing that MIUI shares in common with iOS is the lack of an app drawer found in most other Android skins. In every other way it's just a rather heavy OEM skin of Android.
MIUI可以看起来像IOS,你也可以把它变得不像IOS。这只是个皮肤而已,就算没有上千也由上百的主题让你挑选。在这个类IOS UI界面最大的不足,估计就是缺少一个应用抽屉。不过除此之外,这真的是个很深度定制的皮肤
[–]crackinthewallN9005 5 points 2 days ago
The lack of app drawer seems to be a Chinese/Taiwanese thing given that Asus, Xiaomi and Guinea all decided to ditch the app drawer. Other Android manufacturers all have one in different styles.
缺少应用抽屉似乎是中国/台湾手机厂商的通病。其他安卓厂商都会有一个。[–]tooyoung_toooldVZW Gnex CM10.1,
If I didn't have an app drawer I think I'd go crazy.
没有应用抽屉的话我简直会发疯[–]LiGuangMing1981Xiaomi Mi3 MIUI v5 1 point 1 day ago
I don't find it to be that big of a deal. I just put all my apps in folders on one of my homescreens, and then have widgets and my most used apps on my main homescreen. In practice it's not that much different from using a version of Android with an app drawer.
[–]tooyoung_toooldVZW Gnex CM10.1,
Over in China copying another item isn't discriminated against. In fact consumers like that it looks like another popular device. Its more of a benefit to the than it is a hamper looking like an iPhone.
[–]jfong86 1 point 1 day ago
Yup, Apple products are actually too expensive for a lot of Chinese. Thus Xiaomi is providing a decent quality clone of an Apple product for an affordable price. This will sell really well.Chinese.
[–]IWannaRealDroidsN7000 CM 11 7 points 2 days ago
Apple? They copied this multicolor fashion to Nokia, so...
[–]a12223344556677 9 points 2 days ago
The colour options, other than dark grey, are EXACTLY the same as the iPhone 5c...
这些颜色选项,除了深灰之外,跟5C简直一模一样.[–]steakmeoutNexus 5, MultiROM,
And Apple copied Nokia.
但是苹果抄袭大诺记...[–]Treshy 5 points 1 day ago
and braun (a german company that produced radios that look EXACTLY like the ipod and even the old mac pro design is stolen from them...)
还有braun(一家德国企业,曾经的音乐播放器简直跟ipod一样,而且老款的mac pro的设计也是抄袭他们...这老底扒的,成功转移话题开始黑苹果了?)
[–]descendencyNexus 5 (32 GB) -1 points 1 day ago
It looks identical to a iPhone 5C blown up. It's not just the frame, either. Their OS is an obvious attempt to emulate iOS.
They are clearly trying to legitimize blatantly ripping off Apple. They aren't even trying to hide it. Their presentation slides look like something Apple would do. Their ads look like old Apple ads.
This is beyond just copying a rounded rectangle like Apple claims Samsung is doing. It's a well done KIRF.
On the other hand, if Apple releases colored iPad Minis (which is a fairly obvious progression given their iPod and iPhone 5C) it's much harder to claim that it is a result of Xiaomi. It might be true - but there really isn't going to be the kind of evidence to support that kind of claim.
[–]LiGuangMing1981Xiaomi Mi3 MIUI v5 0 points 1 day ago
Have you used MIUI? It's not 'an obvious attempt to emulate iOS'. The only thing it's got in common to iOS is the lack of an app drawer - everything else is far closer to Android, or unique to MIUI. I mean, you can theme it to look like iOS, but you can also theme it to look like just about anything else (and MIUI themes are extremely thorough, so if they want to avoid any issues with Apple, all they have to do is ship it with a theme that looks nothing like iOS).
[–]erythrocytes64Flounder prototype 3 points 2 days ago*
Right now, Xiaomi officially sells their devices only through their website and only in China and Singapore. Of course there are resellers, but prepare to pay around 30% extra price.
Hugo Barra stated that Xiaomi wnats to become a global company, but for the moment it's only in plans.
小米现在只通过他们的商城售卖,而且只在中国和新加坡。当然会有一些黄牛,但你需要支付额外30%的价钱。Hugo Barra 表示小米会成为一家国际公司,但只是在计划中而已。