作为一个程序员或者测试开发人员,我们在进行项目部署和运维时,经常会用到一些linux命令,可是这些命令老是忘记,每次用到的时候都要去谷歌百度,很是麻烦!这不,为了自己使用方便,对常见的linux命令, SHELL, VIM, Linux性能调优和linux kernel的总结,以便在用到时能够快速地找到相关命令,同时有需要的朋友也可以参考搜藏该篇文章!文章对讲到的每个命令都有详细的参数解释,并且给出一些常用例子,因此也非常适合用来学习!
- 工作中常用的命令总结;
内部命令使用help帮助:help cd
外部命令使用help帮助:ls --help
type ls
ls is aliased to `ls --color=auto' #外部命令
type cd
cd is a shell builtin #内部命令
ls -l 查看目录各个字段含义
第一字段:首字母代表的是文件类型 ,其中"-"为普通文件、"d"为目录文件、"c"为字符设备文件、"b"为块设备文件、"p"为管道文件、"l"为链接文件、"s"为socket文件。“rwx”分别代表拥有读、写和执行权限,"-代表无对应权限。三个"rwx"依次代表文件所有者、文件所有者所在用户组、其它用户对文件拥有的权限。
ls -lartR : 按照时间顺序倒序显示所有文件及其文件夹的文件
cd /path/... 绝对路径
cd ./path/... 相对路径(./可以省略)
cd ../path/... 相对路径
mkdir -p 递归目录:递归创建目录
rmdir a/b/c/d/e/ #删除空目录
rm -r a/b/c/d/ #递归删除目录,但是系统会做多次询问
rm -rf a/b/c/d/ #删除目录,不做任何询问
-r 复制目录
-p 保留用户、权限、时间等文件属性
mv *.log 目标目录
head -3 文件名称 #显示文件开头3行
tail -3 文件名称 #显示文件末尾3行
tail -f 文件名称
wc 文件名称
useradd 用户名
userdel 用户名 用户所在的家目录不会被删除
userdel -r 用户名 用户相关的所有配置都会被删除
passwd 用户名
tail /etc/passwd
tail /etc/shadow
groupadd 用户组
groupdel 用户组
su 用户名 切换用户,但是用户所在环境不变,即pwd路径不会变化
su - 用户名 切换用户,同时会切换到用户家目录,即/home/用户名
以下是一些常用命令汇总;The following table provides a reminder of most of the commands that we have covered so far. If you include the three, as-yet-unmentioned, commands in the last column, then you will probably be able to achieve >95% of everything that you will ever want to do in Unix (remember, you can use the man
command to find out more about top
, ps
, and kill
). The power comes from how you can use combinations of these commands.
日常linux 命令的cheat sheet总结;
Linux常用命令作为it人员的必备技能,我们需要掌握常用的基础命令,本文总结了工作中常用的命令列出来,希望可以帮助大家经常查阅,解决工作中的问题. 有需要补充可以联系我,完善文章.
Basic Linux commands
Command | Description | |
ls |
Lists all files and directories in the present working directory | |
ls -R |
Lists files in sub-directories as well | |
ls -a |
Lists hidden files as well | |
ls -al |
Lists files and directories with detailed information like permissions,size, owner, etc. | |
cd or cd ~ |
Navigate to HOME directory | |
cd .. |
Move one level up | |
cd |
To change to a particular directory | |
cd / |
Move to the root directory | |
cat > filename |
Creates a new file | |
cat filename |
Displays the file content | |
cat file1 file2 > file3 |
Joins two files (file1, file2) and stores the output in a new file (file3) | |
mv file "new file path" |
Moves the files to the new location | |
mv filename new_file_name |
Renames the file to a new filename | |
sudo |
Allows regular users to run programs with the security privileges of the superuser or root | |
rm filename |
Deletes a file | |
man |
Gives help information on a command | |
history |
Gives a list of all past commands typed in the current terminal session | |
clear |
Clears the terminal | |
mkdir directoryname |
Creates a new directory in the present working directory or a at the specified path | |
rmdir |
Deletes a directory | |
mv |
Renames a directory | |
pr -x |
Divides the file into x columns | |
pr -h |
Assigns a header to the file | |
pr -n |
Denotes the file with Line Numbers | |
lp -nc , lpr c |
Prints “c” copies of the File | |
lp-d lp-P |
Specifies name of the printer | |
apt-get |
Command used to install and update packages | |
`mail -s 'subject' |
-c 'cc-address'-b 'bcc-address'
'to-address'| Command to send email | |
mail -s "Subject"
to-address < Filename` | Command to send email with attachment |
File Permission commands
Command | Description | |
ls -l |
to show file type and access permission | |
r |
read permission | |
w |
write permission | |
x |
execute permission | |
-= |
no permission | |
Chown user |
For changing the ownership of a file/directory | |
Chown user:group filename |
change the user as well as group for a file or directory |
Environment Variables command
Command | Description | |
echo $VARIABLE |
To display value of a variable | |
env |
Displays all environment variables | |
VARIABLE_NAME= variable_value |
Create a new variable | |
Unset |
Remove a variable | |
export Variable=value |
To set value of an environment variable |
User management commands of linux
Command | Description | |
sudo adduser username |
To add a new user | |
sudo passwd -l 'username' |
To change the password of a user | |
sudo userdel -r 'username' |
To remove a newly created user | |
sudo usermod -a -G GROUPNAME USERNAME |
To add a user to a group | |
sudo deluser USER GROUPNAME |
To remove a user from a group | |
finger |
Shows information of all the users logged in | |
finger username |
Gives information of a particular userNetworking command |
Command | Description | |
SSH username@ip-address or hostname |
login into a remote Linux machine using SSH | |
Ping hostname="" or ="" |
To ping and Analyzing network and host connections | |
dir |
Display files in the current directory of a remote computer | |
cd "dirname" |
change directory to “dirname” on a remote computer | |
put file |
upload ‘file’ from local to remote computer | |
get file |
Download ‘file’ from remote to local computer | |
quit |
Logout |
Process command
Command | Description | |
bg |
To send a process to the background | |
fg |
To run a stopped process in the foreground | |
top |
Details on all Active Processes | |
ps |
Give the status of processes running for a user | |
ps PID |
Gives the status of a particular process | |
pidof |
Gives the Process ID (PID) of a process | |
kill PID |
Kills a process | |
nice |
Starts a process with a given priority | |
renice |
Changes priority of an already running process | |
df |
Gives free hard disk space on your system | |
free |
Gives free RAM on your systemVI Editing Commands |
VIM Command | Description | |
i |
Insert at cursor (goes into insert mode) | |
a |
Write after cursor (goes into insert mode) | |
A |
Write at the end of line (goes into insert mode) | |
Terminate insert mode | |
u |
Undo last change | |
U |
Undo all changes to the entire line | |
o |
Open a new line (goes into insert mode) | |
dd |
Delete line | |
3dd |
Delete 3 lines | |
D |
Delete contents of line after the cursor | |
C |
Delete contents of a line after the cursor and insert new text. Press ESC key to end insertion. | |
dw |
Delete word | |
4dw |
Delete 4 words | |
cw |
Change word | |
x |
Delete character at the cursor | |
r |
Replace character | |
R |
Overwrite characters from cursor onward | |
s |
Substitute one character under cursor continue to insert | |
S |
Substitute entire line and begin to insert at the beginning of the line | |
~ |
Change case of individual character |
Hope this Linux reference guide helps you!