Leon and Amy:
决定,decision. 选择,choose, choice, select.
我今天做了一个决定。I made a decision today. 做出决定, make a decision.
你做出决定了吗? Have you made a decision?
你下定决心了吗? Have you made up your mind? 下定决心,make up one's mind.
不要太快做出判断。Don't make judgments too soon./ Don't judge too soon. 判断,judge.
如果你想成为一名领导者,你必须要学会快速做决定。If you want to be a leader, you have to learn to make decisions quickly. 领导者,leader. 必须,must、have to. 快速,fast/quick.
正确的判断来自经验,经验来自错误的判断。The correct judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from wrong judgment. 经验,experience.
边看边学。 Watch and learn.
有人问福尔摩斯:你破案是靠猜测的吗?福尔摩斯回答:我从不猜测。I never guess. 猜测,guess.
他不会一直这么好运气的。 He wouldn't be always so lucky. 好运,lucky.
我希望你不会后悔。 I hope you won't regret it. 后悔,regret.