- 作者能以章节为单位发布图书;
- 审阅者能看到上述章节,提出审阅意见并通知作者;
- 作者能回绝上述审阅意见;
- 同时支持文字编辑和技术编辑工作;
- 不管图书是处于出版后的完成状态,还是处于出版前的beta状态,读者都能在线购买这两种状态图书的电子版或纸质版;
- 如果顾客购买了beta版的图书,出版社能将包含作者新编写章节的图书推送给这些顾客。
- 出版社要做这种整合,是由于竞争对手已经提供了相似服务;
- 各个出版社都在很激烈地争抢作者;
- 这是出版社长期战略的一部分,来将出版业务进行现代化;
- 出版图书所需的发行、版税和市场营销信息,来自几个不同的系统,即包括邮件附件中的Excel电子表格,也包括与印刷设备集成的大型机系统。
Agile Dead Trees
A publisher wants to unify its authoring Content Management System (CMS) and customer store experience, trying to get books published to customers as quickly as possible.
Users: dozens of publisher employees, hundreds of authors, thousands/millions of customers
- authors publish chapters
- reviewers see the chapters, make review comments, and notify authors on review
- authors can reject proposed review changes
- supports both copy and technical editing
- customers can buy books (either eform or dead trees form) online, including those available in 'beta'
- publisher can push authors' chapters to those customers who bought the 'beta'
Additional Context:
- The business is driven to this decision because competitors have a similar offering.
- Competition for authors is tight.
- This is part of a long-term strategy to modernize the publishing aspects of the business.
- Information needed to publish a book (distribution, royalties, marketing) comes from several disparate systems, ranging from emailed Excel spreadsheets to mainframe integration with the printing facility.