import scanpy as sc
import squidpy as sq
# load the pre-processed dataset
adata = sq.datasets.imc()
sc.pl.spatial(adata, color="cell type", spot_size=10)
We can appreciate how the majority of the tissue seems to consist of apoptotic tumor cells. There also seem to be other cell types scattered across the tissue, annotated as T cells, Macrophages and different types of Stromal cells. We can also appreciate how a subset of tumor cell, basal CK tumor cells seems to be located in the lower part of the tissue.
第三步,我们的重点,Co-occurrence across spatial dimensions
We can visualize cluster co-occurrence in spatial dimensions using the original spatial coordinates. The co-occurrence score is defined as:
where p(exp|cond) is the conditional probability of observing a cluster exp conditioned on the presence of a cluster cond, whereas p(exp) is the probability of observing exp in the radius size of interest. The score is computed across increasing radii size around each cell in the tissue.
sq.gr.co_occurrence(adata, cluster_key="cell type")
cluster_key="cell type",
clusters=["basal CK tumor cell", "T cells"],
figsize=(15, 4),
We can observe that T cells seems to co-occur with endothelial and vimentin hi stromal cells, whereas basal CK tumor cell seem to largely cluster together, except for the presence of a type of stromal cells (small elongated stromal cell) at close distance.
第四步:Neighborhood enrichment
A similar analysis that can inform on the neighbor structure of the tissue is the neighborhood enrichment test.
sq.gr.nhood_enrichment(adata, cluster_key="cell type")
sq.pl.nhood_enrichment(adata, cluster_key="cell type")
Interestingly, T cells shows an enrichment with stromal and endothelial cells, as well as macrophages. Another interesting result is that apoptotic tumor cells, being uniformly spread across the tissue area, show a neighbor depletion against any other cluster (but a strong enrichment for itself). This is a correct interpretation from a permutation based approach, because the cluster annotation, being uniformly spread across the tissue, and in high number, it’s more likely to be enriched with cell types from the same class, rather than different one.
第五步,Interaction matrix and network centralities
counts the number of edges that each cluster share with all the others.
sq.gr.interaction_matrix(adata, cluster_key="cell type")
sq.pl.interaction_matrix(adata, cluster_key="cell type")
Finally, similar to the previous analysis, we can investigate properties of the spatial graph by computing different network centralities:
cluster_key="cell type",
sq.pl.centrality_scores(adata, cluster_key="cell type", figsize=(20, 5), s=500)
For the purpose of this analysis, we can appreciate that the apoptotic tumor cell clusters shows high closeness centrality, indicating that nodes belonging to that group are often close to each other in the spatial graph