
What's the point?
Dart code runs in a single “thread” of execution.
Code that blocks the thread of execution can make your program freeze.
Future objects (futures) represent the results of asynchronous operations — processing or I/O to be completed later.
To suspend execution until a future completes, use await in an async function (or use then()).
To catch errors, use try-catch expressions in async functions (or use catchError()).
To run code concurrently, create an isolate (or for a web app, a worker).

6.要想同时运行代码,就要为一个web app或者一个worker创建一个isolate

Dart code runs in a single “thread” of execution. If Dart code blocks — for example, by performing a long-running calculation or waiting for I/O — the entire program freezes.

Asynchronous operations let your program complete other work while waiting for an operation to finish. Dart uses Future objects (futures) to represent the results of asynchronous operations. To work with futures, you can use either async and await or the Future API.


异步操作可以允许程序在等待操作完成期间可以去完成其他工作。Dart使用Future对象(futures)来表示异步操作的结果。要想使用futures,你可以使用asyncawait,或者其他Future API

Note: All Dart code runs in the context of an isolate that owns all of the memory that the Dart code uses. While Dart code is executing, no other code in the same isolate can run.

If you want multiple parts of Dart code to run concurrently, you can run them in separate isolates. (Web apps use workers instead of isolates.) Multiple isolates run at the same time, usually each on its own CPU core. Isolates don’t share memory, and the only way they can interact is by sending messages to each other. For more information, see the documentation for isolates or web workers.


如果你希望Dart代码的多个部分同时运行,你可以将它们在不同的isolate中运行(Weba pps使用workers代替isolates)。多个isolate同时运行,通常是各自运行在各自的CPU上。isolate不共享内存,它们可以交互的唯一方式就是互相发送消息。有关更多信息,请参阅isolateweb worker的文档。


Let’s look at some code that might cause a program to freeze:

// Synchronous code
void printDailyNewsDigest() {
  var newsDigest = gatherNewsReports(); // Can take a while.

main() {

Our program gathers the news of the day, prints it, and then prints a bunch of other items of interest to the user:


<gathered news goes here>
Winning lotto numbers: [23, 63, 87, 26, 2]
Tomorrow's forecast: 70F, sunny.
Baseball score: Red Sox 10, Yankees 0

Our code is problematic: since gatherNewsReports() blocks, the remaining code runs only after gatherNewsReports() returns with the contents of the file, however long that takes. If reading the file takes a long time, the user has to wait, wondering if they won the lottery, what tomorrow’s weather will be, and who won today’s game.

To help keep the application responsive, Dart library authors use an asynchronous model when defining functions that do potentially expensive work. Such functions return their value using a future.



What is a future?

A future is a Future<T> object, which represents an asynchronous operation that produces a result of type T. If the result isn’t a usable value, then the future’s type is Future<void>. When a function that returns a future is invoked, two things happen:

  1. The function queues up work to be done and returns an uncompleted Future object.
  2. Later, when the operation is finished, the Future object completes with a value or with an error.

When writing code that depends on a future, you have two options:

  • Use async and await
  • Use the Future API


  1. 函数将要完成的工作进行排队,并且返回一个未完成的Future对象
  2. 之后,当操作完成时,Future对象将以一个值或者一个错误来完成


  • 使用async和await
  • 使用Future API

Async and await

The async and await keywords are part of the Dart language’s asynchrony support. They allow you to write asynchronous code that looks like synchronous code and doesn’t use the FutureAPI. An async function is one that has the async keyword before its body. The await keyword works only in async functions.

asyncawait关键字是Dart语言异步支持的一部分。它们允许你不使用Future API就可以写出类似于同步代码的异步代码。async函数的主体前面有async关键字。await关键字只在异步函数中生效。

Version note: In Dart 1.x, async functions immediately suspended execution. In Dart 2, instead of immediately suspending, async functions execute synchronously until the first await or return.

版本说明:Dart1.x中,异步函数立即挂起执行。在Dart 2中,异步函数不是立即挂起,而是同步执行,直到第一个awaitreturn

/ Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';

Future<void> printDailyNewsDigest() async {
  var newsDigest = await gatherNewsReports();

main() {

printWinningLotteryNumbers() {
  print('Winning lotto numbers: [23, 63, 87, 26, 2]');

printWeatherForecast() {
  print("Tomorrow's forecast: 70F, sunny.");

printBaseballScore() {
  print('Baseball score: Red Sox 10, Yankees 0');

const news = '<gathered news goes here>';
const oneSecond = Duration(seconds: 1);

// Imagine that this function is more complex and slow. :)
Future<String> gatherNewsReports() =>
    Future.delayed(oneSecond, () => news);

// Alternatively, you can get news from a server using features
// from either dart:io or dart:html. For example:
// import 'dart:html';
// Future<String> gatherNewsReportsFromServer() => HttpRequest.getString(
//      'https://www.dartlang.org/f/dailyNewsDigest.txt',
//    );


Winning lotto numbers: [23, 63, 87, 26, 2]
Tomorrow's forecast: 70F, sunny.
Baseball score: Red Sox 10, Yankees 0
<gathered news goes here>

Notice that printDailyNewsDigest() is the first function called, but the news is the last thing to print, even though the file contains only a single line. This is because the code that reads and prints the file is running asynchronously.

In this example, the printDailyNewsDigest() function calls gatherNewsReports(), which is non-blocking. Calling gatherNewsReports() queues up the work to be done but doesn’t stop the rest of the code from executing. The program prints the lottery numbers, the forecast, and the baseball score; when gatherNewsReports() finishes gathering news, the program prints. If gatherNewsReports() takes a little while to complete its work, no great harm is done: the user gets to read other things before the daily news digest is printed.

Note the return types. The return type of gatherNewsReports() is Future<String>, which means that it returns a future that completes with a string value. The printDailyNewsDigest() function, which doesn’t return a value, has the return type Future<void>.

The following diagram shows the flow of execution through the code. Each number corresponds to a step below.

在这个例子中,printDailyNewsDigest()函数调用非阻塞的函数gatherNewsReports()。调用gatherNewsReports()将要完成的工作排队,但不会阻止其余代码的执行。当gatherNewsReports()完成收集新闻时,这个程序打印彩票号码、预测和棒球分数。如果gatherNewsReports() 用了很少的时间来完成它的工作,那么并不会造成很大的损害。用户可以在每日新闻摘要打印之前阅读其他内容。

注意返回值类型。gatherNewsReports()的返回值类型是Future<String>,意思就是它返回了一个带有字符串值的Future。printDailyNewsDigest()函数不返回值,它的返回类型是 Future<void>。


  1. The app begins executing.
  2. The main() function calls the async function printDailyNewsDigest(), which begins executing synchronously.
  3. printDailyNewsDigest() uses await to call the function gatherNewsReports(), which begins executing.
  4. The gatherNewsReports() function returns an uncompleted future (an instance of Future<String>).
  5. Because printDailyNewsDigest() is an async function and is awaiting a value, it pauses its execution and returns an uncompleted future (in this case, an instance of Future<void>) to its caller (main()).
  6. The remaining print functions execute. Because they’re synchronous, each function executes fully before moving on to the next print function. For example, the winning lottery numbers are all printed before the weather forecast is printed.
  7. When main() has finished executing, the asynchronous functions can resume execution. First, the future returned by gatherNewsReports() completes. Then printDailyNewsDigest() continues executing, printing the news.
  8. When the printDailyNewsDigest() function body finishes executing, the future that it originally returned completes, and the app exits.
  1. app开始执行。
  2. 祝函数调用异步函数printDailyNewsDigest(),该函数开始同步执行
  3. printDailyNewsDigest()使用wait来调用开始执行的函数gatherNewsReports()
  4. gatherNewsReports()函数返回一个未完成的future(一个Future <String>实例)
  5. 因为printDailyNewsDigest()是一个异步函数,并且正在等待一个值,它暂停执行并返回一个未完成的future(在本例中是Future<void>实例)给调用者(主函数main())。
  6. 执行剩余的打印函数。因为它们是同步的,所以每个函数在转移到下一个打印函数之前都要执行完全。例如,中奖彩票号码在天气预报打印之前都要打印出来。
  7. 当main()函数执行后,异步函数可以恢复执行。首先gatherNewsReports()函数完成后返回future。然后printDailyNewsDigest()函数继续执行,打印新闻。
  8. printDailyNewsDigest()函数体结束执行时,最初返回的future完成,app退出。

Note that an async function starts executing right away (synchronously). The function suspends execution and returns an uncompleted future when it reaches the first occurrence of any of the following:

  • The function’s first await expression (after the function gets the uncompleted future from that expression).
  • Any return statement in the function.
  • The end of the function body.


  • 函数的第一个await表达式(函数在从该表达式中获得未完成的future之后)
  • 函数中任何return语句
  • 函数体的结尾

Handling errors(处理错误)

If a Future-returning function completes with an error, you probably want to capture that error. Async functions can handle errors using try-catch:


Future<void> printDailyNewsDigest() async {
  try {
    var newsDigest = await gatherNewsReports();
  } catch (e) {
    // Handle error...

The try-catch code behaves in the same way with asynchronous code as it does with synchronous code: if the code within the try block throws an exception, the code inside the catch clause executes.


Sequential processing(顺序处理)

You can use multiple await expressions to ensure that each statement completes before executing the next statement:

// Sequential processing using async and await.
main() async {
  await expensiveA();
  await expensiveB();
  doSomethingWith(await expensiveC());

The expensiveB() function doesn’t execute until expensiveA() has finished, and so on.

The Future API

Before async and await were added in Dart 1.9, you had to use the Future API. You might still see the Future API used in older code and in code that needs more functionality than async-await offers.

To write asynchronous code using the Future API, you use the then() method to register a callback. This callback fires when the Future completes.

The following app simulates reading the news by using the Future API to read the contents of a file on this site. Open a DartPad window containing the app, run the app, and click CONSOLE to see the app’s output.

在Dart1.9中添加asyncawait之前,你必须要使用Future API,你可能仍然会在老代码中或者那些需要比async-await提供的功能更多的代码中看到Future API还在被使用。

要使用Future API编写异步代码,可以使用then()方法来注册回调。Future完成后将触发回调。

下面的应用程序通过使用Future API来读取网站上文件的内容来模拟阅读新闻。

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';

Future<void> printDailyNewsDigest() {
  final future = gatherNewsReports();
  return future.then(print);
  // You don't *have* to return the future here.
  // But if you don't, callers can't await it.

main() {

printWinningLotteryNumbers() {
  print('Winning lotto numbers: [23, 63, 87, 26, 2]');

printWeatherForecast() {
  print("Tomorrow's forecast: 70F, sunny.");

printBaseballScore() {
  print('Baseball score: Red Sox 10, Yankees 0');

const news = '<gathered news goes here>';
const oneSecond = Duration(seconds: 1);

// Imagine that this function is more complex and slow. :)
Future<String> gatherNewsReports() =>
    Future.delayed(oneSecond, () => news);

// Alternatively, you can get news from a server using features
// from either dart:io or dart:html. For example:
// import 'dart:html';
// Future<String> gatherNewsReportsFromServer() => HttpRequest.getString(
//      'https://www.dartlang.org/f/dailyNewsDigest.txt',
//    );


Winning lotto numbers: [23, 63, 87, 26, 2]
Tomorrow's forecast: 70F, sunny.
Baseball score: Red Sox 10, Yankees 0
<gathered news goes here>

Notice that printDailyNewsDigest() is the first function called, but the news is the last thing to print, even though the file contains only a single line. This is because the code that reads the file is running asynchronously.

This app executes as follows:

  1. The app begins executing.
  2. The main function calls the printDailyNewsDigest() function, which does not return immediately, but calls gatherNewsReports().
  3. gatherNewsReports() starts gathering news and returns a Future.
  4. printDailyNewsDigest() uses then() to specify a response to the Future. Calling then() returns a new Future that will complete with the value returned by then()’s callback.
  5. The remaining print functions execute. Because they’re synchronous, each function executes fully before moving on to the next print function. For example, the winning lottery numbers are all printed before the weather forecast is printed.
  6. When all of the news has arrived, the Future returned by gatherNewsReports() completes with a string containing the gathered news.
  7. The code specified by then() in printDailyNewsDigest() runs, printing the news.
  8. The app exits.



  1. app开始zhixing
  2. 主函数调用printDailyNewsDigest()函数,该函数不会立即返回,二十调用gatherNewsReports()函数。
  3. gatherNewsReports()函数开始收集新闻,并返回一个Future对象
  4. printDailyNewsDigest()函数使用then()来指定对Future对象的响应。调用then来返回一个新的Future对象,该Future将以then()的回调返回的值来完成。
  5. 执行其余打印函数。因为它们是同步的,每一个函数都会在执行下一个打印函数之前全部执行完毕。例如,彩票中奖号码在天气预报打印之前打印出来。
  6. 当所有的新闻收到以后,gatherNewsReports()函数在结束时会返回一个带有新闻信息的字符串值的Future。
  7. printDailyNewsDigest()函数中then()指定的代码运行来打印新闻。
  8. app退出

Note: In the printDailyNewsDigest() function, the code future.then(print) is equivalent to the following:
future.then((newsDigest) => print(newsDigest))

注意:在printDailyNewsDigest()中,代码future.then(print)等价于:future.then((newsDigest) => print(newsDigest))

Alternatively, the code inside then() can use curly braces:

Future<void> printDailyNewsDigest() {
  final future = gatherNewsReports();
  return future.then((newsDigest) {
    // Do something else...

You need to provide an argument to then()’s callback, even if the Future is of type Future<void>. By convention, an unused argument is named _ (underscore).

final future = printDailyNewsDigest();
return future.then((_) {
  // Code that doesn't use the `_` parameter...
  print('All reports printed.');

Handling errors

With the Future API, you can capture an error usingcatchError():
Future API中,你可以使用catchError()来捕获错误:

Future<void> printDailyNewsDigest() =>

If the news stream isn’t available for reading, the code above executes as follows:

  1. The future returned by gatherNewsReports() completes with an error.
  2. The future returned by then() completes with an error; print()isn’t called.
  3. The callback for catchError() (handleError()) handles the error, the future returned by catchError() completes normally, and the error does not propagate.


  1. gatherNewsReports()函数返回的future对象将以错误结束
  2. catchError() (handleError())的回调函数处理错误,catchError()返回future正常完成,错误不会传播。

Chaining catchError() to then() is a common pattern when using the Future API. Consider this pairing the Future API’s equivalent of try-catch blocks.

catchError()链接到then()是使用未来API时的一种常见模式。考虑将Future API的try-catch块配对。

Like then(), catchError() returns a new Future that completes with the return value of its callback.

For more details and examples, read Futures and Error Handling.


Calling multiple functions that return futures

Consider three functions, expensiveA(), expensiveB(), and expensiveC(), that return Future objects. You can invoke them sequentially (one function starts when a previous one completes), or you can kick off all of them at the same time and do something once all the values return. The Future interface is fluid enough to deal with both use cases.

思考一下三个可以返回Future对象的函数,expensiveA(), expensiveB()expensiveC()。你可以按顺序调用它们(一个函数在前一个函数完成时启动),或者你可以同时启动所有函数,并在所有值返回时执行这些操作。Future接口是足够灵活,可以处理这两个用例。

Chaining function calls using then()使用then()链函数调用

When Future-returning functions need to run in order, use chained then() calls:

    .then((aValue) => expensiveB())
    .then((bValue) => expensiveC())
    .then((cValue) => doSomethingWith(cValue));

Nested callbacks also work, but they’re harder to read and not as Dart-y.

Waiting on multiple futures to complete using Future.wait()

If the order of execution of the functions is not important, you can use Future.wait().

When you pass Future.wait() a list of futures, it immediately returns a Future. That future doesn’t complete until all of the given futures have completed. Then it completes with a list containing the values produced by each future in the original list.



Future.wait([expensiveA(), expensiveB(), expensiveC()])
    .then((List responses) => chooseBestResponse(responses, moreInfo))

If any of the invoked functions completes with an error, the Future returned by Future.wait()also completes with an error. Use catchError() to handle the error.

Other resources

Read the following documentation for more details on using futures and asynchronous programming in Dart:


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