我也开始慢慢习惯 有苦自咽 I also began to get used to eating bitterness.
迷茫 才是青春该有的样子 Confusion is what youth shuold be like.
不要说我变了 多亏了这个世界的成全 Don't say I've changed thanks to the world.
所有人都在努力 并不是只有你满腹委屈 You are not the only who's trying.
可惜你不懂我的言不由衷 It's a pity you don't understand my insincerity.
放松点生活 你没有那么多观众 Relax. You don't have that many viewers.
何必去等一个不归人 Why wait for someone not to return.
没有什么错过的人 离开的都是路人 There's nothing missing. People leaving are passers-by.
如果这世间没有可憎之人, 我不知道内心会有多么寂寞。