18.优化 - matrix-battery-canary 分析2




    private final ThreadWatchDog mFgThreadWatchDog = new ThreadWatchDog();
    private final ThreadWatchDog mBgThreadWatchDog = new ThreadWatchDog();    
    public void onForeground(boolean isForeground) {
        if (isForeground) {
        } else {
    public void watchBackThreadSate(boolean isForeground, int pid, int tid) {
        if (isForeground) {
            // 给线程添加需要观察的线程
            mFgThreadWatchDog.watch(pid, tid); 
        } else {
            mBgThreadWatchDog.watch(pid, tid);

    class ThreadWatchDog implements Runnable {
        private long duringMillis;
        // 观察的线程集合
        private final List<ProcessInfo.ThreadInfo> mWatchingThreads = new ArrayList<>();

        public void run() {
            List<JiffiesSnapshot.ThreadJiffiesSnapshot> threadJiffiesList = new ArrayList<>();
            synchronized (mWatchingThreads) {
                for (ProcessInfo.ThreadInfo item : mWatchingThreads) {
                    // 解析 "/proc/" + pid + "/task/" + tid + "/stat" 里面的信息
                    // 拿到了 tid 线程的相关信息并封装到 ThreadJiffiesSnapshot 中,主要拿到了 tid 的名字、utime(用户态运行的时间)、
                    // stime(内核态运行的时间)、cutime (累计所有的waited-for进程曾经在用户态运行的时间)
                    // cstime (累计所有的waited-for进程曾经在内核态运行的时间)
                    JiffiesSnapshot.ThreadJiffiesSnapshot snapshot = JiffiesSnapshot.ThreadJiffiesSnapshot.parseThreadJiffies(item);
                    if (snapshot != null) {
                        snapshot.isNewAdded = false;
            if (!threadJiffiesList.isEmpty()) {
                ListEntry<JiffiesSnapshot.ThreadJiffiesSnapshot> threadJiffiesListEntry = ListEntry.of(threadJiffiesList);// 包裹一层?
                mCore.getConfig().callback.onWatchingThreads(threadJiffiesListEntry); // 主要做了 print

            // 下一次运行维度时机,stop 方法则是将该任务移除
            if (duringMillis <= 5 * 60 * 1000L) {
                mCore.getHandler().postDelayed(this, setNext(5 * 60 * 1000L));
            } else if (duringMillis <= 10 * 60 * 1000L) {
                mCore.getHandler().postDelayed(this, setNext(10 * 60 * 1000L));
            } else {
                // done
                synchronized (mWatchingThreads) {
        private long setNext(long millis) {
            duringMillis += millis;
            return millis;


        // 二个进程取差值 里面相同的线程也取差值
        public Delta<JiffiesSnapshot> diff(JiffiesSnapshot bgn) {
            return new Delta<JiffiesSnapshot>(bgn, this) {// bgn end
                protected JiffiesSnapshot computeDelta() {
                    JiffiesSnapshot delta = new JiffiesSnapshot();
                    delta.pid = end.pid;
                    delta.name = end.name;
                    // 进程或者线程里面的 totalJiffies = utime + stime + cutime + cstime 的差值
                    delta.totalJiffies = Differ.DigitDiffer.globalDiff(bgn.totalJiffies, end.totalJiffies);
                    // 线程数差值
                    delta.threadNum = Differ.DigitDiffer.globalDiff(bgn.threadNum, end.threadNum);
                    delta.threadEntries = ListEntry.ofEmpty();
                    // 取二次进程快照中相同的线程做差值后并排序
                    if (end.threadEntries.getList().size() > 0) {
                        List<ThreadJiffiesSnapshot> deltaThreadEntries = new ArrayList<>();
                        for (ThreadJiffiesSnapshot endRecord : end.threadEntries.getList()) {
                            boolean isNewAdded = true;
                            long jiffiesConsumed = endRecord.value;
                            for (ThreadJiffiesSnapshot bgnRecord : bgn.threadEntries.getList()) {
                                if (bgnRecord.name.equals(endRecord.name) && bgnRecord.tid == endRecord.tid) {
                                    isNewAdded = false;
                                    jiffiesConsumed = Differ.DigitDiffer.globalDiff(bgnRecord, endRecord).value;
                            if (jiffiesConsumed > 0) {
                                ThreadJiffiesSnapshot deltaThreadJiffies = new ThreadJiffiesSnapshot(jiffiesConsumed);
                                deltaThreadJiffies.tid = endRecord.tid;
                                deltaThreadJiffies.name = endRecord.name;
                                deltaThreadJiffies.stat = endRecord.stat;
                                deltaThreadJiffies.isNewAdded = isNewAdded;
                        if (deltaThreadEntries.size() > 0) {
                            Collections.sort(deltaThreadEntries, new Comparator<ThreadJiffiesSnapshot>() {
                                public int compare(ThreadJiffiesSnapshot o1, ThreadJiffiesSnapshot o2) {
                                    long minus = o1.get() - o2.get();
                                    if (minus == 0) return 0;
                                    if (minus > 0) return -1;
                                    return 1;
                            delta.threadEntries = ListEntry.of(deltaThreadEntries);
                    return delta;
  • 总结:
  1. 取进程或者线程信息可以使用 proc/pid/stat/proc/pid/task/tid/stat这二个命令。
  2. 进程或者线程中的 utime + stime + cutime + cstime 这几个值可以反应当前 cpu 状态,内核态时间过多可以表明不太正常等。
  3. 前后台监控的时机、间隔不一致



    public void onTurnOn() {
         // 设备是否在  充电中/满电 熄屏 省电模式
        int deviceStat = BatteryCanaryUtil.getDeviceStat(mCore.getContext());   
        @SuppressLint("VisibleForTests") TimeBreaker.Stamp firstStamp = new TimeBreaker.Stamp(String.valueOf(deviceStat));
        synchronized (TAG) {
            mStampList = new ArrayList<>();
            // 记录最近一次设备的状态
            mStampList.add(0, firstStamp);

        mDevStatListener.setListener(new Consumer<Integer>() {
            // 该回调由前篇中 BatteryMonitorCore 类的 start 方法中的 BatteryEventDelegate.getInstance().attach(this).startListening(); 来触发
// 前篇代码 BatteryMonitorCore start 方法代码
//            if (BatteryEventDelegate.isInit()) {
//                // 通过广播来监听系统的 屏幕状态(息屏、亮屏),电池状态(充电、不充电),发生状态更改时会通知观察者们
//                BatteryEventDelegate.getInstance().attach(this).startListening();
//            }
            public void accept(Integer integer) {
                BatteryCanaryUtil.getProxy().updateDevStat(integer); // 更新 设备是否在 充电中/满电 熄屏 省电模式
                synchronized (TAG) {
                    if (mStampList != Collections.EMPTY_LIST) {
                        MatrixLog.i(BatteryEventDelegate.TAG, "onStat >> " + BatteryCanaryUtil.convertDevStat(integer));
                        mStampList.add(0, new TimeBreaker.Stamp(String.valueOf(integer)));  //设备状态记录
                        checkOverHeat(); // 判断 mStampList 数量是否达到阈值,释放 mStampList 一部分空间

        if (!mDevStatListener.isListening()) {

    public void onTurnOff() {
        // 移除监听

    // 判断是否 充电中/满电
    public static boolean isDeviceChargingV1(Context context) {
        try {
            Intent batIntent = context.registerReceiver(null, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED));
            if (batIntent == null) return false;
            int status = batIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_STATUS, -1);//电池状态
            return (status == BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING) || (status == BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_FULL);//充电中 或者 满电
        } catch (Throwable ignored) {
            return false;

    // 判断是否是亮屏
    public static boolean isDeviceScreenOn(Context context) {
        try {
            PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
            if (pm != null) {
                return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT_WATCH ? pm.isInteractive() : pm.isScreenOn();
        } catch (Exception ignored) {
        return false;

    // 判断是否是开启省电模式
    public static boolean isDeviceOnPowerSave(Context context) {
            try {
                PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
                if (pm != null) {
                    return pm.isPowerSaveMode();
            } catch (Exception ignored) {
        return false;


    // 获取当前设备状态的快照
    public DevStatSnapshot currentDevStatSnapshot() {
        return currentDevStatSnapshot(0L);

    public DevStatSnapshot currentDevStatSnapshot(long windowMillis) {
        try {
            // 返回 连接电源 断开电源 亮屏 熄屏 这几种状态的占比
            TimeBreaker.TimePortions timePortions = TimeBreaker.configurePortions(mStampList, windowMillis, 10L, new TimeBreaker.Stamp.Stamper() {
                public TimeBreaker.Stamp stamp(String key) {
                    //设备是否在 充电 熄屏 省电模式
                    int devStat = BatteryCanaryUtil.getDeviceStat(mCore.getContext());
                    return new TimeBreaker.Stamp(String.valueOf(devStat));
            DevStatSnapshot snapshot = new DevStatSnapshot();
            snapshot.uptime = Snapshot.Entry.DigitEntry.of(timePortions.totalUptime);
            snapshot.chargingRatio = Snapshot.Entry.DigitEntry.of((long) timePortions.getRatio("1"));// 连接电源的百分比
            snapshot.unChargingRatio = Snapshot.Entry.DigitEntry.of((long) timePortions.getRatio("2"));// 断开电源的百分比
            snapshot.screenOff = Snapshot.Entry.DigitEntry.of((long) timePortions.getRatio("3"));// 熄屏的百分比
            snapshot.lowEnergyRatio = Snapshot.Entry.DigitEntry.of((long) timePortions.getRatio("4"));// 低电量的百分比
            return snapshot;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            MatrixLog.w(TAG, "configureSnapshot fail: " + e.getMessage());
            DevStatSnapshot snapshot = new DevStatSnapshot();
            return snapshot;


    public CpuFreqSnapshot currentCpuFreq() {
        CpuFreqSnapshot snapshot = new CpuFreqSnapshot();
        try {
            snapshot.cpuFreqs = Snapshot.Entry.ListEntry.ofDigits(BatteryCanaryUtil.getCpuCurrentFreq());
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            MatrixLog.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e, "#currentCpuFreq error");
            snapshot.cpuFreqs = Snapshot.Entry.ListEntry.ofDigits(new int[]{});
        return snapshot;

    // 获得每隔 cpu 核心的频率
    public static int[] getCpuCurrentFreq() {
        int[] output = new int[getCpuCoreNum()];
        for (int i = 0; i < getCpuCoreNum(); i++) {
            output[i] = 0;
            String path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu" + i + "/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq";
            String cat = cat(path);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(cat)) {
                try {
                    //noinspection ConstantConditions
                    output[i] = Integer.parseInt(cat) / 1000;
                } catch (Exception ignored) {
        return output;

    // 获取 cpu 核心数
    public static int getCpuCoreNum() {
        try {
            // Get directory containing CPU info
            File dir = new File("/sys/devices/system/cpu/");
            // Filter to only list the devices we care about
            File[] files = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
                public boolean accept(File pathname) {
                    return Pattern.matches("cpu[0-9]+", pathname.getName());
            // Return the number of cores (virtual CPU devices)
            return files.length;
        } catch (Exception ignored) {
            // Default to return 1 core
            return 1;

    public BatteryTmpSnapshot currentBatteryTemperature(Context context) {
        BatteryTmpSnapshot snapshot = new BatteryTmpSnapshot();
        snapshot.temp = Snapshot.Entry.DigitEntry.of(mCore.getCurrentBatteryTemperature(context));
        return snapshot;

    // 获取电池温度
    public static int getBatteryTemperature(Context context) {
        try {
            Intent batIntent = context.registerReceiver(null, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED));
            if (batIntent == null) return 0;
            return batIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_TEMPERATURE, 0);
        } catch (Throwable ignored) {
            return 0;
  • 总结
  1. 获取电池温度:
    Intent batIntent = context.registerReceiver(null, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED));
    if (batIntent == null) return 0;
    return batIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_TEMPERATURE, 0);
  2. 获取 CPU 核心数:"/sys/devices/system/cpu/"
  3. 获取单核 CPU 的频率:"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu" + i + "/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq"
  4. 获取设备状态:注册接收其接收系统发出的广播或者获取相应的系统服务来获取,代码见上方


在activity onCreate和 stop 时收集 app 是否在前台 有前台服务 在后台信息并记录,并且在 app 进入后台后(过指定时间后)根据判断 app 的前台服务的 importance 值来输出相应的信息。

    public void onTurnOn() {
        TimeBreaker.Stamp firstStamp = new TimeBreaker.Stamp("1");
        TimeBreaker.Stamp firstSceneStamp = new TimeBreaker.Stamp(mCore.getScene());  // mCore.getScene() = Current AppScene
        synchronized (TAG) {
            mStampList = new ArrayList<>();
            mStampList.add(0, firstStamp);
            mSceneStampList = new ArrayList<>();
            mSceneStampList.add(0, firstSceneStamp);

    public void onTurnOff() {
        synchronized (TAG) {

    // activity onCreate(isForeground = true) 和 stop(isForeground = false) 时回调
    public void onForeground(boolean isForeground) {
        // 判断 app 是否在前台 有前台服务 在后台
        int appStat = BatteryCanaryUtil.getAppStatImmediately(mCore.getContext(), isForeground);
        synchronized (TAG) {
            if (mStampList != Collections.EMPTY_LIST) {
                MatrixLog.i(BatteryEventDelegate.TAG, "onStat >> " + BatteryCanaryUtil.convertAppStat(appStat));
                mStampList.add(0, new TimeBreaker.Stamp(String.valueOf(appStat)));

        MatrixLog.i(TAG, "updateAppImportance when app " + (isForeground ? "foreground" : "background"));

        // importance 值说明
        //public static final int IMPORTANCE_BACKGROUND = 400//后台
        //public static final int IMPORTANCE_EMPTY = 500//空进程
        //public static final int IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND = 100//在屏幕最前端、可获取到焦点
        //public static final int IMPORTANCE_SERVICE = 300//在服务中
        //public static final int IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE = 200//在屏幕前端、获取不到焦点

    // 获取到所有的运行的程序,更新本进程组进程的 importance 值和本进程的 importance值
    private void updateAppImportance() {
        // 理论上不可能进入该 if
        // 默认1024(本函数最后更新该值)<= 100     默认1024(本函数最后更新该值)<= 100
        if (mAppImportance <= mForegroundServiceImportanceLimit && mGlobalAppImportance <= mForegroundServiceImportanceLimit) {

        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Context context = mCore.getContext();
                String mainProc = context.getPackageName();
                if (mainProc.contains(":")) {
                    mainProc = mainProc.substring(0, mainProc.indexOf(":"));

                ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
                if (am == null) {
                List<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> processes = am.getRunningAppProcesses();
                if (processes == null) {

                for (ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo item : processes) {
                    if (item.processName.startsWith(mainProc)) { // 同一个进程组
                        // default = 1024
                        if (mGlobalAppImportance > item.importance) {
                            MatrixLog.i(TAG, "update global importance: " + mGlobalAppImportance + " > " + item.importance
                                    + ", reason = " + item.importanceReasonComponent);
                            mGlobalAppImportance = item.importance;
                        if (item.processName.equals(context.getPackageName())) { // 主进程
                            // default = 1024
                            if (mAppImportance > item.importance) {
                                MatrixLog.i(TAG, "update app importance: " + mAppImportance + " > " + item.importance
                                        + ", reason = " + item.importanceReasonComponent);
                                mAppImportance = item.importance;

        if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) {
        } else {

    // app stop 后台时回调   duringMillis = 10min
    public void onBackgroundCheck(long duringMillis) {
        MatrixLog.i(TAG, "#onBackgroundCheck, during = " + duringMillis);

        if (mGlobalAppImportance > mForegroundServiceImportanceLimit || mAppImportance > mForegroundServiceImportanceLimit) {
            Context context = mCore.getContext();
            ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
            if (am == null) {
            // 获取正在运行后台服务列表
            List<ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo> runningServices = am.getRunningServices(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            if (runningServices == null) {

            for (ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo item : runningServices) {
                // app 进程组的服务
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(item.process) && item.process.startsWith(context.getPackageName())) {
                    if (item.foreground) {
                        MatrixLog.i(TAG, "checkForegroundService whether app importance is low, during = " + duringMillis);
                        // foreground service is running when app importance is low
                        if (mGlobalAppImportance > mForegroundServiceImportanceLimit) {
                            // global
                            MatrixLog.w(TAG, "foreground service detected with low global importance: "
                                    + mAppImportance + ", " + mGlobalAppImportance + ", " + item.service);
                            mCore.onForegroundServiceLeak(false, mAppImportance, mGlobalAppImportance, item.service, duringMillis);

                        if (mAppImportance > mForegroundServiceImportanceLimit) {
                            if (item.process.equals(context.getPackageName())) {
                                // myself
                                MatrixLog.w(TAG, "foreground service detected with low app importance: "
                                        + mAppImportance + ", " + mGlobalAppImportance + ", " + item.service);
                                mCore.onForegroundServiceLeak(true, mAppImportance, mGlobalAppImportance, item.service, duringMillis);

        // MatrixLog.i(TAG, "checkBackgroundAppState when app background, during = " + duringMillis);
        // checkBackgroundAppState(duringMillis);
  • 总结:
  1. 可以根据进程信息中的 importance 来判断 app 的状态
    - importance = 400 后台
    - importance = 500 空进程
    - importance =100 在屏幕最前端、可获取到焦点
    - importance = 300 在服务中
    - importance = 200 在屏幕前端、获取不到焦点


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