n. 交流,交往,交际
Eg.The conference facilitated intercourse with many groups of people.
n. 1.接口;2.界面,交接处
v. 互相作用(或影响,联系),互相配合工作
Eg.The interface between humans and computers
a. 暂时的,临时的
n. 间歇,过度期间
in the interim 在其间
Eg. We have to submit an interim report by the end of the month.
n. 1.感叹词;2.(突然的)插入
Eg.May I offer an interjection into the argument?
a. 间歇的,断断续续的
Eg. Apart form the intermittent rain, it was fine.
n. 1.横断,交叉;2.道路交叉口,交点
Eg.Turn left at the next intersection.
vi. 1干涉,干预;2.干扰,阻挠
Eg.Is there anything you can do to intervene?
n. 介入,干涉,干预
Eg. I am planning an intervention into the affairs of my neighbours.
(9) intimidate
vt. 恐吓,威胁
Eg.Don’t be intimidated by her.
vt. 1.使喝醉;2.使陶醉,使欣喜若狂
Eg.He was completely intoxicated after coming home from the pub last night.