2. Fastlane初始化
2.1为项目配置 fastlane
$ cd 项目目录
$ fastlane init
2.1.1. init过程中可能出现的问题 常见问题
(1)如果期间报错 Connection reset by peer - SSL_Connect,就需要执行:
$ brew update && brew install ruby // 重装 $ sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin fastlane
$ fastlane init
2.2. 步骤详情
$ fastlane init
[✔] 🚀
[✔] Looking for iOS and Android projects in current directory...
[10:37:51]: Created new folder './fastlane'.
[10:37:51]: Detected an iOS/macOS project in the current directory: 'XXXXXX.xcworkspace'
[10:37:51]: -----------------------------
[10:37:51]: --- Welcome to fastlane 🚀 ---
[10:37:51]: -----------------------------
[10:37:51]: fastlane can help you with all kinds of automation for your mobile app
[10:37:51]: We recommend automating one task first, and then gradually automating more over time
[10:37:51]: What would you like to use fastlane for?
1. 📸 Automate screenshots `->自动截图`
2. 👩✈️ Automate beta distribution to TestFlight `->自动testfilght型配置`
3. 🚀 Automate App Store distribution `->自动发布型配置`
4. 🛠 Manual setup - manually setup your project to automate your tasks `->需要手动配置内容`
1. 📸 Automate screenshots
2. 👩✈️ Automate beta distribution to TestFlight
3. 🚀 Automate App Store distribution
4. 🛠 Manual setup - manually setup your project to automate your tasks
? 3
[10:37:53]: ----------------------------------------------------------
[10:37:53]: --- Setting up fastlane for iOS App Store distribution ---
[10:37:53]: ----------------------------------------------------------
[10:37:53]: Parsing your local Xcode project to find the available schemes and the app identifier
[10:37:53]: $ xcodebuild -showBuildSettings -workspace FastlaneDev.xcworkspace -scheme FastlaneDev
[10:37:55]: $ cd `你项目的路径` && agvtool what-version -terse
[10:37:55]: --------------------------------
[10:37:55]: --- Login with your Apple ID ---
[10:37:55]: --------------------------------
[10:37:55]: To use App Store Connect and Apple Developer Portal features as part of fastlane,
[10:37:55]: we will ask you for your Apple ID username and password
[10:37:55]: This is necessary for certain fastlane features, for example:
[10:37:55]: - Create and manage your provisioning profiles on the Developer Portal
[10:37:55]: - Upload and manage TestFlight and App Store builds on App Store Connect
[10:37:55]: - Manage your App Store Connect app metadata and screenshots
[10:37:55]: Your Apple ID credentials will only be stored in your Keychain, on your local machine
[10:37:55]: For more information, check out
[10:37:55]: Please enter your Apple ID developer credentials
[10:37:55]: Apple ID Username:
`你的Apple ID`
[10:38:16]: Logging in...
当有错误出现 就会询问你是否进行手动配置,如果你有把握手动配置就选择Yes,如果没有就选择NO,就会停止,解决错误重新自动配置
[10:38:16]: Logging in... [10:38:17]: -------------------- [10:38:17]: fastlane init failed [10:38:17]: -------------------- [10:38:17]: ["The request could not be completed because:", "Need to >acknowledge to Apple's Apple ID and Privacy statement. Please manually log >into (or to >acknowledge the statement."] [10:38:17]: Something failed while running `fastlane init` [10:38:17]: Tried using Apple ID with email '开发者账号' [10:38:17]: You can either retry, or fallback to manual setup which will create a >basic Fastfile [10:38:17]: Would you like to fallback to a manual Fastfile? (y/n)
2.2.3 然后苹果开发者账号认证登录完成
[10:42:08]: Logging in... Password (for `开发者账号`): ********* Multiple teams found on the Developer Portal, please enter the number of the >team you want to use: 1) 3333333 "XXXXX Siti Technology Co., Ltd." (Company/Organization) 2) 3333333 "XXXXXX United Win Asset Management Co., Ltd." >>>(Company/Organization) 3) 3333333 "XXXXXXXX Financial Information Service Co., Ltd." (Company/Organization)
由于不想多创建,因为创建之后不能删除,所以我就找了一个废弃的来创建,把项目的Bundle identifier
修改一下就可以,然后重新走一个他会检测,如果已经在开发者账号中创建了就不会有这一步。[10:43:41]: ✅ Logging in with your Apple ID was successful [10:43:41]: Checking if the app 'Bundle identifier' exists in your Apple >Developer Portal... [10:43:41]: It looks like the app 'Bundle identifier' isn't available on the Apple >Developer Portal [10:43:41]: for the team ID '3333333' on Apple ID '开发者账号' [10:43:41]: Do you want fastlane to create the App ID for you on the Apple Developer Portal? (y/n)
2.2.4 init完成
[10:50:45]: Would you like to have fastlane manage your app's metadata?
[10:50:45]: If you enable this feature, fastlane will download your existing metadata and screenshots.
[10:50:45]: This way, you'll be able to edit your app's metadata in local `.txt` files.
[10:50:45]: After editing the local `.txt` files, just run fastlane and all changes will be pushed up.
[10:50:45]: If you don't want to use this feature, you can still use fastlane to upload and distribute new builds to the App Store
[10:50:45]: Would you like fastlane to manage your app's metadata? (y/n)
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/zh-Hans/description.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/zh-Hans/keywords.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/zh-Hans/release_notes.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/zh-Hans/support_url.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/zh-Hans/marketing_url.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/zh-Hans/promotional_text.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/zh-Hans/name.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/zh-Hans/subtitle.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/zh-Hans/privacy_url.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/copyright.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/primary_category.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/secondary_category.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/primary_first_sub_category.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/primary_second_sub_category.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/secondary_first_sub_category.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/secondary_second_sub_category.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/trade_name.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/first_name.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/last_name.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/address_line1.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/address_line2.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/address_line3.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/city_name.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/state.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/country.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/postal_code.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/phone_number.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/email_address.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/trade_representative_contact_information/is_displayed_on_app_store.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/review_information/first_name.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/review_information/last_name.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/review_information/phone_number.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/review_information/email_address.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/review_information/demo_user.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/review_information/demo_password.txt'
[10:51:18]: Writing to './fastlane/metadata/review_information/notes.txt'
[10:51:18]: Successfully created new configuration files.
[10:51:18]: Downloading all existing screenshots...
[10:51:19]: Successfully downloaded all existing screenshots
[10:51:19]: Successfully created new Deliverfile at path './fastlane/Deliverfile'
如果一直停留在bundle update
这个地方[09:36:01]: Installing dependencies for you... [09:36:01]: $ bundle update
关闭终端 打开项目文件夹,找到fastlane init过程中生成的Gemfile文件,并打开
屏幕快照 2018-07-25 11.43.40.png
屏幕快照 2018-07-25 11.44.03.png
然后打开终端,cd到当前项目,输入bundle update
注意事项: 过程当中会有很多填写密码或者询问(y/n) YES/NO 要留意看清楚什么意思