Almost two years have passed since the novel coronavirus was reported. Dramatic changes have occurred in all sectors, upending people’s work- and lifestyle. Although vaccination is catching up across the world, new variants are emerging. It feels like getting stuck in a black hole, unable to escape.
The more infectious variant, though milder according to some medical scientists, would make the coming festive season see more cases of infection. Omicron has spread to dozens of countries across the world. Vaccine manufacturers say the first two jabs are not strong enough to defend the newly mutated strain, but a booster jab could increase antibody by a factor of dozens. However, there are too many uncertainties about this new variant.
The normal life has been disrupted. Musk becomes a daily essential. Social distancing is a new principle prevailing in various scenarios. Remote lecturing and studying turn to be necessary; be it the the Ivy League or kindergarten and primary schools. Working at home is a new fashion.
The economy is greatly affected by the pandemic. Small businesses are dying because of the challenges caused by the virus. Containers are jammed near the ports around the world, seeing delayed ordered and increased costs. Industries, from real estate to silicon chips, are facing their prolonged freezing winter.
Many individuals painfully feel the crunch of their bank accounts. When the whole world is experiencing economic challengesin all sectors, it is understandable that ordinary people feel the causal pain, financially, physically, or mentally. Worse still, there might be prolonged psychologicalissues, especially for people who were infected. Long haulers are emerging; these cured infected people are suffering from fatigue, cognitive confusion, short breath, and a sudden surge of blood pressure, just to name a few.
As saying goodbye to 2021, it deeply hoped that the new year 2022 would drive away the covid pandemic, or the endemic, as early as possible.