最近迷上了企鹅,找纪录片时,找到了这款,萌出一脸血加上笑出腹肌!良心纪录片,看完后又感动,又感慨,生存斗争真是残酷,虽然我们每天有不同的烦恼,但是至少不用为生存去搏斗。所以我们应当尊重这些努力生存的生命们,尽量减少对他们生存环境的破坏。同时也感叹BBC制作人员的匠人精神,BBC并不挣钱,但是他们凭着对记录片的热爱,制作了一部又一部精美的良心片子,还研发出了这些以假乱真的间谍机器人,成功打入动物内部,拍得大片。打算慢慢将这个系列更完,魔友们赐予我力量吧!另外,谢谢乔帮主和歌神科普做段子,帮助新手段子手迅速入门。好了,话不多说,上萌鹅。 Penguins-behind their feisty charm lies an amazing character. These cheeky birds have to bring up their chicks against the most extraodinary odds. SpyCams discover just how special they really are. From the freezing Antarctic... to the scorching tropics... This is the story of nature's most devoted parents-filmed as never before. A chick's-eye view of an emperor penguin's mom and dad. His parents have trekked across a frozen sea and battled blizzards to raise him. The Humboldt is just as dedicated. Shielding their chicks from the desert sun is just one of many tasks they face. Rockhoppers rear their young in the storm-lashed South Atlantic. No other penguin is so daring and spirited. These parents will face huge challenges as they bring up chicks in the toughest places on Earth. Their struggles only end when their young leave for the ocean. But their incredible story begins long befor their chicks are even born.