Default commands
?sometext --标记(高亮)包含此文字的session
As you type sometext, Fiddler will highlight sessions where the URL contains sometext. Hit Enter to set focus to the selected matches.
>size --选择响应内容大于具体size(bytes)的session
Select sessions where response size is greater than size bytes.
>40000 <--Selectresponses over40kb
Select sessions where response size is less than size bytes.
<5k <-- Select responses under 5kb
=status --选择对应响应码的session
=method --选择对应请求方式的session(get、post、put、option...)
Select sessions where response status = status or request method = method.
=301 <--Select 301redirect responses
=POST <--Select POST requests
@host --选择请求包含对应host的session
Select sessions where the request host contains host. Hit Enter to set focus to the selected matches. <--Select,,etc
bold --根据请求URI中包含的字符串,将未来的session加粗显示
Mark any future sessions in bold if the url contains the target string
bold /bar.aspx
bold <--Call withnoparameter to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)
bpafter --根据请求URI中包含的字符串,将未来的session的响应进行断点
Break any response where the RequestURI contains the specified string
bpafter /favicon.ico
bpafter <--Call withnoparameter to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)
bps --根据响应的状态码,将未来的session的响应进行断点
Break any response where the status code matches
bps 404
bps <--Call withnoparameter to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)
bpv or bpm --根据请求方式(POST、GET...),将未来的session的请求进行断点
Create a request breakpoint for the specified HTTP method. Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will disable the breakpoint.
bpv POST
bpv <--Call withnoparameter to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)
bpu --根据请求方式(POST、GET...),将未来的session的请求进行断点
Create a request breakpoint for URIs containing the specified string. Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will disable the breakpoint.
bpu /myservice.asmx
bpu <--Call withnoparameter to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)
cls or clear --清除sesssion列表
clear the session list
dump --导出所有的session 为zip到c盘
dump all sessions to a zip archive in C:\
g or go --释放所有断点
Resume all breakpointed sessions
Show this page
hide --隐藏fiddler到系统托盘中
Hide Fiddler in System tray
urlreplace --替换所有url中的某个字符串为另一个字符串
Replace any string in URLs with a different string. Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will cancel the replacement.
urlreplace SeekStr ReplaceWithStr
urlreplace <--Call withnoparameters to clear(不带参数时,清除此功能)
start --将fiddler注册为系统代理
Register as the system proxy
stop --取消将fiddler注册为系统代理
Unregister as the system proxy
show --从系统托盘中恢复显示fiddler,在使用ExecAction.exe的触发规则时更有用
Restore Fiddler from system tray -- more useful when triggering rules from ExecAction.exe (see below)
select MIME --根据响应头Content-Type中包含的内容选择Session
Select any session where the response Content-Type header contains the specified string.
select image
select css
select htm
select HeaderOrFlag PartialValue --根据Header或者SessionFlag中包含的内容选择Session
Select any session where the named Header or SessionFlag contains the specified string.
select ui-comments slow <-- 选择 comments 包含slow的session
select ui-bold * <-- 选择加粗的session
select @Request.Accept html <-- Find requests with Accept: html
select @Response.Set-Cookie domain <- Find responses that Set-Cookie on a domain
allbut or keeponly --只显示响应头Content-Type中包含指定字符串的session
Hide all sessions except those where Content-Type header contains the specified string.
allbut xml
allbut java
quit --关闭fiddler
Shutdown Fiddler.
!dns hostname 查找DNS,并将结果显示在log界面
Perform a DNS lookup of the target host and show the results on the LOG tab
!listen PORT [CERTHOSTNAME] 监听一个额外端口,可选参数为HTTPS certificate的Host
Set up an additional listener on another port, optionally secured by a HTTPS certificate
!listen 8889
!listen 4443 localhost
!listen 444