No matter where you are, whetherit's a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother.
被速度与激情系列感动过的人,没有一个不知道唐老大说的这段话。 两辆车的分道扬镳,让人心痛,但这可能是对保罗最好的怀念,一个金发大帅哥,也难免会被时光无情的消磨,从长发到板寸,显露出沧海桑田,但永远无法改变的,是男人之间的兄弟情,正如老范所说的you will always be my brother,保罗,虽然你已成为天使,但你永远与我们同在