- 查找入职时间最晚的员工
注意点:对于limit的使用,因为limit x只能输出x个员工,但是可能会有多个相同时间最晚入职的员工,所以不能使用。
select *
from employees order by hire_date desc limit 0,1
desc: 降序
limit使用 limit(a, b),表示从a开始取b个(不是第b个);
- 查找各个部门当前(to_date='9999-01-01')领导当前薪水详情以及其对应部门编号dept_no
select s.*, d.dept_no
from salaries s join dept_manager d
on s.emp_no = d.emp_no
where s.to_date = '9999-01-01' and d.to_date = '9999-01-01'
select s.*, d.dept_no
from dept_manager d join salaries s
on s.emp_no = d.emp_no
where s.to_date = '9999-01-01' and d.to_date = '9999-01-01'
可能选择 select 中的顺序和from的重新命名的顺序要一直;
select s.*, d.dept_no
from salaries s, dept_manager d
where s.emp_no = d.emp_no
and s.to_date = '9999-01-01' and d.to_date = '9999-01-01'
上述代码没有直接使用join子句,而且注意 s.* 的用法。
- 查找所有员工的last_name和first_name以及对应部门编号dept_no,也包括展示没有分配具体部门的员工
select e.last_name, e.first_name, d.dept_no
from employees e left join dept_emp d
on e.emp_no = d.emp_no
如果允许左表出现空值,使用 left join。
- 查找所有员工入职时候的薪水情况,给出emp_no以及salary, 并按照emp_no进行逆序
select e.emp_no, s.salary
from employees e join salaries s
on e.emp_no = s.emp_no and e.hire_date = s.from_date
order by e.emp_no desc
此题唯一的考点在:e.hire_date = s.from_date
- 查找薪水涨幅超过15次的员工号emp_no以及其对应的涨幅次数t
HAVING语句通常与GROUP BY语句联合使用,用来过滤由GROUP BY语句返回的记录集。
select emp_no,count(emp_no) as t
from salaries group by emp_no
having count(emp_no) >15
- 获取所有员工当前的manager,如果当前的manager是自己的话结果不显示,当前表示to_date='9999-01-01'。
e.emp_no != m.emp_no and e.dept_no = m.dept_no
- 获取所有部门中当前员工薪水最高的相关信息,给出dept_no, emp_no以及其对应的salary
select e.dept_no, e.emp_no, max(s.salary)
from dept_emp e join salaries s
on e.emp_no = s.emp_no and e.to_date='9999-01-01' and s.to_date='9999-01-01'
group by dept_no
- 从titles表获取按照title进行分组,每组个数大于等于2,给出title以及对应的数目t。
select title,count(emp_no) as t
from titles
group by title
having t > 1
对于大小选择不能够使用 count(title)> 1
如果要排除重复的emp_no,可以直接使用count(distinct emp_no)
- 查找employees表所有emp_no为奇数,且last_name不为Mary的员工信息,并按照hire_date逆序排列
where emp_no % 2 != 0
- 查找所有员工自入职以来的薪水涨幅情况,给出员工编号emp_no以及其对应的薪水涨幅growth,并按照growth进行升序
int(11) NOT NULL,
date NOT NULL,
varchar(14) NOT NULL,
varchar(16) NOT NULL,
char(1) NOT NULL,
date NOT NULL,
int(11) NOT NULL,
int(11) NOT NULL,
date NOT NULL,
date NOT NULL,
select now.emp_no, (now.salary - starts.salary) as growth
from (select emp_no,salary from salaries where to_date='9999-01-01') as now,
(select a.emp_no, b.salary from employees a, salaries b where a.emp_no = b.emp_no and a.hire_date = b.from_date) as starts
where now.emp_no = starts.emp_no
order by growth
- 统计各个部门的工资记录数,给出部门编码dept_no、部门名称dept_name以及次数sum
该题涉及多个表的 join
select d.dept_no, d.dept_name,count(s.emp_no) as sum
from departments d join dept_emp emp on d.dept_no = emp.dept_no
join salaries s on emp.emp_no = s.emp_no
group by d.dept_no
- 对所有员工的当前(to_date='9999-01-01')薪水按照salary进行按照1-N的排名,相同salary并列且按照emp_no升序排列
select a.emp_no, a.salary, count(distinct b.salary) as rank
from salaries a, salaries b
where a.salary <= b.salary and
a.to_date = '9999-01-01' and b.to_date = '9999-01-01'
group by a.emp_no
order by a.salary desc, a.emp_no asc
a.salary <= b.salary
- 在输出a.salary的情况下,有多少个b.salary大于等于a.salary,所以有多少个就是多少名,不过在计算的时候需要count(==distinct== b.salary),需要去除重复的薪资。
- 因为使用了count()函数,所以需要进行group操作;
- 不要忘记要求,还需要对salary和emp_no进行排序的排序要求;
- 汇总各个部门当前员工的title类型的分配数目,结果给出部门编号dept_no、dept_name、其当前员工所有的title以及该类型title对应的数目count
group by emp.dept_no,t.title
<img src="../../AppData/Roaming/Typora/typora-user-images/image-20200306155923848.png" alt="image-20200306155923848" style="zoom:67%;" />
- 查找描述信息中包括robot的电影对应的分类名称以及电影数目,而且还需要该分类对应电影数量>=5部
select c.name, count(distinct f.film_id)
from category c join film_category fc on c.category_id = fc.category_id
join film f on fc.film_id = f.film_id and f.description like '%robot%'
group by c.category_id
having count(f.film_id) > 4
select c.name,count(f.film_id) as fCount
from film f inner join film_category fc on f.film_id = fc.film_id and f.description like '%robot%'
inner join film_category fc2 on fc.category_id = fc2.category_id
inner join category c on fc2.category_id = c.category_id
group by fc2.category_id
having count(fc2.film_id)>=5;
select c.name, count(f.film_id)
from category c join film_category fc on c.category_id = fc.category_id
join film f on fc.film_id = f.film_id and f.description like '%robot%'
where c.category_id in
(select category_id from film_category
group by category_id having count(category_id) > 4)
group by c.category_id
查询结果的拼接,使用“||”,使用空格拼接是“ " " ”
空格使用:" "
last_update timestamp not null default (datetime('now','localtime'))
- 删除旧数据,然后插入数据,插入的数据会导致
- 删除旧数据,然后插入数据,插入的数据会导致
replace into
2. 避免重复插入,插入的数据会导致UNIQUE索引
发生 冲突/重复
insert or ignore into
直接使用 insert ignore的方式在sql 3.7.9下会报错。
- 创建一个actor_name表,将actor表中的所有first_name以及last_name导入改表。 actor_name表结构如下;
create table actor_name(first_name varchar(45) not null,last_name varchar(45) not null)
create proc insert_name
select first_name,last_name from actor order by actor_id;
insert into actor_name exec insert_name
create table actor_name(first_name varchar(45) not null,last_name varchar(45) not null);
insert into actor_name select first_name,last_name from actor order by actor_id
- 对first_name创建唯一索引uniq_idx_firstname,对last_name创建普通索引idx_lastname
alter table actor add unique first_name(column_list);
alter table actor add index last_name(column_list);
create unique index uniq_idx_firstname on actor(first_name)
create index idx_lastname on actor(last_name)
- 视图view虚拟表的一般创建
create view actor_name_view
select first_name as first_name_v, last_name as last_name_v
from actor
- 针对salaries表emp_no字段创建索引idx_emp_no,查询emp_no为10005, 使用强制索引。
强制使用索引,使用方法是 indexed by语句
select *
from salaries
indexed by idx_emp_no
where emp_no = 10005
- 构造一个触发器audit_log,在向employees_test表中插入一条数据的时候,触发插入相关的数据到audit中。
create trigger audit_log after insert on employees_test
insert into audit values(new.ID,new.NAME);
- 注意关键字“after”或者“before”,而且后面所跟的是“on”
- 注意begin和end代码段中间是需要增加“;”
- ==使用 NEW与OLD 关键字访问触发后或触发前的employees_test表单记录==
- 删除emp_no重复的记录,只保留最小的id对应的记录
delete from titles_test
where emp_no in
(select emp_no from titles_test group by emp_no having count(emp_no)>1)
and id not in
(select min(id) from titles_test group by emp_no having count(emp_no)>1)
group by emp_no having count(emp_no)>1
- 列表更新的一般操作
update titles_test
set to_date = null, from_date = '2001-01-01'
where to_date = '9999-01-01'
- 将id=5以及emp_no=10001的行数据替换成id=5以及emp_no=10005,其他数据保持不变,使用replace实现。
update titles_test
set emp_no = replace(emp_no,10001,10005)
where id = 5
- 将titles_test表名修改为titles_2017
alter table titles_test rename to titles_2017
关键字 rename;
- 如何获取emp_v和employees有相同的数据?
- update使用的时候直接加 表名;
- 使用sql输出语句注意空格问题
select "select count(*) from"||name||";"
as cnts
from sqlite_master
where type = 'table'
- 获取Employees中的first_name,查询按照first_name最后两个字母,按照升序进行排列
SELECT first_name FROM employees ORDER BY substr(first_name,-2,2) asc
- 按照dept_no进行汇总,属于同一个部门的emp_no按照逗号进行连接,结果给出dept_no以及连接出的结果employees
在group聚合操作字段进行合并操作使用 group_concat(x, y)
其中x使用连接字段,y是分隔符,可以不写,默认是 “ ,”分割
select dept_no, group_concat(emp_no) as employees
from dept_emp
group by dept_no
- 查找排除当前最大、最小salary之后的员工的平均工资avg_salary。
select (sum(salary)-max(salary)-min(salary))/(count(emp_no)-2) as avg_salary
from salaries
select avg(salary) as avg_salary
from salaries
where salary not in (select min(salary) from salaries)
and salary not in (select max(salary) from salaries)
and to_date = "9999-01-01"
- Mysql的分页查询;分页查询employees表,每5行一页,返回第2页的数据
select * from table limit (start-1)*number,number;
select *
from employees limit (2-1)*5,5
- exist的简单用法
select *
from employees e
where not exists
(select emp_no from dept_emp where e.emp_no = emp_no)
不是not in的用法:
select *
from employees e
where emp_no not exists
(select emp_no from dept_emp where e.emp_no = emp_no)
- bonus类型btype为1其奖金为薪水salary的10%,btype为2其奖金为薪水的20%,其他类型均为薪水的30%。
注意 case when 的使用
select e.emp_no, e.first_name, e.last_name, eb.btype, s.salary,
( case eb.btype
when 1 then s.salary * 0.1
when 2 then s.salary * 0.2
else s.salary * 0.3 end) as bonus
from employees e join salaries s on e.emp_no = s.emp_no and s.to_date = '9999-01-01'
join emp_bonus eb on eb.emp_no = s.emp_no
- 按照salary的累计和running_total,其中running_total为前两个员工的salary累计和,其他以此类推。 具体结果如下Demo展示。
select s1.emp_no, s1.salary,
(select sum(s2.salary)
from salaries s2
where s2.to_date = '9999-01-01' and s1.emp_no >= s2.emp_no
) as running_total
from salaries s1
where s1.to_date = '9999-01-01'
- 对于employees表中,给出奇数行的first_name
select e1.first_name
from employees e1
where ( select count(*)
from employees e2
where e1.emp_no <= e2.emp_no) % 2 = 1
但实际上上述代码不能通过,猜测e1.first_name <= e2.first_name并不是字段值得比较,应该是记录,这个地方后面补充一下具体复用原理。
select e1.first_name
from employees e1
where ( select count(*)
from employees e2
where e1.first_name <= e2.first_name) % 2 = 1
select s.*, d.dept_no
from salaries s join dept_manager d
/* from dept_manager d join salaries s */
on s.emp_no=d.emp_no
where s.to_date = '9999-01-01' and d.to_date = '9999-01-01'
select s.*, d.dept_no
from dept_manager d join salaries s
on s.emp_no = d.emp_no
where s.to_date = '9999-01-01' and d.to_date = '9999-01-01'
select s.*, d.dept_no
from salaries s, dept_manager d
where s.emp_no = d.emp_no
and s.to_date = '9999-01-01' and d.to_date = '9999-01-01'
select e.last_name, e.first_name, d.dept_no
from employees e join dept_emp d
on e.emp_no = d.emp_no
select e.emp_no, s.salary
from employees e join salaries s
on e.emp_no = s.emp_no and e.hire_date = s.from_date
order by e.emp_no desc
select emp_no,count(emp_no) as t from salaries group by emp_no
and count(emp_no) >15;
select emp_no,count(emp_no) as t
from salaries group by emp_no
having count(emp_no) >15
select distinct salary
from salaries
where to_date = '9999-01-01'
order by salary desc
select d.dept_no,d.emp_no,s.salary
from dept_manager d, salaries s
where d.emp_no = s.emp_no
and d.to_date = '9999-01-01' and s.to_date = '9999-01-01'
select emp_no
from employees
where emp_no not in (select emp_no from dept_manager)
select e.emp_no as emp_no, m.emp_no as manager_no
from dept_emp e, dept_manager m
where e.emp_no != m.emp_no and e.dept_no = m.dept_no
and e.to_date='9999-01-01' and m.to_date='9999-01-01'
select e.dept_no, e.emp_no, max(s.salary)
from dept_emp e join salaries s
on e.emp_no = s.emp_no and e.to_date='9999-01-01' and s.to_date='9999-01-01'
group by dept_no
select title,count(title) as t
from titles
group by title
having t > 1
select *
from employees
where emp_no % 2 != 0
order by hire_date desc
select t.title, avg(s.salary) as avg
from salaries s,titles t
on s.emp_no = t.emp_no and s.to_date = '9999-01-01' and t.to_date = '9999-01-01'
group by title
select emp_no, salary
from salaries
where to_date = '9999-01-01'
order by salary desc limit 1,1
select e.emp_no, max(s.salary) as salary,e.last_name,e.first_name
from employees e, salaries s
on e.emp_no = s.emp_no and s.to_date = '9999-01-01'
where s.salary not in(
select max(salary)
from salaries
where s.to_date = '9999-01-01'
select a.last_name, a.first_name, c.dept_name
from employees a left join dept_emp b on a.emp_no = b.emp_no
left join departments c on b.dept_no = c.dept_no
select (max(salary) - min(salary)) as growth
from salaries
where emp_no = '10001'
select e.emp_no, (s.salary - s.salary) as growth
from employees e,salaries s
where e.emp_no = s.emp_no
order by growth asc
select now.emp_no, (now.salary - starts.salary) as growth
from (select emp_no,salary from salaries where to_date='9999-01-01') as now,
(select a.emp_no, b.salary from employees a, salaries b where a.emp_no = b.emp_no
and b.from_date = a.hire_date) as starts
where now.emp_no = starts.emp_no
order by growth
select sCurrent.emp_no,(sCurrent.salary-sStart.salary)as growth
from(select emp_no,salary from salaries where to_date='9999-01-01')as sCurrent,
(select a.emp_no,b.salary from employees a,salaries b where a.emp_no=b.emp_no
and c.from_date=e.hire_date)as sStart
where sCurrent.emp_no=sStart.emp_no
order by growth
select d.dept_no, d.dept_name,count(d.emp_no) as sum
from departments d join dept_emp emp on d.dept_no = emp.dept_no
join salaries s on emp.emp_no = s.emp_no
group by d.dept_no
select emp_no, salary, (@rowno:=@rowno+1) as rank
from salaries
order by salary
select a.emp_no, a.salary, count(distinct b.salary) as rank
from salaries a, salaries b
where a.salary <= b.salary and a.to_date = '9999-01-01' and b.to_date = '9999-01-01'
group by a.emp_no
order by a.salary desc,a.emp_no asc
select a.emp_no, a.salary, count(distinct a.salary) as rank
from salaries a, salaries b
where a.salary > b.salary and a.to_date = '9999-01-01' and b.to_date = '9999-01-01'
group by a.emp_no
order by a.salary desc,a.emp_no asc
select emp.dept_no, emp.emp_no, s.salary
from dept_emp emp join salaries s on emp.emp_no = s.emp_no
and emp.to_date = '9999-01-01' and s.to_date = '9999-01-01'
where emp.emp_no not in
(select emp_no
from dept_manager)
select a.emp_no,b.emp_no as manager_no,a.salary as emp_salary,b.salary as manager_salary
from (select emp.emp_no,emp.dept_no, s.salary from dept_emp emp join salaries s on emp.emp_no = s.emp_no and emp.to_date = '9999-01-01' and s.to_date = '9999-01-01') as a,
(select m.emp_no,m.dept_no, s.salary from dept_manager m join salaries s on m.emp_no = s.emp_no and m.to_date = '9999-01-01' and s.to_date = '9999-01-01') as b
where a.dept_no = b.dept_no and a.salary > b.salary and a.emp_no != b.emp_no
select d.dept_no, d.dept_name, t.title, count(t.title) as count
from departments d join dept_emp emp on d.dept_no = emp.dept_no and emp.to_date = '9999-01-01'
join titles t on emp.emp_no = t.emp_no and t.to_date = '9999-01-01'
group by emp.dept_no,t.title
select a.emp_no, a.from_date, (a.salary - b.salary) as salary_growth
from salaries a,salaries b
where a.emp_no = b.emp_no and salary_growth > 5000
and strftime("%Y",a.to_date) - strftime("%Y",b.to_date) = 1
or strftime("%Y",a.to_date) - strftime("%Y",a.to_date) = 1
order by salary_growth desc
select f.title, c.name, count(c.category_id)
from film f join film_category fc on f.film_id = fc.fim_id and f.description like '%,robot,%'
join category c on c.category_id = fc.category_id
group by fc.category_id
having count(c.category_id) > 4
select c.name, count(f.film_id)
from film f join film_category fc on f.film_id = fc.fim_id and f.description like '%robot%'
join category c on c.category_id = fc.category_id
group by c.category_id
where c.category_id in
(select category_id from film_category
group by category_id having count(category_id) > 4)
select c.name, count(f.film_id)
from film f join film_category fc on f.film_id = fc.fim_id and f.description like '%robot%'
join category c on c.category_id = fc.category_id
select c.name, count(f.film_id)
from category c join film_category fc on c.category_id = fc.category_id
join film f on fc.film_id = f.film_id and f.description like '%robot%'
where c.category_id in
(select category_id from film_category
group by category_id having count(category_id) > 4)
group by c.category_id
select c.name, count(f.film_id)
from film f join film_category fc on f.film_id = fc.fim_id and f.description like '%robot%'
join category c on c.category_id = fc.category_id
where c.category_id in
(select category_id from film_category
group by category_id having count(category_id) > 4)
group by c.category_id
select c.name, count(f.film_id)
from category c join film_category fc on c.category_id = fc.category_id
join film f on fc.film_id = f.film_id and f.description like '%robot%'
where c.category_id in
(select category_id from film_category
group by category_id having count(category_id) > 4)
group by c.category_id
select c.name, count(distinct f.film_id)
from category c join film_category fc on c.category_id = fc.category_id
join film f on fc.film_id = f.film_id and f.description like '%robot%'
group by c.category_id
having count(f.film_id) > 4
select c.name,count(f.film_id) as fCount
from film f inner join film_category fc on f.film_id = fc.film_id and f.description like '%robot%'
inner join film_category fc2 on fc.category_id = fc2.category_id
inner join category c on fc2.category_id = c.category_id
group by fc2.category_id
having count(fc2.film_id)>=5;
select film_id, title
from film
where film_id not in
(select f.film_id
from film f join film_category fc on f.film_id = fc.film_id
join category c on fc.category_id = c.category_id)
select title, description
from film
where film_id in
(select fc.film_id
from category c join film_category fc on c.category_id = fc.category_id
where c.name = 'Action')
select last_name||" "||first_name as Name
from employees
create table actor(
actor_id smallint(5) not null primary key,
first_name varchar(45) not null,
last_name varchar(45) not null,
last_update timestamp not null default (datetime('now','localtime'))
insert into actor(actor_id, first_name,last_name,last_update)
values(1,'PENELOPE','GUINESS','2006-02-15 12:34:33'),
(2, 'NICK','WAHLBERG', '2006-02-15 12:34:33')
insert ignore into actor(actor_id, first_name, last_name, last_update)
insert or ignore into actor(actor_id, first_name, last_name, last_update)
values('3','ED','CHASE','2006-02-15 12:34:33')
create table actor_name(first_name varchar(45) not null,last_name varchar(45) not null)
create proc insert_name
select first_name,last_name from actor order by actor_id
insert into actor_name exec insert_name
alter table actor add unique first_name(column_list);
alter table actor add index last_name(column_list);
create unique index uniq_idx_firstname on actor(first_name)
create index idx_lastname on actor(last_name)
create view actor_name_view
select first_name as first_name_v, last_name as last_name_v
from actor
select *
from salaries
indexed by idx_emp_no
where emp_no = 10005
alter table 'actor'
add column 'create_date' datetime not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' after 'last_update'
create trigger audit_log after insert on employees_test
insert into audit values(new.ID,new.NAME);
delete from titles_test
where emp_no in
(select emp_no from titles_test group by emp_no having count(emp_no)>1)
and id not in
(select min(id) from titles_test group by emp_no having count(emp_no)>1)
update titles_test
set to_date = null, from_date = '2001-01-01'
where to_date = '9999-01-01'
update titles_test t
t.emp_no =
case when t.emp_no = 10001
then (select tt.emp_no from titles_test tt where tt.emp_no = 10005)
update titles_test
set emp_no = replace(emp_no,10001,10005)
where id = 5
alter table title_test rename to titles_2017
alter table audit add constraint FK_emp_no foreign key emp_no references employees_test(id)
create_date datetime NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(EMP_no) REFERENCES employees_test(ID));
drop table audit;
create table audit(
EMP_no int not null,
create_date datetime not null,
foreign key(EMP_no) references employees_test(ID));
select * from emp_v intersect select * from employees
update salaries
set salary = salary * 1.1
where emp_no in (select emp_no from emp_bonus)
select "select count(*) from "||name||";"
as cnts
from sqlite_master
where type = 'table'
select last_name||"'"||first_name
from employees
create table tmp(string varchar(10))
insert into tmp values('10,A,B');
select (len(string) - len(replace(string, ',', '')) as cnt
from tmp
select length('10,A,B') - length(replace('10,A,B',',',''))
select first_name
from employees
order by (cast(substring(first_name,-1,2)as unsigned)) desc
select first_name
from employees
order by substring(first_name,-1,2) asc
select dept_no, group_concat(emp_no) as employees
from dept_emp
group by dept_no
select (sum(salary)-max(salary)-min(salary))/(count(emp_no)-2) as avg_salary
from salaries
select *
from table limit (2-1)*5,5
select dm.emp_no, dm.dept_no, eb.btype,eb.recevied
from dept_emp dm left join emp_bonus eb on dm.emp_no = eb.emp_no
select *
from employees e
where emp_no not exists
(select emp_no from dept_emp e.emp_no = emp_no)
select *
from employees
where emp_no in
(select emp_no
from emp_v
select e.emp_no, e.first_name, e.last_name, eb.btype, s.salary,
( case eb.btype
when 1 then s.salary * 0.1
when 2 then s.salary * 0.2
else s.salary * 0.3 end) as bonus
from employees e join salaries s on e.emp_no = s.emp_no and s.to_date = '9999-01-01'
join emp_bonus eb on eb.emp_no = s.emp_no
select a.emp_no,a.first_name,a.last_name,b.btype,c.salary,
(case b.btype
when 1 then c.salary*0.1
when 2 then c.salary*0.2
else c.salary*0.3 end
)as bonus
from employees as a
inner join emp_bonus as b
on a.emp_no=b.emp_no
inner join salaries as c on a.emp_no=c.emp_no
where c.to_date='9999-01-01'
select s1.emp_no, s1.salary,
(select sum(s2.salary)
from salaries s2
where s2.to_date = '9999-01-01' and s1.emp_no < s2.emp_no
) as running_total
from salaries s1
where s1.to_date = '9999-01-01'
select e1.first_name
from employees e1
where (select count(*) from employees e2 where e1.emp_no >= e2.emp_no)%2 = 1
set @rownum = 0;
select first_name
from employees
where (@rownum:=@rownum+1)%2=1
select name ,time
from A ,(select @rownum :=0) tmp_table where (@rownum :=@rownum+1)%2=1;
select e1.first_name
from employees e1
where ( select count(*)
from employees e2
where e1.first_name <= e2.first_name) % 2 = 1