Jenkins 简介
Jenkins is a self-contained, open source automation server which can be used to automate all sorts of tasks such as building, testing, and deploying software. Jenkins can be installed through native system packages, Docker, or even run standalone by any machine with the Java Runtime Environment installed.
Jenkins is a continuous integration system which is very easy to setup and quickly comes into action. It has a nice dashboard. Jenkins can be downloaded from http://jenkins-ci.org. Jenkins comes with a set of plugins which can be enabled from the Jenkins dashboard itself.
Continuous Integration system are very important for any Software development environment. They are like running health stats of your various projects. Jenkins supports all major Source code Management tools like CVS, Subversion, Git. The builds can be configured and can run based on cron rules. Jenkins can automatically fetch the source code and than fire the builds. It has integrated support to Ant and Maven. With it's plugin based infrastructure it can handle various kinds of build system.
Some of the important tasks a Continuous Integration system (CI System) does:
Check out the source code from given Source Code Control Systems (SCM)
Build the artifacts based on provided build instructions.
Run the test cases to determine the sanity of build.
Archive the artifacts at a configured location.
Deploys the artifacts on servers.
Send status mails to various stakeholders
Maintain the metrics of builds along timeline.
And last but not the least, it will provide you with a sense of quality of software products on continuous basis.
Jenkins 历史
Jenkins的前身是Hudson (软件)项目。Hudson 2004年夏天始创于Sun Microsystems,2005年2月首次发布于java.net。[4]
2007年前后,Hudson被称为相对CruiseControl和其他开源的构建服务器(Build Server)更好的选择。[2]
Jenkins和Hudson之后继续作为两个独立的项目,均声称对方是自己的复刻。截至2013年12月,在GitHub上的Jenkins组织有567项目成员及约1100公共库(public repository)[14]