Interaction patches output information about user interactions (touches, swipes, key presses) in the viewer. Add interactions by hovering on a layer and pressing the Touch button, or by searching in the Patch Library.
交互模块输出交互信息 (touches 触摸,swipes 滑动, key presses按键) ,在查看器中可体验交互。通过点击图层右上角的Touch 按钮添加交互,或从Patch 库 Cmd
Interaction patches 交互模块
This is the bread and butter of interaction in Origami. It can tell you when a user touches down or taps on a particular layer. It also provides the position of the touch within its parent group, and the amount of force applied when using a laptop, phone, or tablet that supports 3D Touch.[Interaction 交互]
交互在 Origami 中就像表情包对于聊天一样重要,它可以告诉你当按下或轻点的时候操作的那一个层。还提供了父级内的操作位置(这句不咋明白)。使用笔记本电脑、手机或平板电脑时支持3D触摸,能识别按压力度。[Scroll] This is another common interaction in Origami. It lets you scroll a layer vertically or horizontally, with customizable physics. It can be set to Paging mode, which is useful for prototyping carousels.
[Scroll 滚动]
Origami 中另外一个常见的交互。可以图层随着自定义的物理状态纵向或者横向滚动。翻页模式的交互也通过这个模块实现,原型中需要幻灯片效果就这个就好使。(这句不确定)[Pop Switch] This helps you quickly prototype a two-state, swipeable interaction (ex: swiping a card left and right). It also supports two-finger pinching in addition to swipes.
[Pop Switch 开关] 这个帮助你快速创建只有两个状态的原型,滑动卡片的交互(如:向左或右滑动卡片)。还支持两只手指滑动。
[Long Press] and [Double Tap] Captures long presses and double taps when connected to an Interaction patch.
[Long Press 长按] and [Double Tap 双击] 当连接到 Interaction 交互 Patch 时捕捉Long Press 长按 和 Double Tap 双击。
[Drag] Make any layer draggable.
[Drag 拖] 拖拽任意图层。
This shows whenever a key is pressed in the viewer.[Keyboard 键盘]
这个会在显示器中按键时显示(板栗:也不知道具体指啥)。[Hover] Allows you to capture hover interaction with a mouse.
[Hover悬停] 创建鼠标悬停交互。
Notes on touch detection 关于触摸操作的注意事项
Layers need to be enabled and have opacity larger than 0 to receive touches. Touches in Layer Groups are propagated and shared with the parent groups, allowing you to build scrolling layer groups with tappable layers inside.
操作的图层需要启用 (板栗:Enable 勾选) ,并且不透明度大于0 (板栗:Opacity 值大于0) 才能接收触摸事件。 触摸在图层组内被继承与父组共享,允许在组内构建滚动图层组。
Summary 总结
- Interaction patches pass information about user interactions.
- Interactions for a particular layer can be captured by using the Touch menu.
- There are multiple types of interaction patches for capturing different types of interactions.
- Interaction 模块传递用户的交互信息。
- 特定层的可以通过触摸菜单创建。
- 有多种类型的交互模块可以创建不同类型的交互动作。