原文标题:Does a Coffee a Day Keep the Doctor Away?
Yesterday was a good morning to wake up and smell the coffee. The New England Journal of Medicinepublished outcomes from the the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study, which found drinking coffee was associated with living longer in both men and women. This is not only the largest study ever to look into this question, NIH-AARP is one of the largest prospective (forward-looking) studies ever performed on nutrition and disease, following more than a half million people for a dozen years.
昨日的清晨真是美好,一醒来就能闻到咖啡香。新英格兰医学杂志发布了来自NIH-AARP 饮食与健康研究的结果,研究发现,无论对于男人还是女人,饮用咖啡都与能否长寿息息相关。NIH-AARP在12年间跟踪调查了50万以上的目标人群,不仅是调查这一问题的最大规模研究,同时也是营养和疾病研究史上最具前瞻性的项目。
This follows on the heels of an editorial published last month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition entitled "Coffee Consumption and Risk of Chronic Diseases: Changing Our Views," which reviewed the growing evidence that for most people, the benefits of drinking coffee likely outweigh the risks. Though the study published today found no significant relationship between coffee consumption and cancer, a recent analysis of the best studies published to date suggests coffee consumption may lead to a modest reduction in overall cancer incidence. Each daily cup o' joe was associated with about a 3% reduced risk of cancers, especially bladder, breast, mouth, colorectal, endometrial, esophageal, liver, leukemic, pancreatic, and prostate cancers.
One of the reasons it's so difficult to study the relationship between diet and disease is because many dietary behaviors are associated with non-dietary behaviors. For example, people who drink coffee may be more likely to have a cigarette in the other hand, which can lead to spurious conclusions. When these considerations are factored in, though, the best available evidence suggests that coffee consumption is generally health-promoting.
What about the caffeine though? Oh, you mean the substance that, as noted in the journalNutrition: 1) increases energy availability, 2) increases daily energy expenditure, 3) decreases fatigue, 4) decreases the sense of effort associated with physical activity, 5) enhances physical performance, 6) enhances motor performance, 7) enhances cognitive performance, 8) increases alertness, wakefulness, and feelings of 'energy,' 9) decreases mental fatigue, 10) quickens reactions, 11) increases the accuracy of reactions, 12) increases the ability to concentrate and focus attention, 13) enhances short-term memory, 14) increases the ability to solve problems requiring reasoning, 15) increases the ability to make correct decisions, 16) enhances cognitive functioning capabilities and neuromuscular coordination, and 17) in otherwise healthy non-pregnant adults is safe.
但是咖啡因呢?哦,你指的是在营养学学刊上提到的物质:1)提高精力,2)增加日常能量消耗,3)减少疲劳,4)降低与体力活动有关的成就感,5)加强身体活动能力,6)加强专注力,7)提高认知能力,8)提高警觉,清醒度和“能量”感知度,9)减轻心理疲劳,10)加快反应能力,11)提高反应的精确度,12)加强集中注意力的能力,13)提高短期记忆能力, 14)加强解决需推理问题的能力,15)提高正确决断力,16)提高认知力和神经肌肉的协调能力以及17)不论怎样对健康未怀孕的人而言是安全的。
That caffeine?
Up to a thousand milligrams of caffeine is considered safe for most people, which translates into about 10 cups of coffee a day. New advice suggests that pregnant women, however, should restrict their caffeine consumption to under just 200 mg a day.
对于大多数人而言,摄入高达一千毫克咖啡因都被认为是无害的,也就相当于每天10杯咖啡。 然而,有新的建议称,孕妇应把每日的咖啡因摄入量限制在200毫克以下。
There are a few other coffee caveats. Some health conditions may be worsened by coffee, such as insomnia, anxiety, gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn), high blood pressure, and certain heartbeat rhythm irregularities. There are also compounds in coffee that increase cholesterol levels, but are effectively removed when filtered through paper, so drip coffee is preferable to boiled, French press and espresso.
Despite the growing evidence of health benefits associated with coffee consumption, I still don't recommend my patients drink it -- not because it's not healthy, but because there are even healthier choices. In this way, coffee is like a banana, another common convenient plant product. Just as I encourage people to make healthier fruit choices (apples are better, berries are best), I encourage folks to choose an even healthier beverage, such as green tea or hibiscus.
尽管越来越多的证据表明饮用咖啡能带来一些健康益处,但我仍然不建议病人饮用 - 不是因为它不健康,而是有一些更健康的选择。这样说来,咖啡就像香蕉,另一种常见且易得的植物产品。正如我鼓励人们选择更有益健康的水果(苹果更好,浆果最佳),我也鼓励大家选择更健康的饮料,如绿茶或芙蓉茶。
One final note: not all routes of administering coffee are benign. Consider the title of a casereported last month in the medical literature: "Rectal Perforation... Caused by Rectal Burns Associated With Hot Coffee Enemas."