How to Import Large Data into Neo4j Database
We only introduce how to import large data into graph database neo4j run on a docker container environment operated on Linux. Here, we use the official method provided by neo4j database:
neo4j-admin import
This method:
- Very fast. For data
nodes and relations, it usually takes only several seconds to import.
- Need the datafile to be some specific form.
- Can only import the data to unused database. Once the database is activated, data can not be imported by this method.
Step 1. Setup the Neo4j database
We first pull the image of neo4j database.
docker pull neo4j:enterprise
Here, it is necessary to use the enterprise version of neo4j database. This is because we need to create different database in one container, and this function is not included in community version.
Now, build the database container with name, say neo4j.
sudo docker run -idt \
--name neo4j \
-p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 \
-v $HOME/workspace/neo4j/data:/var/lib/neo4j/data \
-v $HOME/workspace/neo4j/logs:/var/lib/neo4j/logs \
-v $HOME/workspace/neo4j/import:/var/lib/neo4j/import \
-v $HOME/workspace/neo4j/plugins:/var/lib/neo4j/plugins \
-v $HOME/workspace/neo4j/conf:/var/lib/neo4j/conf \
Step 2. Make Your Datafile of the Required Form
Generally, we need two kinds of .csv files: the nodes and the relationships.
The nodes.csv should be like this:
keanu,"Keanu Reeves",Actor
laurence,"Laurence Fishburne",Actor
carrieanne,"Carrie-Anne Moss",Actor
and the relationships.csv should be like this:
The ID should be the unique tag for each node in this graph.
For more details, please refer to the official guide.
Please note: a variable like personId:ID means that it is bounded with some specific property. Although you name the variable personId, you will not see this tag personId for your nodes in your neo4j database being imported.
If you want to add such tag, you can name two variable with same value, for instance:
personId:ID, persionId
and the a tag personId will be add for these nodes.
Step 3. Import the Data
Now, we have finished the preliminary work, and can begin to import the data.
First we need to move the datafile into the import directory of the neo4j database. Since we have set the directory projection from our host machine to our container by
-v $HOME/workspace/neo4j/import:/var/lib/neo4j/import
, we only need to move our datafile to the directory
by using the command cp or mv command on linux command line.
After this, we can import the data to a new database, say database1 by
docker exec --interactive --tty neo4j neo4j-admin import --database=database1 --nodes=import/nodes.csv --relationships=import/relations.csv
if we need to ignore the bad nodes or bad relationships, we can add the parameters
Step4. Create the Database
First, get in the neo4j browser, by imputing the ip address(say localhost) and the port number(say 7474).
Normally, you will be asked to input the username and password. The default username is neo4j and the default password is neo4j. After imputing, you will be asked to set a new password.
After logging in, we can see neo4j(default) as the default database. Now, switch the current cypher command line to system, and then create new database with the same name as you imported data to
system$ :CREATE DATABASE database1
and then you may see the database that you just created. However, this when you use this database, it will tell you this database is still not available. What you need to do is to restart the whole neo4j database.
A simple way to do this is to restart the neo4j container by the command
docker stop neo4j
docker start neo4j
Now, when you log in your neo4j by neo4j browser, you will see your data imported to the database1! Congratulations!