It is a woman's biography. She grew up at a hillside in Idaho. There are seven kids and parents in the family. All the kids are staying home and home schooled for a short while. The father is a paranoia and in belief of God made everything. He operating a garbage recycling yard with old cars and other metal.This business gave him little income. He is strongly against government and hospital. He made his wife to learn and be a midwife so that all their daughters and daughters in law could have baby at home instead of going to hospital.
There are five sons and two daughters.
I forgot the oldest son's name, the following ones are Luke, Kayne, Ted, Audrey, Richard and the writer Tana is the youngest.
Oldest son, Luke, Kayne and Ted all worked in the garbage yard with the father and later work for the father in his construction group building barns.
The Oldest son soon moved out and worked a truck driver and welder. Rarely comes back home.
The second oldest son Luke's legs got burnt badly when the writer was at the age of 10. But every one in the family has different memories of what happened after his pants catch fire. They don't know how he came back home and if he was found lying on the grass or on the bath tub. And the mother make some hurbs to cure his burnt legs. He lied in bed for couple months and then continued work.He kept working for his father.
The third oldest son Kayne has some issue with his mind. He must be abusing his younger brothers and sisters and girls friends. And the parents turned a deaf ear towards this. He also worked for his father. He is a good project manager but he argues a lot with the father at the construction site. He fell off 12 inches and hit a wall on his head. But he was all OK and then in a few minutes he got in fight with his father and other workers that he was knocked on to the ground by those people and hit his head for the second time. They had to call a ambulance to get him to hospital.
Ted is the first kid left home. And he is smart, he taught himself Methmetics and then went to unversity with only education of middle school.
Audrey find some jobs at the small town so that she don't have to work for the father.
Richard is one year older than Tanna. He also went to University in the end.
Tanna went to university and got master degree on philosophy, PHD on history. She went to Chembride, Oxford and Harford university.